News Archive 2016
[25.11.2016] Marco Polo Programme visits CCT
On Friday 25/11, CCT is hosting representatives from the Marco Polo Programme, an initiative to bring foreign students to China to stay with local families in Hangzhou. Ming Yu, director of a calligraphy school in Hangzhou, will be on hand to give a demonstration and beginners class on the ancient Chinese art form and information will be available about the homestay programme.
[13.11.2016] New lecture series, Novissima Sinica
CCT inaugurates a new lecture series this November to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the death of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a key figure in developing knowledge and interest in China among Europeans. CCT Director Prof. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer will deliver the opening lecture on 13.11.2016, "China’s Renaissance as a Challenge for Europe: the actuality of the China image of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz." Details
Thinking Chinese, Staying German
In November, CCT Director, Prof. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, will give a series of lectures in Shanghai themed Thinking Chinese, Staying German.
- Globalisierung und die Suche nach Ganzheit - Von den Chinabildern Leibnizens zu den Weltbildkonzeptionen, November 21 2016, 18:30, Hörsaal, German Library, Tongji University.
- Verantwortlichkeit von Eliten – Vom China-Bild des späten Goethe zur Wertorientierung in der Globalisierung, November 22 2016, 14:00, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Yinglun Hall, Conference Centre, Hongkou Campus.
- Sind wir nicht alle Chinesen? – Von unterschiedlichem Weltverhältnis zu den chinesischen Traditionen von Erneuerungen und Renaissancen, November 22 2016, 18:30, Room 1001, Guanghua Building (West), Fudan University.
- Die Entstehung der Sinologie in Europa und das Chinabild vor 100 Jahren, November 23 2016, 18:30, Hörsaal, German Library, Tongji University.
[24.10.2016] China Roundtable
On 24.10.2016, CCT brings together experts involved in China-related research, projects and planning at the University of Tübingen to get to know one another.
[15.10.2016] Changing Chinese Leadership Styles
Lecture given by Jun-Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedenführ at the Transcultural Leadership Summit 2016.
Zeppelin-Universität Ludwigshafen, 13.-14.10.2016
[15.10.2016] “Wohlstand, Glück und langes Leben. Zeitgemäße Religiosität in China zwischen Konfuzianismus und Buddhismus”
Lecture given by Jun-Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedenführ at the conference Die politische Ethik der Weltreligionen.
Evangelische Akademie Wittenberg, 14.-16-10.2016
[08.10.2016] Nature and Environment in Chinese Tradition
Lecture given by Jun-Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedenführ at the conference Religions go green – Nature and Environment in Religion
Stiftung Weltethos und Akademie Hohenheim, 7-9 October 2016
[18.07.2016] Lecture Series: Prof. Hoyt Tillman
Prof. Dr. Hoyt Tillman, Professor Emeritus of Chinese History, Arizona State University
Confucianism and the Challenge of Universal Values in China Today
[11.07.2016] Lecture Series: Prof. Claus Diercksmeier & Dr. Jonathan Keir
Prof. Claus Dierksmeier, Director, World Ethos Institute Tübingen
Dr. Jonathan Keir, Postdoctoral Fellow, World Ethos Institute Tübingen
Global Ethos and the Dialogue on Values with China
(in German)
[04.07.2016] Lecture Series: Prof. Martin Nettesheim
Prof. Martin Nettesheim, Chair of Public, Administrative, European and International Law, University of Tübingen
On the Global Stage - China as an Actor in the International Economic and Legal Order
(in German)
[27.06.2016] Lecture Series: Prof. Ying Lowrey
Prof. Dr. Ying Lowrey, Professor of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University
Innovation “Made in China”- The Case of Alibaba and the Role of Net-based Small Business
Zusatzmaterial zur Ringvorlesung: China in der globalisierten Welt – eine Herausforderung (Kopie 1)
Zusatzmaterialien zu den Vorträgen von Prof. Xie Tao (20. Juni) und Prof. Liu Ying (27. Juni) sind für Studenten und Mitarbeiter der Universität Tübingen auf der Ilias Plattform verfügbar.
[20.06.2016] Lecture Series: Prof. XIE Tao
Prof. Dr. XIE Tao, Vice-Dean, American Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University
The Rise of China and its Implications for the International Order
[06.06.2016] Lecture Series: Panel discussion
Dr. Ingrid Hamm, Board of Trustees Karl Schlecht Foundation/former managing Director, Robert Bosch Foundation
Dr. Hans-Ernst Maute, Director, Chamber of Commerce Tübingen
Dr. Hermann Schaufler, former Minister of Economics, Transport and Environment for Baden-Württemberg
Prof. Dr. Harro von Senger, Professor Emeritus of Chinese Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau
Panel discussion: Cooperation with China: Experiences, expectations and challenges
[01.06.2016] Integration of the Erich Paulun Institute
On June 1, 2016, the Erich-Paulun-Institute (EPI) was integrated into CCT with Prof. Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer as president.
EPI was established in 2013 by the German-Chinese Business Association to operate as a non-profit educational organization at the Technical University of Munich. EPI’s main goals are the formation of German-Chinese student clubs and the promotion of Chinese as a foreign language in German schools.
[30.05.2016] Lecture Series: Prof. Hans-Wolf Sievert
Prof. Hans-Wolf Sievert, University of Osnabrück /Chairman of the Board, Sievert AG
Culture as a Success Factor in Sino-German Joint-Ventures
[23.05.2016] Lecture Series: Dr. Eduard Kögel
Dr. Eduard Kögel, Architect, author and adjunct lecturer at Technical University, Berlin
China as a Blank Sheet of Paper? The One and the Many Chinas
[02.05.2016] Lecture Series: Professor Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer
Professor Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Director of Herzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel/Director China Centre Tübingen.
China as a Blank Sheet of Paper? The One and the Many Chinas
[24.04.2016] Lecture Series: Prof. Dr. Tu Wei-ming
Prof. TU Wei-ming, Director, Institute of Advanced Humanistic Studies, Peking University
Cultural China and the Contribution of Confucian Humanism in a Globalized World
The China Centre at University Tübingen is open
We are pleased to announce that the ceremony for the new China Centre was held on April 21, 2016 at the University Festsaal, hosted by the Rector of the University of Tübingen. Renowned scholar of Chinese culture and philosophy Tu Wei-ming delivered the keynote speech.
China Lecture Series Starts April 25
CCT Vice-Director Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedenführ has organised a spring semester 2016 lecture series (Ringvorlesung) for the general studies curriculum. The 11-event series covers diverse topics concerning the PRC, including politics, economics, law, civil society and the environment. It is open to the public and to all University of Tübingen students for general studies credit. For more details see our events page.
Public lecture: Quo Vadis China? The Impact of President Xi Jinping’s Policies for China and the World
CCT Vice-Director Dr. Matthias Niedenführ will be giving a public lecture at the Museum Society of Tübingen. The lecture will be followed by a discussion with the audience. This lecture is part of the lecture series "Discussion Forum at the Museum". The event is open to the general public.
Location: Tübingen Museum, Wilhelmstraße 3, 72074 Tübingen
Time: 20:00-21:30
Presentation: Ethics and Business in China
CCT Vice-Director Jun.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Niedenführ is giving a talk on business ethics in China at the World Ethos Institute Tübingen. Open to University of Tübingen students only.
Location: World Ethos Institute Tübingen
Time: 10:00-12:00