Institute of Political Science



Vortrag: Security! What Do You Mean?

Jef Huysmans (Open University), Thursday 9th December 2010, 11.15 h, Hörsaal 14, Neue Aula

Jef Huysmans (Open University): Security! What Do You Mean? Thursday 9th December 2010, 11.15 h, Hörsaal 14, Neue Aula

Dr. Jef Huysmans is <link http: socialsciences staff external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Studies at the Open University. He is also director of the <link http: ccig external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Centre for Citizenship, Identities, Goivernance (CCIG) at the Faculty of Social Sciences. After having finished his studies at the University of Hull, he ganed his Ph.D. from the University of Leuven in 1996.

Jef Huysmans' current research focuses on political theries of everyday and on critical methodologies in security studies. He has also widely published on security theory, the securitization of migration, asylum and refugees, and international political theory.

Among his publications are: The Politics of Insecurity : Fear, Migration and Asylum in the EU (New York : Routledge, 2006), The Politics of Protection : Sites of Insecurity and Political Agency (New York : Routledge, 2006), Politics of Exception and Unease : Immigration, Asylum and Terrorism in Parliamentary Debates in the UK (Political Studies, 2008).
