Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America


TSB Lecture (online 04.10.): “Micro-Computed Tomography: extant and extinct organisms”

Important information: For scheduling reasons, the speaker Dr. Gabriel Ferreira will be replaced and represented by Dr. Pedro Godoy (University of São Paulo) with a new topic: “An untold story: the rich evolutionary journey of crocodylians and their fossil relatives”

***Deutsche Version unten*** | *** Versão em português abaixo***

The next online seminar from the program Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America  will take place on October 4th  at 10:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ) and will focus on the area of Natural Sciences and Medicine.        

The lecture has the participation of Dr. Pedro Godoy, University of São Paulo. He will put on the agenda the theme "An untold story: the rich evolutionary journey of crocodylians and their fossil relatives".

The program, an initiative of the Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America at the Universität Tübingen, aims to contribute to the internationalization of science and research. Scientists from several partner institutions will present their latest research data, promoting an integrated and constructive environment for scientific interaction and contributing global knowledge.    

The lectures of the Tübingen Science Bridge are aimed at professors and scientific researchers, graduate students, as well as a more the general audience.

The online seminar will be held in English on the ZOOM platform to allow for discussion and interaction.   
Register link:

More information about the
Tübingen Science Bridge 2023 (agenda, lectures etc.):

Lecture Briefing:  
coming soon

*** Versão em português ***     
O próximo evento on-line do programa Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America (Science and Medicine Edition) em 2023 acontecerá no dia 10 de outubro às 10:00 am BRT (03:00 pm MEZ), tendo como foco a área da medicina e ciências naturais.      

A palestra será realizada pelo Dr. Pedro Godoy, da Universidade de São Paulo. Ele colocará em pauta o tema "An untold story: the rich evolutionary journey of crocodylians and their fossil relatives".

O programa, uma iniciativa do Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America at the Universität Tübingen, tem como foco a internacionalização da ciência e da pesquisa. Cientistas de diversas instituições parceiras apresentam seus últimos dados de pesquisa, promovendo um ambiente integrado e construtivo da ciência e, ainda, disseminando o conhecimento global.

As palestras on-line do Tübingen Science Bridge são destinadas a professores e pesquisadores científicos, alunos de pós-graduação, como também para o público em geral. Os webinars acontecem em inglês na plataforma ZOOM para permitir a discussão e interação.

Faça sua inscrição aqui:

Mais informações sobre o e Tübingen Science Bridge 2023 (agenda, palestras etc.):

***Deutsche Version ***
Das nächste Online-Seminar im Rahmen des Programms Tübingen Science Bridge – Latin America wird am 04. Oktober um 03:00 pm MEZ (10:00 am BRT) stattfinden. Der Vortrag ordnet sich in dem Bereich Naturwissenschaften und Medizin ein und wird von Dr. Pedro Godoy, Universität São Paulo gehalten. Das Thema des Vortrags lautet"An untold story: the rich evolutionary journey of crocodylians and their fossil relatives".

Das Programm ist eine Initiative des Baden-Württembergischen Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum. Das Ziel gilt es um einen Beitrag zur Internationalisierung von Wissenschaft und Forschung leisten. Hochkarätige Wissenschaftler:innen der verschiedenen Partnerinstitutionen präsentieren ihre neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und tragen damit zu einer gemeinsamen und konstruktiven Basis für die wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit bei.

Die Vorträge der Tübingen Science Bridge richten sich besonders an Hochschullehrer:innen und (Nachwuchs-)Wissenschaftler:innen, sowie an ein allgemeines wissenschaftlich interessiertes Publikum. Die Veranstaltungen finden auf Englisch über die Plattform ZOOM statt, um eine Diskussion und Interaktion zu ermöglichen.     

Registrieren Sie sich hier:

Mehr Information über das Programm Tübingen Science Bridge 2023: Die Veranstaltungsdaten für die nächsten Monate sowie allgemeine Hinweise finden Sie hier:
