INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP : MALAYALAM IN PERFORMANCE TEXTS & CONTEXTS || 12 – 15 February 2024 || University of Tübingen | Nauklerstr. 35 | Room 1.06 (with selected participants online) Details
Workshop : सिरचन 2.0 की पाठशाला
Sircan 2.0 kī Pāṭhśālā
सिरचन 2.0 की पाठशाला || Sircan 2.0 kī Pāṭhśālā
How close to reality are your future diary entries? || 4th & 11th February 2023
Reading Manuscripts from Kerala: Malayalam and Grantha
- 25. & 26. Oktober 2014
- Abt. für Indologie & Universitätsbibliothek
This practical workshop on Indian manuscripts in handwritings from Kerala with focus on Malayalam and Grantha scripts is conducted by P.L. Shaji, an expert from the Manuscripts Library of the Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram. It is jointly organised by the Dept. of Indology and the University Library.
P.L. Shaji is going to instruct interested students, graduates, post-graduates as well as librarians about the peculiarities of working with and reading of Indian manuscripts. Having a good stock of handwritings on different materials like palm-leaf or birch-bark in several Indian scripts in our library we even can work with originals.
Programm und Anmeldung siehe hier.
Paper & Pixel: Digital Humanities in Indology
Privatdozentin Dr. Heike Oberlin <heike.oberlin>
Dr. des. Elena Mucciarelli <elena.mucciarelli>
The core of the Summer school is to develop and deepen the knowledge of young scholars and researchers working on textual material by using methods of the digital humanities. Especially with regard to manuscripts and rare books, this workshop deals with the process of digitizing, text structuring and encoding and its benefits for research. By using means of the digital humanities textual sources can be analysed in multiple ways and there are chances for new interdisciplinary approaches.
We will concentrate on material from the geographical area of India, with a special focus on South India. Actually there are quite a lot of projects in international Indology starting to apply methods of digital humanities to Indological resources (corpora). The Summer school is meant to give new input to students and researchers to develop their skills with regard to the technical issues as well as the conceptualization and organization of this kind of textual material. All scholars invited are involved in manuscriptology as well as in digital processing and the display of texts.
The Summer school aims at bringing together different scholars with experiences in this field and offer the students the chance to join this platform for exchange of knowledge and of best practices.
Supported by the Institutional Strategy of the University of Tuebingen (DFG, ZUK 63) / DFG-Workshop im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative der Universität Tübingen, zusammen mit der UB Tübingen und dem eScience Center.
22.07.2014 – University Library
Digitization, standards and practices for different materials
10.00-10.45: Marianne Dörr (University Library, Tübingen)
10.45-11.30: Fabian Schwabe (eScience Centre, Tübingen) [ppt and first samples of the eScience Center]
11.30-12.00: coffee break
Digital Humanities infrastructures – opportunities for Indology
12.00-12.30: Peter Gietz (DAASI International GmbH)
The Digital Corpus of Sanskrit: Background and research application
12.30-13.00: Oliver Hellwig (University of Heidelberg)
Designing specialized databases for Indological studies
13.00-13.30: Anand Mishra (University of Heidelberg)
13.30-15.30: lunch break
Workshop: “How would the best possible Virtual Research Environment for Indologists look like?”
15.30-17.00: Peter Gietz, Oliver Hellwig, Anand Mishra
23.07.2014 – University Library
Text processing and encoding: Indology and computer philology
10.00-10.45: Matthias Ahlborn (University of Würzburg) [ppt as pdf]
The Wicked Spell of Angle Brackets: The Sanskrit Manuscript Project, Cambridge
10.45-11.30: Camillo Formigatti (University of Cambridge)
11.30-12.00: coffee break
Practical exercise: Manuscripts and XML language
12.00-13.30: Camillo Formigatti (University of Cambridge)
13.30-15.30: lunch
24.07.2014 – University Library
The Epigraphia Carnatica – recourse pool for historians: A digitization project of the University Library of Tübingen
10.00-11.00: Cristina Bignami & Elena Mucciarelli (University of Tübingen)
The Gundert Legacy in the University Library of Tübingen: The development of the Malayalam script and language
11.00-12:00: Heike Oberlin (University of Tübingen) [ppt as pdf]
12.00-12.30: coffee break
Urdu-Hindi Talking Literary Archive: "Saath-Saath", Department of Indology Tübingen
12.30-13:30: Divyaraj Amiya & Satyendra Singh (University of Tübingen)
13.30-15.30: lunch break
Visit of the Tübingen University Library
15.30-17.00: Manuscript section, eScience Center, Dept. of Digitization
25.07.2014 – Department of Indology
Development and palaeographic peculiarities of the Grantha script
10.00-11.30: Saraju Rath (IIAS, University of Leiden)
11.30-12.00: coffee break
Selected readings in Indian collections of Grantha manuscripts
12.00-13.30: Saraju Rath (IIAS, University of Leiden)
13.30-15.30: lunch break
Workshop: Practical discussion and exercises on Grantha script
15.30-17.00: Saraju Rath (IIAS, University of Leiden)
26.-27.07.2014 – Department of Indology
Workshop: Practical seminar on Malayalam palm-leaf manuscripts
Heike Oberlin (University of Tübingen) [ppt as pdf]
Useful links
- Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Cultural Heritage Materials:
- Practical Guidelines on Digitisation:
- DFG-Viewer: International
- Authority File (VIAF):
Software & tools & infrastructure
- 1960's TUSTEP (Tübinger System von Textverarbeitungs-Programmen):
- TextGrid: Forschungsverbund mit dem Ziel, eine virtuelle Forschungsumgebung für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftler zu schaffen. - DARIAH-DE (ESFRI): Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities.
- DeISU: DARIAH eHumanities Infrastructure Service Unit
- DH Projects
- EPB: Epic and Purāṇic Bibliography On-Line - RiR: Relationen im Raum.
- EPB: Epic and Purāṇic Bibliography On-Line
- SanskritReader:
- OCR Programs for Hindi, Marathi, Tamil and Sanskrit:
- SanskritTagger:
- collation-tools:
- collate
- very good visiulization of variants, see
Digitized texts in online DBs
- (in German)
Digitalisierte Werke auf dem Felde der Indologie und verwandter Gebiete, die im Netz frei verfügbar sind / a useful survey and collection of links to digital texts and scholarly literature (pdf or djvu) - GRETIL (Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages):
- The Digital Corpus of Sanskrit (DCS):
Paper & Pixel II: Digital Humanities in Indology
Privatdozentin Dr. Heike Oberlin <heike.oberlin>
Dr. Elena Mucciarelli <elena.mucciarelli>
Download the programme here
University Library, Wilhelmstraße 32
12:00-13:30: Digital Humanities: infrastructures & opportunities for Indology.
Heike Oberlin, Elena Mucciarelli
13:30-15:30: lunch break
15:30-17:00: Virtual Research Environment for Indology. Peter Gietz
Brechtbau, Wilhelmstraße 50
15:30-17:00: Socio-semantic network analysis on the example of the Mahābhārata. Sven Sellmer
Brechtbau, Wilhelmstraße 50
10:00-11:30: Does machine understand Manuscripts? Sree Ganesh Thotempudi
11:30-12:00: coffee break
12:00-13:30: Python for Digital Humanities. Sree Ganesh Thotempudi
13:30-15:30 lunch break
15:30-17:00: Round Table
Brechtbau, Wilhelmstraße 50
12:00-13:30: Titus, Gretil, Sarit, Sanskrit library etc.: Presentation and discussion of some digital Sanskrit text collections. Matthias Ahlborn
13:30-15:30 lunch break
15:30-17:00: The Orissa Project: Data through time and space. Matthias Lang
Brechtbau, Wilhelmstraße 50
10:00-11:30: The making of a study on the Grantha script in manuscripts. Marco Franceschini
11:30-12:00: coffee break
12:00-13:30: A Real Object in the Virtual World. Camillo Formigatti
13:30-15:30: lunch break
15:30-17:00: Practical exercise: South Asian manuscripts and TEI. Camillo Formigatti
Useful links
- Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Cultural Heritage Materials:
- Practical Guidelines on Digitisation:
- DFG-Viewer: International
- Authority File (VIAF):
Software & tools & infrastructure
- 1960's TUSTEP (Tübinger System von Textverarbeitungs-Programmen):
- TextGrid: Forschungsverbund mit dem Ziel, eine virtuelle Forschungsumgebung für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftler zu schaffen. - DARIAH-DE (ESFRI): Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities.
- DeISU: DARIAH eHumanities Infrastructure Service Unit
- DH Projects
- EPB: Epic and Purāṇic Bibliography On-Line - RiR: Relationen im Raum.
- EPB: Epic and Purāṇic Bibliography On-Line
- SanskritReader:
- OCR Programs for Hindi, Marathi, Tamil and Sanskrit:
- SanskritTagger:
- collation-tools:
- collate
- very good visiulization of variants, see
Digitized texts in online DBs
- (in German)
Digitalisierte Werke auf dem Felde der Indologie und verwandter Gebiete, die im Netz frei verfügbar sind / a useful survey and collection of links to digital texts and scholarly literature (pdf or djvu) - GRETIL (Göttingen Register of Electronic Texts in Indian Languages):
- The Digital Corpus of Sanskrit (DCS):