Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry (IFIB)

Books - Practical lab advice & writing

In this section of the graduate reading room you will find all kinds of books related to the practical and experimental side of biochemistry, including general advice, experimental protocols, method reference books, like the well known Molecular Cloning series, and the well known, tongue-in-cheek German Experimentator methods books.

Below this is a section of guide books for science writing in English including Strunk's famous and succint Element of Styles.

Items in both sections are labeled on the spine.

Lab life & methods

At the Bench - A Laboratory Navigator 4 Pra & Wri Kathy Barker 2004
At the Helm: Leading Your Laboratory 5 Pra & Wri Kathy Barker 2010
Bioanalytik 3x 8 Pra & Wri Lottspeich, Engels 2008
Biochemistry Laboratory, 2nd 13 Pra & Wri Boyer 2011
Der Experimentator: Immunologie 16 Pra & Wri Luttmann, Bratke, Küpper,.. 2008
Der Experimentator: Molekularbio./Genomics 19 Pra & Wri Mulhardt 2008
Der Experimentator: Neurowissenschaften 10 Pra & Wri Hermey, Mahlke, Schwake,.. 2010
Der Experimentator: Proteinbc./Proteomics (2x) 11 Pra & Wri Rehm, Letzel 2009
Der Experimentator: Zellkultur (2x) 12a Pra & Wri Schmitz 2011
Emerging model Organisms, Volume 1 2 Pra & Wri Behringer, Johnson, Krumlauf 2008
Lab Dynamics - Management Skills for Scientists 6 Pra & Wri Cohen, Cohen 2006
Lab Ref 1 - A Handbook of Recipes, Reagents.. 7.1 Pra & Wri Roskams, Rodgers,.. 2002
Lab Ref 2 - A Handbook of Recipes, Reagents.. 7.2 Pra & Wri Mellick, Rodgers 2006
Molecular Cloning: A Lab. Manual (Part 1-3) 1.1 Pra & Wri ,1.2 Pra & Wri ,1.3 Pra & Wri Green, Sambrook 2012
Practical Skills in Biomolecular Sciences 3 Pra & Wri Weyers, Reed, Jones, Holmes 2013
Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular biology 28 Pra & Wri Keith Wilson, John Walker 2010
Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry 8e 29 Pra & Wri Andreas Hofmann, Samuel Clokie 2018
Bioanalytics (English) 30 Pra & Wri Friedrich Lottspeich, Joachim Engels 2018
Experimental Design for the Life Sciences 31 Pra & Wri Graeme D.Ruxton and Nick Colegrave 2016
Experimental Design for Biologists 32 Pra & Wri David J.Glass 2014


Science Research Writing - For Non-Native Speakers.. 9 Pra & Wri Glasman-Deal 2009
The Elements of Style 15 Pra & Wri E. B. White, William I. Strunk 2010
Writing Scientific English 14 Pra & Wri Tim Skern 2011
Scientific English für Mediziner und Naturwissenschaftler 21, 22 Pra & Wri Langenscheidt 2009
Englisch-Deutsch Großwörterbuch 23, 24 Pra & Wri Muret-Sanders 2010
Writing Science: How to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded 25 Pra & Wri Joshua Schimel 2012
The best American science and nature writing 26 Pra & Wri Deborah Blum 2014
The best science writing online 27 Pra & Wri Bora zivkovic 2012

See also our special courses including writing training.

See also Best American Science and Nature Writing series under popular books.

Data analysis and visualisation

The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and VisualisationAlbert Cairo2013
Now you see it: Simple visualisation techniques for quantitative analysisStephen Few2009
Show me the numbers: designing tables and graphs to enlightenStephen Few2012
The visual display of quantitative informationEdward Tufte2001
The Analysis of Biological DataWhitlock, Schulter2015

Find the above books on improving your scientific figures under the black label.