Tübingen Forum for Science and Humanities

Debt Brake (Germany’s Federal Debt Rule) - brake on the future?

Lecture series summer semester 2024

The Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the debt brake has sparked much debate in
Germany. At a time of recession and multiple crises, the highest court has made a decision
that appears to force the federal government to make savings. Since then, there have been
many debates revolving around the debt brake in Germany at the same time: Where can the
state make savings? Should the government do so at all? Is the debt brake still appropriate
or did it ever make sense?

In a lecture series on the topic "Debt brake - brake on the future? Economic policy between
climate crisis, war and inflation", we want to explore these questions and dig deeper: What is
debt anyway? What rules does fiscal policy need to be intergenerationally just? And what
influence does monetary policy have?

To examine these questions, we want to present various academic approaches, adopt
interdisciplinary perspectives and offer practical insights in order to shed light on as many
aspects of sovereign debt as possible: Starting from the real-political effects of the debt
brake, we first want to take a historical perspective - how did budgetary policy influence the
global economic crisis almost 100 years ago, for example, and how has the view of
government debt changed since then?

Then we will take a broader view: What role does sovereign debt play in international
relations - especially within the European Union? And finally, we want to focus on the future:
How could the debt brake, for example, be reformed? How should fiscal policy be shaped in
view of the climate crisis and wars in the 21st century? And what are the new perspectives
on public debt and monetary policy in the face of high inflation?

On the one hand, the lecture series is intended to be a platform for the exchange of ideas
and space for discussion based on scientific findings. We see it as our particular task to
bring in pluralistic perspectives and different academic disciplines in order to enable students
to gain comprehensive knowledge on the complex topic of "sovereign debt".

At the same time, we want to use the lecture series to make the topic of "sovereign debt"
accessible to a wider audience - after all, it is ultimately a political issue that affects us all
and universities in particular. Last but not least, the lecture series is intended to provide an
opportunity to bring pluralistic and interdisciplinary approaches as well as current topics
more into the focus of teaching at the University of Tübingen.

The lecture series will comprise a total of 11 lectures held in German in which selected
speakers will present various aspects of the economic challenges associated with fiscal and
monetary policy in the face of multiple crises to students.


Die Schuldenbremse und ihre verfassungsgerichtliche Überprüfung als Hindernis politischer Gestaltungskraft

30.04.2024: Lukas Märtin - ehem. Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht

Fatale Austerität: Die wirtschaftlichen Folgen Heinrich Brünings

07.05.2024: Ph.D. Stephanie Ettmeier - Universität Bonn

Geographien der Sparpolitik: Die Schuldenbremse im historischen und räumlichen Kontext

14.05.2024: Dr. Tino Petzold - Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Sparen - Tugend oder Hemmschuh? Die Bedeutung von Schulden für die gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung

28.05.2024: Friederike Spiecker - Autorin und freie Publizistin

China als globaler Kreditgeber

04.06.2024: Ph.D. Sebastian Horn - Weltbank

Hat die "schwäbische Hausfrau" ausgedient? Einstellungen zu Staatsverschuldung und Schuldenbremse in Deutschland

11.06.2024: Dr. Jan Behringer - Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung

Schulden, Krieg und Politik - Ausblicke aus der Antike

18.06.2024: Dr. Lisa Eberle - Universität Tübingen

Lokale Infrastruktur aus der Perspektive der volkswirtschaftlichen Forschung: Empirische Entwicklungen und Bedeutung für das Gemeinwohl

25.06.2024: Dr. Christian Raffer - Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik

Generationengerechtigkeit, Staatsverschuldung und ökologische Transformation der Gesellschaft

02.07.2024: Prof. em. Dr. Jakob Tanner - Universität Zürich

Rein in die Schulden! Wie kluge Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik aussieht

09.07.2024: Wolfgang M. Schmitt - Autor und Podcaster

Eine neue Theorie der Staatsverschuldung: Alternativen zur Schuldenbremse

16.07.2024: Prof. Dr. Peter Bofinger - Universität Würzburg, ehem. Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft (bis 2019)

The lectures take place on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. c.t. in HS 23 in the Kupferbau.
The complete program can be found on Ilias.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Rethinking Economics Team in cooperation with the Tübingen Forum for Science and

The Rethinking Economics team is responsible for the content of this page.

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