Institut für Angewandte Physik

Plasmonic Nanostructures - Research

Development and fabrication of functional micro- and nanostructures;
fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures as optical antennas;
new fabrication techniques for three-dimensional plasmonic nanostructures

Optical investigation of plasmonic nanostructures with dark-field scattering spectroscopy and extinction, three-dimensional determination of the mode structure
(with UTT Troyes)

Numerical simulations of near-fields, optical spectra and radiation patterns using Finite Element Method and Finite-Difference Time Domain simulations

Plasmo-mechanical devices on flexible substrates - varying geometry and coupling strength by reversible strain

Second harmonic generation by tilted nanocones and oligomers
(with M. Kauranen group, Tampere, Finland)


Plasmonic structural colours

Cavity modes in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structures
(with P.-M. Adam group, UTT Troyes)

Nanostructuring for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)


Photoluminescence of nanorings
(with A.J. Meixner/D. Zhang group)

Diblock copolymer templates for the self-assembly of nanoparticles;
Electroless deposition for variable size micelles;
Capillary force self-assembly of nanoparticles


Development of methods for the selective functionalization of optical antennas;
hybrid structures of individual antennas and single/few molecules/quantum dots,
single photon sources

Combination of optical antennas and GRIN lenses as sensor elements
(with M. Brecht, A.J. Meixner/D. Zhang, G. Gauglitz groups)


Mechanically controllable break junctions
(with K. Braun, A.J. Meixner group)

Plasmonic structures, optical grids and organic thin films:
energy transfer processes and organic photovoltaics
(with F. Schreiber group)

Integration of plasmonic structures with microfluidic channels;
concentration of nano-objects at optical antennas

Parallel structuring by nanosphere lithography


Development of plasmonic near-field scanning probes
(with Molecular Foundry Berkeley, NMI Reutlingen)


Plasmonic nanostructures and carbon nanomaterials / 2D materials
(with NMI Reutlingen)


Substrates for the manipulation of Bose Einstein Condensates by plasmonic surface potentials
(with S. Slama group)


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