Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry (IFIB)



Retreat to prepare re-accredition

The IFIB met in Bad Boll to discuss the future orientation of the programmes

From left to right: Michael Filarsky, Marcus Hartmann, Doron Rapaport, Markus Wolters, Elisabeth Fuß, Dirk Schwarzer, Hannes Schmidt, Gabriele Dodt, Ralf-Peter Jansen, Susanne Feil, Birgit Singer-Krüger, Christoph Schall

The Bachelor and Master programmes of Biochemistry at the University of Tübingen will be re-accredited in 2026.

To prepare this, professors and lecturers of the IFIB retreated for two days to Bad Boll to discuss the programmes, especially necessary and desired changes. The discussions were backed by a recent very good CHE-ranking of the Biochemistry in Tübingen, as well as results from student surveys.

Decisions and ideas from the retreat were then presented to the "Studienkommission" to be further discussed with and among the students.
