China Centre Tübingen (CCT)

News Archive 2017


[11.12.2017] Fourth lecture in the EPI series, "Sprache-Welt-Erfahrung"

On Dec. 11, CCT Director, Prof. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer will give a lecture on the topic "China and the West: A New Understanding of the Middle Kingdom" as part of the EPI series, "Sprache-Welt-Erfahrung."

Mon. Dec. 11, 18:15

China Centrum Tübingen, Hintere Grabenstr. 26

More information here

[07.12.2017] Film screening "Landmine Warfare"

On Dec. 7, CCT and Greater China Studies are co-hosting a showing of the 1962 classic Chinese film “Landmine Warfare” (地雷战). The film is set during China's war with Japan.

Thurs. Dec. 7, 19:00
China Centrum Tübingen, Hintere Grabenstr. 26

The movie will be shown in Chinese with English subtitles

[04.12.2017] Sixth lecture in the Novissima Sinica lecture series

'Coming to stay? Local border politics and immigration in China'
In the sixth lecture in CCT's Novissima Sinica series, Franziska Plümmer will examine China's border regime in the context of globalisation and the ways in which this is actually reflected in policy implementation by immigration authorities working at the local level'

Mon. December 4, 18:15
China Centrum, Hintere Grabenstr. 26

More information here

[03.12.2017] CCT Prof. Schmidt-Glintzer gives lecture at international seminar in Shanghai

CCT-Director Prof. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer gave a televised lecture at an international seminar on “China Competence in Germany and Germany Competence in China” held Dec 2-3, 2017 at the Sino-German Building, Tongji University, Shanghai on the topic "What constitutes the Middle Kingdom? Chinese Identity in Global Modernity.”

More information here


[27.11.201] Third lecture in EPI lectures series, Sprache – Welt – Erfahrung

The third lecture in EPI's lecture series on intercultural education, Sprache-Welt-Erfahrung, will be given by Dr. Häusermann-Barnekow (Tübingen) at 18:15, November 27. Dr. Häusermann-Barnekow will discuss the role and the meaning of the five elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

More Information here.

[08.11.2017] Book launch: Dr. Cornelia Hermanns - "China und die Kulturrevolution. Der letzte lange Marsch"

Dr. Cornelia Hermanns will launch her new book "China und die Kulturrevolution. Der letzte lange Marsch" on 8 November 2017, 18:15.

Venue: Hintere Grabenstraße 26

For more Information click here.

[06.11.2017] Second lecture in EPI's lecture series, Sprache-Welt-Erfahrung

The second lecture in EPI's lecture series on intercultural education, Sprache-Welt-Erfarhung, will be given by Dr. Niels Weidtmann (Universität Tübingen, Forum Scientarum) at 18:15, November 6. Dr. Weidtmann will discuss the topic of "Interkulturelle Philosophie und pädagogische Welt-Erfahrung."

More information here.


[23.10.2017] First lecture in the series "Sprache – Welt – Erfahrung"

The topic of intercultural pedagogy is a subject in which little research has thus far been done. On Oct. 23, Dr. Jan Christoph Heiser (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) will give a lecture as part of the EPI project on "Language - World - Experience," asking the question, "Can One Learn and Teach Interculturality?"

China Centrum Tübingen, Hintere Grabenstr. 26, 18:00 c.t.

More information here

[18.10.2017] Prof. Karl Schlecht awarded the 2017 University Prize

On October 18, during the Dies Universitatis, Prof. Karl Schlecht, Chairman of the Karl Schlecht Foundation and one of the founders of the China Centrum, will be awarded the 2017 University Prize honouring engagement with research and teaching. The prize will be presented by Rector Prof. Dr. Bernd Engler, the laudatio given by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus Leisinger, president of the Global Values Alliance, and the ceremonial speech by Prof. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, director of the China Centrum.

More information here

[05.10.2017] “A World Ethos for Global Business?” - Konferenz am Weltethos-Institut Tübingen

In der 5. Annual Humanistic Management Conference treffen sich erneut Wissenschaftler und Fachleute um darüber zu diskutieren, wie ein Weltethos für den Unternehmensbereich im Kontext einer globalisierten und kulturell vielfältigen Welt, entwickelt werden kann. Die zweitägige Konferenz wird sich aus unterschiedlichen kulturellen Perspektiven durch die Linse von Theorie, Praxis und Politikumsetzung mit dieser Frage beschäftigen.


Die Key-Note-Speech „A World Republic – for Business?“, die Prof. Dr. Otfried Höffe, Universität Tübingen, halten wird, ist für das Publikum offen.

Für die Teilnahme an allen weiteren Programmpunkten der Konferenz ist eine Registrierung erforderlich. Für Ihre Anmeldung klicken Sie bitte hier.

Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie hier.

Intercultural Education – new lecture series begins October 23

As part of our mission to promote intercultural education, the Erich Paulun Institute is launching a new project, “Language, World, Experience,” which brings together Chinese and German school pupils and teachers. Through combining classroom learning with study trips to China, we encourage young people to engage in dialogue about and across cultures. In so doing, we aim not only to foster understanding of the ways in which other people think and act, but also to promote critical self-reflection as world citizens.

The concepts and goals of intercultural education which underpin the project will be discussed in a lecture series beginning in October. Lectures are open to the public.

More information on the series can be found on our events page.

The project is supported by a grant from the Karl Schlecht Foundation.

Block Seminar at Weltethos Institut, Winter Semester 2017-18

In winter semester 2017-18, Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolf Sievert will be
teaching a block seminar on intercultural management with a focus on
Chinese business culture at Weltethos Institut.

Please review your individual study plan and check with your department to determine whether you can take this course for the full ECTS credits offered.



[30.09.2017] China@School Day

面向未来,学习汉语 Facing the Future, Learning Chinese

Under this motto, the Erich Paulun Institute (EPI) is organising the first China@School Day in Baden-Württemberg. With its China@School programme, the institute will help to establish Chinese language as a school subject.

The symposium will be held on Saturday, September 30th (10:00 – 15:30) at the Wilhelm-Schickard-Schule Tübingen. Directors of general and vocational schools as well as students and teachers of Chinese are invited. In lectures and panel discussions, representatives from the areas of business, academia, schooling, teacher training and other education sectors will discuss the role and importance of Chinese as a world language.

Tübingen District Administrator, Joachim Walter, and the Director of the China Centre Tübingen, Prof. Dr. Helwig Schmid-Glintzer, will open the event. Minister Claudia Stuhrmann (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport), Embassy Counsellor, Dr. Liu Lixin (Head of the Department of Education of the People’s Republic of China), president of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Christian O. Erbe, as well as entrepreneur and founder of CCT Professsor h.c. Karl Schlecht will also be participating.

Programme information.

If interested, please contact: vera.schickspam

Registration deadline: Sept. 22


[19.07.2017] Advanced Seminar - Prof. Dr. Jörn Dosch: "The Hegemon Knocks on the Door: Will China Dominate Southeast Asia?"

Although Southeast Asian states emphasise the centrality of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in regional relations, one might ask whether Southeast Asia’s fate isn’t already determined by its neighbour, China. Should the oft-cited “Rise of China” become a reality (if it has not already done so), it may be assumed that this will be reflected first and most visibly in the immediate periphery.

This seminar presents a differentiated picture of China´s influence in Southeast Asia, following the hypothesis that – despite China’s clear efforts to achieve hegemony – a Pax Sinica has not (yet) emerged in the region.

The seminar will take place on Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 18:15.

Venue: China Centrum, Hintere Grabenstraße 26, 72070 Tübingen.

See here for more information.

[18.07.2017] Eleventh Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

On July 18, the eleventh lecture in the Ringvorlesung series "East Asia in Transition" will be given by Prof. Dr. Jörn Dosch (University of Rostock) on the topic of "Who is Behind Vietnam's Development Process? The Role of International Donors", focusing Vietnam's rapid socio-economic development over the last three decades which has transformed the country from one of the poorest in the world to lower middle income status by the end of 2015 and the question of whether Vietnam's development is a success story of development cooperation or rather the result of domestic reforms.

Kupferbau, Hölderlinstr. 5, Hörsaal 21 20:15

See here for more information.

[11.07.2017] Tenth Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

On July 11, the tenth lecture in the Ringvorlesung series "East Asia in Transition" will be a panel discussion given by Prof. Dr. Martin Nettesheim, Chair of State and Administrative Law, European Law and International Law, University of Tübingen; Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rühland, Professor of International Politics, Seminar for Scientific Politics, University of Freiburg, and Prof. Dr. Gunter Schubert, Chair of Greater China Studies, Asia-Orient Institute Department of Sinology, University of Tübingen on the topic of "Regional Acteurs and Their Global Meaning". Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedenführ, Vice-Director of China Centrum Tübingen (CCT) will be in charf of moderation.

Kupferbau, Hölderlinstr. 5, Hörsaal 21 20:15

See here for more information.

[06.07.2017] Novissima Sinica - Part V


[04.07.2017] Ninth Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

On July 4, the ninth lecture in the Ringvorlesung series "East Asia in Transition" will be given by Dr. Christian von Lübke (University of Freiburg) on the topic of "good governance" in Indonesia, focusing on the ways in which outcomes of democratisation and decentralisation across the country have varied substantially as a result of good (and bad) "public leadership."

Kupferbau, Hölderlinstr. 5, Hörsaal 21 20:15

See here for more information.


[27.06.2017] Eighth Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

The eighth lecture in the Ringvorlesung series "East Asia in Transition," will be given by Prof. Klaus Antoni (Japanese Studies, University of Tübingen) on June 27. He will examine the historical relationship between Japan and China with a particular focus on the Rykyu Islands.

Kupferbau, Hölderlinstr. 5, Hörsaal 21, 20:15

See here for more information.

[21.06.2017] Novissima Sinica - Part IV

For more details click here.

[20.06.2017] Seventh Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

The seventh Ringvorlesung lecture in the series 'East Asia in Transition' will be given on June 20 by Prof. Dr. Stephan Ortmann, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong. The lecture will outline both the success story of the electoral one-party dominant electoral authoritarian regime and the challenges faced by the regime as a result of the changing environment both within the country and on the international stage.

Tues. 20.06.2017, 20:15: Kupferbau, Room 21.

See here for more details.


[30.05.2017] Sixth Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

The sixth Ringvorlesung lecture in the series 'East Asia in Transition' will be given on May 30 by Prof. Dr. Gunter Schubert, Director of the European Research Center for Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT) and chair of Greater China Studies at the Asian and Oriental Studies Institute of the University of Tübingen. The lecture will outline recent political changes in Taiwan and Hongkong and examine the possibilities for maintaining a peaceful balance between the independence of these two political entities on the one hand and the sovereignty of the PRC on the other.

Tues. 30.05.2017, 20:15: Kupferbau, Room 21.

See here for more details.

[23.05.2017] Fifth Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

The fifth Ringvorlesung lecture in the series 'East Asia in Transition' will be given on May 23 by Dr. Werner Kamppeter, former diplomat and expert on both North and South Korea. His lecture addresses the question of how North Korea, one of the last bastions of 'Stalinism', has remained a small impoverished country while simultaneously becoming one of the greatest threats to peace in East Asia and in the world.

Tues. 23.05.2017, 20:15: Kupferbau, Room 21.

See here for more details.

[17.05.2017] Advanced Seminar - Prof. Dr. Mark Thompson: "China's 'Singapore Model' and its Limits"

Singapore exemplifies what China strives for: resilient authoritarianism with good governance and political stability in a modern economy. Singapore is the only country in East Asia which has achieved a significant industrialization without undergoing substantial liberalization.

The seminar will take place on Wednesday, 17 May 2017 at 18:15.

Venue: China Centrum, Hintere Grabenstraße 26, 72070 Tübingen.

See here for more information.

[16.05.2017] Fourth Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

The fourth Ringvorlesung lecture in the series 'East Asia in Transition' will be given by Professor Mark Thompson (in German) on May 16 at 20:15 at the Kupferbau, Room 21. The lecture addresses Duterte's right-wing populism, which has some similarities with illiberalism elsewhere in Southeast Asia, but differs in important ways from the right-wing, "anti-immigrant", anti-free trade populism represented by Trump and European right-wing extremists.

See here for more details.

[09.05.2017] Third Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

The third Ringvorlesung lecture in the series 'East Asia in Transition' will be given by Professor An Jong-Chol on May 9 at 20:15 at the Kupferbau, Room 21. The presidential election in South Korea will take place on the same day. Professor An Jong-Chol's lecture explores the relationship between the ‘family’ and ‘political’ spheres, looking at institutions, such as the household head system (hojuje), in order to shed light on the many and complex ways in which family shapes (and is shaped by) political culture.

See here for more details.

[04.05.2017] Book Launch: "Mao Zedong. Es wird Kampf geben"

CCT Director, Professor Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer will launch his new biography of Mao Zedong, "Mao Zedong: Es wird Kampf geben" on 4 May 2017, 18:15.

Venue: Keplerstraße 02 (Altes Oberschulamt), 72074 Tübingen


[02.05.2017] Second Lecture in Ringvorlesung "East Asia in Transition"

The second Ringvorlesung lecture in the series 'East Asia in Transition' will be given by Professor Claudia Derichs on May 2 at 20:15 at the Kupferbau, Room 21. Professor Derichs' lecture 'Malaysia Inc: Political Leadership and Economic Growth' will focus on the role of the self-styled 'CEO of Malaysia', former President Mohathir Mohammad, in driving Malaysia's economic development.

See here for more details.


[25.04.2017] Ringvorlesung Summer Semester 2017 - East Asia in Transition?

CCT is organising a second Ringvorlesung this summer semester as part of the Studium Generale curriculum. The series focuses on the role of political and economic leadership in the region.

East Asia in Transition? Political and Economic Transformation Processes in the Region

Lectures will be held every Tuesday evening at 20:15 in Hörsaal 21, Kupferbau, Universität Tübingen
Full details here.

The series will open on April 25 with a lecture by Professor Xie Tao, "Making China Great Again: 'National Revitalisation and the Power of Personality from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping."


[24.04.20117] China Roundtable

On April 24 2017, CCT will hold its second roundtable to support the promotion of China competence at the University.

Weltethos Institut, Hintere Grabenstraße 26, 18.00 – 20.00 Uhr.

Course at Weltethos Institut in Summer Semester 2017

Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolf Sievert will be teaching a block seminar on Leadership and Negotiation in an intercultural context at Weltethos Institut.

More information here.


[16.02.2017] Novissima Sinica - Part III

For more details click here.


[31.01.2017] The second event in our Novissima Sinica lecture series

For more details click here.

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