Institute of Political Science



IfP Departmental Seminar: Africa's Multiple Globalities: Chinese Companies and Practices of Securing Economic Infrastructure

Jana Hönke (University of Bayreuth), Wednesday, 29 June 2022 · 16:00 c.t. · Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Jana Hönke is Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Bayreuth. At the Department of Sociology, she works to the Sociology of Africa. Through her social science carrier with a Magister in African Studies and Political Science and Economics at the University of Leipzig, her focus lies now on the involvement of governance practices and their influence. Especially studying social and security arrangements around multinational companies and large-scale infrastructure projects play an essential role in her analyses. Aside from her co-editor work for Security Dialogue and the Spaces of Peace, Security and Development book series, she directs the ERC INFRAGLOB project, which analyses economic relations and their implications for the international order. Through the five-year project, they try to understand the bunch of actors and the motives behind their actions.

Wednesday, 29 June 2022 · 16:00 c.t. · Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Or join online via Zoom: 937 8983 8580 (Meeting ID), 971399 (Passcode)
