Topics involving taxation and accounting make up large parts of the reporting in the financial press. Taxes are also highly relevant in the political discussion. Our courses enable students to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue impactful careers in the area of taxation. Students who do not seek a career in taxation can also benefit by forming a holistic understanding of the business world.

Bachelor Courses

CourseAppropriate forLanguageECTSOffered in
B250 Rechnungswesen und Steuern2nd yearGerman6

Winter 2024/25

Winter 2025/26

B250 Externes Rechnungswesen2nd yearGerman6Summer 2024 for the last time
B350 Grundlagen der Besteuerung2nd yearGerman6

Winter 2024/25

Winter 2025/26

B354 Grundlagen der Unternehmensbesteuerung2nd yearGerman6Summer 2025
B351 Steuerliches Rechnungswesen2nd yearGerman6

Winter 2024/25

Winter 2025/26

B353 International Taxation

(limited to 40 participants, please register via Ilias; no participation limit for exchange students)

2nd yearEnglish6

Summer 2025

Summer 2026

B352 Bachelorarbeit in International Business Taxation3rd yearGerman/English12

Winter 2024/25

Winter 2025/26

B450B Financial & Tax Accounting for Exchange Students2nd and 3rd yearEnglish6

not in Winter 2024/25

not in Summer 2025

Please find the course descriptions in the module guide (Modulhandbuch Bachelorkurse).

Master Courses

CourseAppropriate forLanguageECTSOffered in
B450A Taxes and Business Strategy1st yearEnglish9Summer 2025
B451 Unternehmensbesteuerung1st yearGerman6 or 9Winter 2024/25
B452 Internationale Unternehmensbesteuerung1st yearGerman6not in Summer 2025
B455 Steuerrecht: Abgabenordnung, Umsatzsteuer und Gewerbesteuer2nd yearGerman9

Winter 2024/25

Winter 2025/26

B457 M&A Tax1st yearGerman6Summer 2025
B550 Masterseminar in International Business Taxation1st yearGerman/English9Winter 2024/25
B450B Financial & Tax Accounting for Exchange Students1st yearEnglish6

not in Summer 2024

not in Winter 2024/25

not in Summer 2025

Please find the course descriptions in the module guide (Mastermodulhandbuch).


Bachelor Thesis

The homepage of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences offers general information concerning the assignment of the Bachelor thesis (Studium - Lehrveranstaltung - Bachelorarbeiten).

Students who received an assignment to our chair by the Examination Office are asked to register via Alma for the course "B352 Bachelorarbeit in International Business Taxation" until the start of the lectures (see Alma for the exact dates). We guarantee the Bachelor thesis supervision for these students in the assigned semester. If you don't register, the acceptance expires automatically.

Students who did not receive an assignment to our chair by the Examination Office can still apply to write the bachelor thesis at our chair by registering via Alma for the course "B352 Bachelorarbeit in International Business Taxation" until the start of the lectures (see Alma for the exact dates). 

Please also take note of the Leaflet Guidelines for Writing a Bachelor Thesis, Seminar Paper, or Master Thesis provided by the chair.

The proposed Bachelor thesis topics for the winter term 2024/2025 can be found here.


Registration Master seminar

To participate, please register via Alma for the course  "B550 Master Seminar in International Business Taxation" until the start of the lectures (see Alma for the exact dates).

The proposed Master Seminar topics for the winter term 2024/25 can be found here.

Application Master Thesis

The School of Business and Economics asks every student who plans to start on their master thesis in the next semester to fill out a short survey listing the modules they have already taken, their grades and the work unit (Lehrstuhl) they would like to be supervised by. Students who already have a supervisor are asked to fill out the survey and state in the additional comments that they already have been accepted by a staff member. The link to the survey is provided via mail. The survey is conducted via Ilias.

At the end of the survey, you will be asked to list the work groups you would like to be supervised by, you need to provide 5 different priorities here to make sure your application is valid.

Regardless of the survey by the School of Business and Economics, please feel free to contact our Chair at any time if you are interested in writing your master thesis in the area of taxation.

To write your Master Thesis at the chair

  1. You have been assigned to our chair for the master thesis (see above).
  2. Please register at the examination office with this form (Formular). The examination office verifies your admission requirements (regular matriculation, required minimum number of credits). After your admission requirements are verified, you will receive an approval document signed by the head of the examination board. The handling time for the process at the examination office is approximately one or two weeks. After having received the approval document by the examination office, you have one month to start writing your thesis (please pay attention to the dates on the approval document).
  3. Please contact the chair again once you have received the approval document. Transfer the document to the chair. Students can make 2-3 proposals for topics and then the exact topic will be determined by the chair. It is not mandatory to make proposals since students can also ask the chair if a suitable topic for their thesis is available. The approval document will be completed at the chair with the topic of the Master Thesis and signed. From this day on, you know your exact topic and you have 18 weeks to complete your Master Thesis. Please note that the starting date has to be within the period that you applied for. If you miss the deadline, the acceptance by the chair expires.
  4. The chair will send the filled out and signed approval document back to the examination office within one month after you have received it from the examination office. They will receive the information and will oversee the deadline
  5. After finishing your master thesis, please make an appointment to hand it in at the examination office. It is not possible to hand in the master thesis at the examination office without prior consultation.

The requirements of the Examination Office always take precedence. Please check the Leaflet Guidelines for Writing a Bachelor Thesis, Seminar Paper, or Master Thesis provided by the chair.

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