
We offer the following courses in our Bachelor's programs:

E371 International Trade

Offered in the summer term by Frank Stähler. This course will be co-taught with Valeria Merlo. For more details see link

E321 European Economic Integration

Will be offered again in the summer term of 2025 by Peter Eppinger.

E342 Bachelor Thesis Seminar

Offered each term (winter and summer) on selected topics in economics. Please register via the Examination Office.

The seminar will deal with selected topics in international and applied economics. Students are expected to write an essay (Bachelor thesis, not longer than 20 pages) and to present their findings (both in English). The thesis will deal with a specific topic in international or applied economics, and it is expected that you will critically discuss a recent research paper. Students are expected to submit a draft after about 7 weeks and do the presentation during the seminar that will take place about two weeks before the submission deadline.

Here is a selection of topics of the past years:

The Digital Markets Act

Transfer Pricing and Customs Duties

Financial Frictions and Foreign Direct Investment

The Economics of International Environmental Agreements

Shallow vs. Deep Trade Liberalization - An Analysis of Multilateral Trade Agreements

Multinational Enterprises and Foreign Direct Investment


We offer the following courses in our Master's programs:

E441 Advanced Microeonomics II

Offered in the summer term 2024 by Frank Stähler.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: I will assume the role of the Acting Dean of the  Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences for almost all of the summer semester, so I will no longer be in the position to teach this course in the classroom, except for April 22. In order to avoid cancellation, I will now offer this course as an online class. All further information is on Ilias, please email me for access details.

E440 Multinational Enterprises

Offered in the winter term.

E421/2 Global Production and Sourcing

Offered in the winter term by Peter Eppinger. For details please see the course outline (updated September 25, 2023).

E540 Master Seminar on Globalization and International Mobility

Offered in the winter term.

E442 Mathematical Methods in Advanced Microeconomics

This is an online course, accessible via ILIAS, available to students in the winter term without support and without an exam.

Master's thesis

We supervise Master's thesis on the topics reated to our research agenda: International trade, foreign direct investment, multinational enterprises, applied microeconomics.

Please contact us in advance if you are interested in writing your Master's thesis with us. You should indicate your preference for our chair in the survey on Master's thesis preferences, which is conducted (by the department) twice a year.

Interested candidates are then asked to send a 1-2 page proposal of their intended Master's thesis project to peter.eppingerspam Applications are accepted at any time.

Overview of economics courses

You can find an up-to-date list on all currently offered courses in Economics here on the department website.