Institute of Political Science



Open Panel Debate: Conflict Resolution in Cyprus: Where To?

With Maria Hadjipavlou (University of Cyprus) and Ahmet Sözen (Eastern Mediterranean Univeristy) at Monday 30 January 2023 – 16:00 c.t. – IfP 124 or via Zoom

Cyprus is an intractable conflict that has once again reached an impasse after the hope sparked by the Annan Plan in 2004. What are the chances and possible avenues of conflict resolution in Cyprus? What is the role of civil society? How can the influence of external actors be reduced or turned into a positive one? How will the upcoming elections in Cyprus and Turkey affect the conflict?

We want to discuss these and other questions with Ahmet Sözen, Professor at Eastern Mediterranean University and Director of the Cyprus Policy Center, and Maria Hadjipavlou, Associate Professor at the University of Cyprus and Senior Research Fellow at Columbia University’s Center for International Conflict Resolution. Both speakers are not only well-known academics but have advised the UN in various Track II formats and have been involved in various bicommunal activities in Cyprus.

Monday (the day is incorrectly indicated on the poster) 30 January 2023 – 16:00 c.t. – IfP 124 or on Zoom Meeting ID 933 8103 9616 Passcode 189387
