Tübingen Forum for Science and Humanities

ECOnomics and Reality

Lecture series summer semester 2023

Students of economics are taught a variety of economic models that explain issues of growth,
competition or the behavior of economic agents. Within these models there is a mathematical
logic that is as compelling as it is in some ways beautiful. However, we need simplifying
assumptions to derive insights from a complex reality. In doing so, we often ignore framework
conditions that are of central importance for questions of environmental economics.

In the context of the lecture series, we would like to ask what models and their assumptions
look like that are more closely aligned with real-world constraints, in which environmental
economic constraints increasingly become more restrictive. We want to put these constraints
in the focus of economic models and ask what perspectives economics has to offer in its
manifold approaches. To this end, we first want to explicitly offer our professors from Tübingen
the opportunity to specifically address environmental economic issues. In doing so, we want
to build on related content that has already been taught and make it accessible to a larger
audience. In particular, we want to address students at the beginning of their studies and other
interested parties. Subsequently, we want to present further scientific approaches, take
interdisciplinary perspectives and provide practical insights.

The lecture series is thus intended to be a platform for the exchange of ideas and discussion
on how to deal with ecological boundaries, which meets the demands of scientific work. In
conclusion, the lecture series is intended to contribute to an impulse to make environmental
economics topics an even stronger focus of teaching.

The lecture series will comprise a total of 10 lectures on various aspects of the economic
challenges related to ecological limits and the transformation towards a sustainable economy.

Nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung

26.06.2023: Prof. Dr. Manfred Stadler - Universität Tübingen


Können wir das 1,5-Grad-Ziel noch erreichen? Eine interdisziplinäre Perspektive

10.05.2023: Dr. Oliver Richters - Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung


Das Ende des Kapitalismus

17.05.2023: Ulrike Herrmann - taz (Online)


Greenwashing im Finanzsektor

24.05.2023: Dr. Bernd Villhauer - Weltethos Institut Tübingen


Klimawandel und die öffentlichen Finanzen: Wie wird aus ihnen ein Instrument für die sozial-ökologische Marktwirtschaft?

14.06.2023: Holger Bär - Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft (Online)


Die deutsche Konjunktur im Frühsommer 2023

21.06.2023:  Dr. Jupp Zenzen, Chefvolkswirt, DIHK (Online)


Auswirkung der Energiekrise auf Haushalte und Abschätzung der Wirkung der Gaspreisbremse

28.06.2023: Claudia Schaffranka - Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft


Geldschöpfung, Inflation und Staatsfinanzierung

05.07.2023: Maurice Höfgen - Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Bundestag (Online)


The sessions will take place on Wednesdays at 6 pm s.t., Kupferbau, HS22 or online (zoom). Only sessions marked 'online' will be broadcast via zoom.
zoom link
You can also find the program at Ilias.

We look forward to seeing you in large numbers!