Seminar für Allgemeine Rhetorik

Lukas Beck

Seminar for General Rhetoric
Neuphilologicum, Room 552
 +49 7071 2974257

Consultation hours
by arrangement

Student counselling

Lukas Beck is a doctoral researcher at the Seminar for General Rhetoric. He studied General Rhetoric and Media Studies at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. During his studies, he worked as a freelance editor and completed internships in the field of journalism. From April 2018, he worked as a research assistant and tutor at the chair of Prof Dr Olaf Kramer. His research interests lie in the areas of Topics, Political Rhetoric and Science Communication. He is doing his doctorate on Argumentative Reference Structures to Science in the Political Debate on Climate Change.


zs. mit Rebecca Kiderlen: „Rhetorical topos analysis: Considerations for a systematic method of argumentation analysis“. 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA 2023), 04.07.-07.07.2023

zs. mit Dr. Markus Gottschling: „Beim Abholen zärtlich überfordern. Organisationale Wissenschaftskommunikation und die rhetorische Perspektive“. Salzburg-Tübinger Rhetorikgespräche, 31.05-01.06.2019


WS 2023/24: Einführung in das Studium der Rhetorik (Proseminar)
SoSe 2023: Identification, Invitation und mehr – Theorien der modernen Rhetorik (Proseminar)
WS 2022/23: Rhetorische Diskursanalyse? (Proseminar)
SoSe 2022: Theorien der modernen Rhetorik (Proseminar)
WS 2021/22: Einführung in das Studium der Rhetorik (Proseminar, 2 Gruppen); Tutor*innenschulung für das Tutorium zum Proseminar: Einführung in das Studium der Rhetorik
WS 2020/21: Einführung in das Studium der Rhetorik (Proseminar)