Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America


FAPESP and DAAD launch new call for proposals

Versão em português abaixo! The Brazilian funding agency FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) has launched the joint call with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the PROPASP program. Deadline: 20 May 2024

FAPESP announces the launch of a new call for proposals with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the Germany - São Paulo Research Program (PROPASP), which aims to implement scientific and technological cooperation in all areas of scientific knowledge.

For FAPESP, the call is open to researchers from the State of São Paulo who are currently in receipt of a FAPESP grant within the following support opportunities: Regular Research Grant (APR; except mobility grants), Thematic Project, Young Investigator Grant, Initial Projects (Pi), Generation Project, Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (CEPID), Engineering/Applied Research Centers (CPE/CPA), Public Education Research Program, Research in Public Policies Program (PPPP), and Research Partnership for Technological Innovation Program (PITE). Co-Principal Investigators of ongoing Thematic Project, CEPID, CPE/CPA and PITE are also eligible to apply.

For DAAD, the proposal must be submitted by the German project leader and the team must include young academics. Graduates, doctoral candidates, doctorate holders, professors, lecturers can be part of the German research team.

Each project will be supported for up to two initial years with the possibility to prolong the financing for up to two more years by submitting a complementary proposal through a new call to be timely issued by FAPESP and DAAD – resulting in a potential total funding period of maximum four years.

Post-doctoral and doctoral fellows will be permitted to participate in selected exchange missions, in addition to team researchers. On the DAAD side, the participation of master's students will also be allowed.

FAPESP will provide funding of up to a maximum of €18.000,00 per proposal per year and DAAD will provide funding of up to €18.000,00 per proposal per year for the duration of the grant to cover research-related mobility expenses.

The grant can only be used for the exchange of researchers, visits for research planning, international workshops, and initial activities of data collection, always aiming to continue research collaboration and its consolidation.

The call for proposals is published at:

PROPASP promotes mobility and short-term stays for the exchange of university members within the framework of binational research projects, focusing on developing early-career researchers.

PROPASP aims to strengthen research collaborations between German universities and universities as well as research institutions in São Paulo, especially long-term partnerships. At DAAD, the PROPASP call is part of the PPP program for project-related personnel exchange, while at FAPESP, it can be found here (in Portuguese).

Proposals for PROPASP can be submitted to DAAD (via on the German side and to FAPESP (via on the Brazilian side.

Versão em Português

Propasp fomenta projetos de pesquisa conjuntos entre equipes da Alemanha e São Paulo

Anualmente são abertas as inscrições ao Programa de Pesquisa Alemanha-São Paulo (Propasp), que financia projetos conjuntos de pesquisa conduzidos por equipes na Alemanha e no estado de São Paulo, em todas as áreas de conhecimento. Fruto de uma parceria entre a Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp) e o DAAD, o Propasp está com a chamada de 2024 aberta para submissões de propostas até o dia 20 de maio.

Mais informações:

