College of Fellows


Vorlesungen und Vorlesungsreihen

College of Fellows Lecture Series

Die College of Fellows Lecture Series lädt internationale Fellows und Tübinger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ein, ihre Forschung vorzustellen und sich zu vernetzen. Jeden Monat stellen Fellows und internationale Gastwissenschafter:innen der Universität Tübingen ihre Forschungsergebnisse vor. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse: infospam 

Focus Group Events

Ausführliche Informationen zu den einzelnen Focus Groups finden Sie hier

21. März 2025 – Workshop: Neighbourhood and Policing

Scientific description of the workshop

The idea of neighbourhood has been studied from various perspectives including geography (Keller, 1968; Morris & Hess, 1975; Chaskin, 1995), spatial (Suttles, 1972; Galster, 2019), urban planning/designer (Kallus & Law-Yone, 2000; Colquhoun, 1985; Lynch, 1960) and sociology (Hunter, 1974, 1979). A few scholars have also attempted to

integrate social and geographical perspectives to understand the idea of the neighbourhood (Hallman, 1984; Warren, 1981; Downs, 1981). The neighbourhood is not just understood as a territorial boundary but also considered as a series of overlapping social networks (Castells, 1997; Schoenberg, 1979) and their role is to promote a sense of community and social cohesion (Forrest & Kearns, 2001) and a sense of identity (Morrison, 2003). However, the idea of neighbourhood is understudied and less explored from a policing perspective. Find more on CfP here.

Fellow Life Events

CoF Lunch Talks

Die CoF Lunch Talk Series lädt internationale Fellows und Tübinger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ein, sich in entspannter Atmosphäre während der Mittagspause auszutauschen. Jeden Monat stellt ein Fellow seine Forschung vor. Die CoF Lunch Talks finden in der Villa Köstlin statt. 

21. Februar 2025

Prof. Patrick Haggard | Testing qualia experimentally

Fr, 21. Februar 2025, 12 Uhr
Villa Köstlin, Seminarraum (Rümelinstr. 27, 72070 Tübingen)

A structuring principle of phenomenology is that each sensation has its own distinct sensory quality. Explaining why this is the case is a rather hard problem. One simple theory links different qualia to the different neural receptors that turn physical stimuli into electrical messages in the nervous system. The different receptor types are sometimes called "labelled lines" to the brain, with the label being a distinctive sensory quality that is caused in virtue of the specific features of the receptor with which the line begins. I will talk about some experiments on human thermal sensation. Although temperature is a continuous physical dimension, there are specific skin receptor types for warm and for cold, that are activated only within a narrow temperature range. I will show that these indeed operate as 'labelled lines' for warmth and cold sensations. The ultimate explanation of thermosensory phenomenology may then be the molecular structure of the different receptors. This does not solve the hard problem of explaining why those molecular events lead to any subjective experience at all, as opposed to no experience. However, it may explain why warmth and cold feel qualitatively different. I will discuss the implications of bottom-up, receptor-based phenomenology for consciousness science more generally.

17. Februar 2025 – Workshop: Touch and the Self: An Interdisciplinary Workshop


10.30-11.30 Patrick Haggard (Neuroscience, UCL)
‘Disentangling touch from proprioception... and then reintegrating them’
11.30-12.30 Esther Kuehn (Neuroscience, Hertie/DZNE)
‘Touch and the Aging Self - From Aging Microstructure to Aging Cognition’

12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 Katherine J. Kuchenbecker (Robotics, MPI Intelligent Systems)
‘Technicalities: Sensing and Actuating Touch’
14.30-15.30 Krisztina Orban (Philosophy/Cogsci, CIN/Philosophy)
‘Touch and Self-directed Actions’
15.30-16.00 Coffee
16.00-17.00 Cornelius Schwarz (Neuroscience, CIN)
'Different functional neuronal systems modulate the brain’s own tactile input'

17.00-18.00 Hong Yu Wong (Philosophy/Cogsci, CIN/Philosophy)
'The Sense of Embodiment'

Joint Belonging - Online Lecture Series (CoF - IAS Durham)

Die Online-Vortragsreihe findet in Kooperation mit dem IAS Durham statt. Die Lecture Series widmet sich dem Thema Belonging im Rahmen des Projekts “Joint Belonging” des CoF und des IAS Durham.

GIP Lecture Series

Die Online-Vortragsreihe findet in Kooperation mit der Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie statt. Die GIP bemüht sich, interkulturelle Philosophie als methodologischen Standpunkt, mit dem eine Annäherung aller Weltphilosophien untereinander ermöglicht werden kann, in Vorträgen, in Forschung und Lehre und in Diskussionsrunden bekannt zu machen.

Nächste GIP-Lecture

Ass. Prof. Marília de Nardin Budó, Rechtswissenschaften, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil

Mittwoch, 26. März 2025, 18:00  Uhr (CET)

Anmeldung zur Teilnahme über Zoom per Mail an: niels.weidtmannspam

Abstract und Bio

This talk is about Emilio Uranga’s deconstruction of the twin notions of "humanity" and "human dignity," both inherited from the colonial humanist tradition in Mexico. These are essentialist conceptions that conceive humanity on, what Uranga calls, “substantial” grounds. On this view, to be human, and to be a candidate of dignity, worthiness, and respect, is to exhibit the qualities of either rational or divine substance, that is, to be and behave according to a determined criteria itself determined culturally, historically, or religiously—in other words, to live according to profoundly Eurocentric criteria. The problem is that when human worthiness is determined in such a way, those not meeting the criteria are designated as “subhuman” and ultimately subject to mistreatment and, even, extermination. This was the case with the colonial conception of what it meant to be human, which tied dignity to substantiality, to how one is rational or Godly in the right, European, way. Uranga argues that whenever dignity is based on substance, then it is based on an ideal that is neither “authentic” nor real, but ideal, and therefore “inhuman.” Uranga concludes that true humanity is not substantial in the way that the West has claimed; that to be is to be undetermined, transitory, or “accidental.”

Prof. Carlos Sanchez is full professor of philosophy at San José University. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at San Jose State University in 1998, a Master in Philosophy from the same place, and a PhD in Philosophy from The University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, in 2006. In the same year he returned to San José University. His research and publications chronicle his adventures in the history of 20th century Mexican philosophy.






Mundanity, Everydayness and God(s). Philosophical and Intercultural Perspectives

Workshop | Dr. Manuel Cojocaru

03. + 04.  März | 9-19 Uhr   Villa Köstlin, Rümelinstraße 27

Philosophy of religion was historically framed by debates over the existence of God, the nature of the soul, immortality and the problem of evil. All of these topics work within philosophical and cultural frameworks that distinguish between a realm of the ‘sacred’ and a realm of the ‘profane’. It was the historian of religions Mircea Eliade who wrote extensively on this topic. In Sacred and Profane, he underlined the fact that a sacred stone is after all just a stone for the one who had no experience of a hierophany, which is an event that phenomenologically restructures one’s understanding of not just the profane object as a sacred object, but of the whole cosmos. Hence, it can be argued that the sacred quality of an object or a place is not given by the properties of the thing itself, but rather by a shift in one’s apprehension of that particular thing, caused by a phenomenological-religious conversion. Since its inception, phenomenology has explored this idea that a shift in outlook can change the way in which one perceives or understands a thing, or the world as a whole. From Husserl’s description of the ‘natural attitude’, to Heidegger’s ‘das Man’ and Jaspers’ comments regarding the mundane way of being, phenomenology has always entertained the possibility of a shift from an ‘everyday’ mode of being, to a privileged attitude towards phenomena. Yet, since we are social beings, we operate within a mundane framework, which contains in itself the very possibility of transcending it. Thus, in pursuing to understand the sacred, one ought to ask oneself how does the seen and the unseen interact with each other; whether the unseen can be conceived as immanence, or whether the unseen is to be thought of as absolute Transcendence. Read more on the workshop and its program.

Workshop Rethinking Peace

Workshop Rethinking Peace | Dr. Veronica Cibotaru

28. März | 18-20 Uhr   Online 

We have witnessed in the last years and months a global upsurge of violent conflicts that jettison every form of respect of international law, human rights and principles of justice, despite the decades-long existence of international juridic and peace-keeping instances, such as the United Nations, or of political projects that are built on the idea of universal human rights and rule of law, such as Europe. The aim of these workshops is to reflect on the causes which made possible this global critical situation but also and above all on future perspectives which could replace this situation. If it is commonly admitted that violence and war are opposed to or amount to absence of peace, how should we conceive this notion and which possibilities can philosophy offer in this respect? Should we think peace as a mere absence of violence and war, or should we concede to peace an ontological primacy and positive consistency, as does Levinas? Is peace opposed to every form of conflict or can it be on the contrary built only on the basis of conflicts which lead to mutual recognition (Ricœur) or radical democracy (Mouffe)? Does peace necessarily entail a specific global political and juridical form of organization, such as the Kantian idea of a world republic, with all the ambiguities that it entails? What kind of living together (Dewey) and thinking together (Arendt) does it presuppose? These questions will not be analysed only from a general perspective, but also grounding in a reflection on concrete forms of violence and peace. Ultimately this initiative aims at developing a philosophical vocabulary of peace, which would be embedded in different philosophical traditions but at the same time also attuned to the challenges of the contemporary world.

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