Baden-Württemberg Center for Brazil and Latin America


Abstract submission guidelines        
All submissions should be made through the symposium’s platform. The Symposium Organization Committee will not accept submissions via any other means.

Abstract submission deadline: December 6, 2023.
Abstracts submission deadline extended to January 07, 2024!


►  Note: ***Spots left for the Poster Sessions***

For questions, please contact: 

The abstract decision will be informed by the Symposium Organization Committee directly to the corresponding author.

The presentations – oral or poster – must be in English.

  1. It is mandatory to submit the Abstracts in English.
  2.  Abstracts should include:
    • Title;
    • Authors, eg. Müller, Otto; Santos, Laura;
    • Affiliation/Contact: Institute, Department, City, Country, E-mail of corresponding author;
    • Max 2500 characters including spaces.
  3. Abstracts must be submitted using our online application form (on Submit a Paper) .
  4. Authors should indicate the preferred thematic session of the submission, and the preferred format (oral or poster). The final decision is to be made by the Program Committee.

By submitting an abstract to our platform, the author is agreeing to have it published as part of the Book of Abstracts, if accepted.

Poster Guidelines

The posters of an accepted abstract must be prepared and printed by the authors. The Organizers will not provide printing services.
The posters can be designed freely, and there is no mandatory template to be followed. We just ask the authors to use our logo.
Please, prepare your poster in DIN A0 portrait format and prepare to put up the poster on Thursday, March 21 before the poster session.
Posters will be displayed throughout the conference with plenty of time for discussions during poster sessions and coffee breaks. Please do not forget to take down your poster at the end of the conference.

Oral presentation Guidelines

Format: Please, prepare your presentation in Microsoft Office PowerPoint (16:9 format, .pptx).
All presentations have to be prepared on an USB. Please deliver your USB stick with the presentation in time, i.e. at least 15 minutes before the designated session to the technical staff in the lecture hall of your session.
If you want to hold your presentation and use your own computer, it should have a HDMI port.

Duration / Discussion: The duration for short talks is 15 minutes. The presentation must be in English. Please, make sure to leave enough time for discussion – at least 3 to 5 min.

All presentations will be deleted from the storage media and servers after the conference.


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