Institute of Political Science



Vortrag: Global International Society: A New Framework for Analysis

Open Lecture von Laust Schouenborg, Roskilde University at Wednesday, 13 December 2017· 10:00 c.t. · Lecture Room 10, Neue Aula

Laust Schouenborg is <link http: site en persons external-link-new-window external link in new>Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and Business of the Roskilde University. He earned his doctorate in International Relations from the London School of Economics and was a Carlsberg postdoctoral fellow at the New School, New York, and SOAS, London.
His research draws on the English School approach and focuses particularly on disarmament, security studies, and world history. He is currently working on a project on unilateral disarmament in international society. His talk is based on a monograph manuscript that he has co-authored with Barry Buzan, and which is forthcoming in 2018 with Cambridge University Press.
Schouenborg’s publications include International Institutions in World History: Divorcing International Relations Theory from the State and Stage Models (Routledge, 2017), and The Scandinavian International Society: Primary Institutions and Binding Forces, 1815-2010 (Routledge, 2012).
