Not all AEG Alumni are listed on this website, only those who agreed that their data can be published.
Alumni AEG 2022
Miriam Rodriguez Carrasco
miriammrrc2498spam Master's Thesis Domain Adaptation for Deep Learning ENSO Forecasts Last Known Occupation Universität Augsburg/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Mexico
Samantha Gallatin
sgallat825spam Master's Thesis An Assessment of PM10 in Tübingen and Comparison to Additional Progressive Cities of Baden-Württemberg Nationality USA
Alumni AEG 2021
Manuel Dörrich
manuel.doerrichspam Master's Thesis The influence of hyporheic sediments on the fate of fecal indicator bacteria in two urban streams Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Yeyang Li
yeyang.li97spam Master's Thesis Pore-scale Simulation of Mineral Dissolution Using the Micro-continuum Approach Nationality China
Junjie Zhu
junjiezhu022spam Master's Thesis Impacts of Environmental Factors on Microbial Iron(II) Oxidation by Photosynthesis and Chemodenitrification Bacteria: Insights into Fe Mineralogy and Cell-iron-mineral Structure Nationality China
Mo Luka Bacher
johanna_bacherspam Master's Thesis On the value of slug tracer injections and the environmental tracer radon for observing hyporheic exchange Nationality Germany
Alumni AEG 2020
Afid Nur Kholis Master's Thesis Modeling Spring Flow Dynamics with Modflow-USG in Tropical Karst Catchments of Java Island, Indonesia Nationality Indonesia
Eric Walter Master's Thesis Comparison of Fluid Logging Methods to Determine Vertical Distributions of Hydraulic Conductivity in an Unconsolidated Aquifer Nationality USA
Manishkumar Ghodadara Master's Thesis Simulation, Process Optimization and Techno-Economic Analysis of Power-To-Protein (PTP) using Aspen Plus® Nationality India
Petra Kujawa Master's Thesis Ivestigations for Determining the Hydraulic Properties of an Unconfined Aquifer Nationality Canada
Dominik Renner Master's Thesis Analysis of Microplastic and Tire Wear in Suspended River Sediments Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Magdalena Ritzau Master's Thesis Paleoclimate analysis of the Pantanal region in Brazil using speleothem data from the Holocene Nationality Germany
Monica Terraza Velasquez Master's Thesis Sedimentological and hydrogeological characterisation of alluvial deposits inthe river Steinlach, southern Germany Nationality Colombia
Xuejiao Lyu Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2019
Akash Patil Master's Thesis Detection of soil moisture variability using Time-lapse ground-penetrating radar in a controlled field setup Nationality India
Catharina Capitain Master's Thesis Characterization of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in textiles by different oxidation and hydrolysis methods (PhotoTOP, dTOP, THP) Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Kleanthi Kourtaki Master's Thesis Glyphosate degradation by four microbial strains under phosphorus limiting condtions and application of molecularly imprinted polymers as an enrichment technique Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Greece
Marie-Madeleine Stettler Master's Thesis Partial Reversibility of Dispersion in Heterogeneous Porous Media Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Switzerland
Sary Zuluaga Zuluaga
Master's Thesis Transient Modeling of Variably Saturated Flow in the Ammer Floodplain Nationality Colombia
Amirhossein Ershadi Master's Thesis Calibration of a borehole geometry logger for the 3D deformation of ice sheets and glaciers Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Iran
James Awelia Master's Thesis Vertical Connectivity of Groundwater and Stream Water in Headwater Streams (A Case Study in Wiesaz Catchment) Nationality Ghana
Lucero Estevez Rey Master's Thesis Effects of bead milling on generation of reduced gases from Sedimentary Rocks Nationality Colombia
Miriam Haußecker Master's Thesis Identification and quantifiation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in human hair Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Paola Hernández Master's Thesis Catabolic Pathway and Environmental Relevance of Glyphosate Degradation by Two Novel Ochrobactrum sp. Strains Nationality Mexico
Alumni AEG 2018
Alhassan Kinbokun Ahmed Master's Thesis Evaluation of the Optimization Potential of Medium-Chain Carboxylic Acid Extraction by Liquid-Liquid Extraction Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Nigeria
Andrada Oancea
Master's Thesis Life Cycle Assessment of Improved Anaerobic Digestion Process by Considering Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology in a Wastewater Treatment Plant Nationality Romania
Christoph Reith
Master's Thesis Persulfate Activation on Biochars for Enhanced Degradation of the Insect Repellent DEET Last Known Occupation Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) --- PhD Student Nationality Germany Master's Thesis Data Assimilation with Parameter Update of a Coupled Surface-Subsurface Numerical Model using the Ensemble Kalman Filter Nationality Mexico
Jonathan Zweigle Master's Thesis Direct and indirect electrochemical oxidation of the perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acid precursor 6:2 polyfluorinated dialkylated phosphate ester Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Luyao Li Master's Thesis Life Cycle Assessment of Caproic and Caprylic Acid Production from Bread Waste Nationality China
Sammy Sieber Master's Thesis Spatial and temporal variability of pesticide concentrations in soils from three sites in Baden-Württemberg, Germany Last Known Occupation AECOM, Dublin/Ireland --- Senior Environmental Scientist Nationality Brazil / Germany
Yuling Yang Master's Thesis A Probabilistic Assessment of Alps Palaeotopography Using Bayesian Integration of Palaeoclimate Data and Models Nationality China
Anastasia Rodana Master's Thesis Birch Forest Expansion Effect on Iron-Organic Carbon Associations in Permafrost Peatlands Nationality Greece
Bochen Shu Master's Thesis Long-Term Behavior of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) in Stop-Flow Column Leaching Tests Nationality China
Daniel Boateng Master's Thesis Prediction of 21st Century Precipitation Response to Different Emission Scenarios in the Ammer Catchment Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Ghana
Diego Sánchez Anaya Master's Thesis Assessing Light Absorbance and Scattering of Low Temperature Iron(II)-Silicate Colloids in an Archean Ocean Analogue Nationality Colombia
Jamal Joud
Master's Thesis Application of Geophysical Methods to Characterize a Former Waste Disposal Site Nationality Germany
Kenny Haaker Master's Thesis Designing and validating a passively aspirated particle measurement system on a small fixed wing unmanned aircraft system (UAS) Nationality Luxemburg / The Netherlands
Manikanth Kanapur Master's Thesis Tyre Wear Characterization and the Investigation of Tyre Wear Markers in the Roadside Soils of a Heavily Loaded Federal Highway Nationality India
Simon Regenold
Master's Thesis Modeling stream-groundwater interactions in a small agricultural catchment in Ammerbuch, Germany Nationality Germany / USA
Alumni AEG 2017
Alireza Aghakhani Master's Thesis Quantifying exhumation in the Southern Patagonian Andes using low-temperature thermochronology and thermo-kinematic modeling Nationality Iran
Hannah McNeil Master's Thesis Analysis of Hydrocarbon Degradation by Marine Microbial Communities in Response to Simulated Pollution Scenarios Last Known Occupation Cameco, Saskatoon/Canada --- Intermediate Hydrogeologist Nationality Canada
Maximilian Stoll Master's Thesis Assessing Groundwalter in the Rhine Valley Last Known Occupation ETH and Eawag, Zürich/Switzerland --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Nicole Smith Master's Thesis Metagenome Study of a Novel, Autotrophic, Nitrate-Reducing Fe(II)-Oxidizing Enrichment Culture from a Freshwater Ecosystem Nationality USA
Teresa Rotova
Master's Thesis Detection and Mapping of Layers of High Organic Carbon Content in Floodplain Sediments Nationality Brazil / Italy
Freya Fünfgeld
Master's Thesis Tritium-Helium Dating of Groundwater in the Fractured and Karstified Muschelkalk Aquifer of the Ammer Catchment (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) Last Known Occupation HPC AG, Rottenburg/Germany --- Project Manager Nationality Germany
Lydia Olson
Master's Thesis The Effects of Siderite and Microbial Iron Oxidation on Cadmium Mobility: Potential for Bioremediation in Agricultural Soils Nationality USA
Monika Temovska
Master's Thesis Enrichment and isolation of chain elongating bacteria from subsoil and reactor samples Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Mazedonia
Sara Anthony Master's Thesis Travel Times of Infiltrating Surface Water determined vie Electrical Conductivity Monitoring, Stable Water Isotope, and 222Radon Studies Last Known Occupation Universität Rostock and Universität Greifswald/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality USA
Yelin Tang Master's Thesis Characterization of Glyphosate and Xenobiotics Degrading Bacteria from the Ammer Catchment Area Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2016
Aaron Petrowitsch Master's Thesis Hydrogeochemistry of Ammer River valley Flootplain Nationality Canada
Benno Perchermeier Master's Thesis An ArcGIS Toolbox for the Conceptual Estimation of Flood Discharges Last Known Occupation MaxSolar, Traunstein/Germany --- Project Manager Cable Routing Nationality Germany
Jorge Olivares Rivas Master's Thesis Evaluating Groundwater Flow in the Karstic Muschelkalk Aquifer between the Nagold Valley and the Ammer Spring using 2D Hydrogeological Models Last Known Occupation knoell Germany GmbH, Leverkusen/Germany --- Environmental Modeller Nationality Mexico / USA
Malte Kleemann Master's Thesis Estimation Hydraulic Anisotropy at the test site Lauswiesen Nationality Germany
Qu Sun Master's Thesis Chain Elongation from Formate with Open Cultures Nationality China
Samuel Kelsey Master's Thesis Model-Based Quantification of Run-Off Generation Processes at the Hillslope Scale Last Known Occupation setec hydratec, Paris/France --- Engineering Hydrogeologist Nationality New Zealand
Andrea Tzeitel Loria Basto
Master's Thesis Biogeochemistry in floodplain sediments from the Ammer valley, SW Germany - Sulfur cycling Nationality Mexico
Jason Huang Nationality USA
Kathrin Singer Master's Thesis Optimized and Conventional Electrical Resistivity Tomography Surveys: Evaluation with Synthetic Data and Field Application in the Ammer Valley Nationality Germany
Marie Hundhausen Master's Thesis Stability criteria and their impact on offshore wind park wakes Last Known Occupation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Germany Nationality Germany
Rebecca Bauer
Master's Thesis Characterisation of Perflurinated Technical Products Used in Paper Production and their Transcformation Products
Wenxiao Shi Master's Thesis Redistribution of Phenanthrene onto Polyethylene Microplastic Particles of Different Size Nationality China
Xianglu Hu Master's Thesis Sorption of Phenanthrene on Different Types of Microplastics and Soil: Determination of the Sorption Isotherm Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2015
Adeeti Madiar Master's Thesis Leaching assessment of Construction and Demolition waste Nationality India
Hemanti Sharma Master's Thesis Effects of Past Global Climate Change on Frost Cracking Nationality India
Katrin Wunsch Master's Thesis Effects of crude oil versus water-accommodated fraction (WAF) addition on marine microbial communities and hydrocarbon degrading bacteria Nationality Germany
Martin Dersch
Master's Thesis Improving the geologic model of the Ammer valley floodplain using in situ geophysical borehole methods Nationality Germany
Raissa Mpundu Master's Thesis Investigations of the groundwater conditions in the Ammer valley close to Tübingen, Germany Nationality Burundi
Ruth Maier Master's Thesis Estimating Hydraulic Anisotropy of Fluvial Gravel Aquifers Nationality Austria
Stefan Klingler
Master's Thesis Geoelectrical Forward Modeling to Identify Resolvalble Sedimentary Structures Last Known Occupation BauGrund Süd Gesellschaft für Geothermie mbH, München/Germany --- Hydrogeologist Nationality Germany
Gayathri Guddeti Master's Thesis Impact of Late Cenozoic Climate Change on Landscape Evolution at Selected sites in South America Nationality India
Joseph Martin Master's Thesis Determining the efficiency of a novel isolation technique: Microbial trapping devices and their influence on the bacterial community of a karst aquifer Nationality USA
Louis Rees
Master's Thesis Factors Controlling Iron Plaque Formation in the Rhizosphere of Rice Plants Nationality UK
Philipp Martin Master's Thesis Compund-Specicic Isotope Analysis of Chlorinated Phenols - Method Development and Applications Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- Postdoctoral Researcher Nationality Germany
Reza Ershadi Master's Thesis Evaluation of geophysical methods to characterize a shallow alluvial aquifer Seismic Refraction Tomography and Electrical Resistivity Tomography Lauswiesen site, Tübingen, Germany Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Iran
Simon Martin Master's Thesis Hydrogeolological Investigation of the Ammer River Floodplain between Pfäffingen and Tübingen, SW Germany Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Canada / UK
Alumni AEG 2014
Akanksha Mishra Master's Thesis Biochar's Impact on Microbial Denitrification and N2O Production Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality India
Boyan Meng
Master's Thesis Simulation of Transverse Mixing and Mixing-Controlled Reactions in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Pore Networks Nationality China
Greta Fellenberg
Master's Thesis Sorption Processes of Organic Contaminants into Microplastics in the Presence of Naturally Occuring Sorbents Nationality Germany
Margareta Stöckl Master's Thesis Iron oxidation in the leaching solution of waste incineration bottom ash by bacteria enriched from Rio Tinto sediments Nationality Germany
Marius Egner Master's Thesis Hydraulic Characterization of the Lauswiesen Aquifer using Flowmeter Measurements and a Multi-Level Sampling Method Nationality Germany
Oleksandr Stoianov Master's Thesis Bench-Scale Assessment of Pharmaceutical Degradation by Biofilm Nationality Ukraine
Priyanka Chopra Nationality Germany
Simon Krause
Master's Thesis The Validity of Optimized Weights for Bayesian Model Averaging Last Known Occupation Golder Associates, Cambridge, Ontario/Canada --- Groundwater Modeller Nationality Canada / Germany
Bettina Rüdiger
Master's Thesis Thuja Needles and Low-Density Polyethylene Sheets as Passive Samplers for atmospheric Aromatic Hydrocarbons Last Known Occupation Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart/Germany --- Consultant for Water Management Nationality Germany
Friederike Currle
Nationality Germany
Hang Guan Master's Thesis Sorption Behavior of 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2-(1,1,2,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropoxy) Propanoic Acid (HFPO-DA) in Soils and Sediments Nationality China
Maria Bichlmeier
Master's Thesis Investigations on Groundwater Flow and Quality during Flood Events Nationality Germany
Max Ramgraber
Master's Thesis Assessing the suitability of Phytoforensics for the screening of groundwater salinization Last Known Occupation TU Delft/the Netherlands --- Assistant Professor Nationality Germany
Prerna Dhingra Nationality India
Sebastian Gnann
Master's Thesis Joint Spatial Interpolation of Groundwater Quality Parameters Last Known Occupation University of Bristol/UK --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Alumni AEG 2013
Anzhela Tamazashvili
Master's Thesis Including Censored Measurements in Temporal and Spatial Multivariate Environmental Models
Jilian Troyer Master's Thesis Analysis of Transient Groundwater-River Exchange Fluxes in the Wairau River: Model Calibration and Upscaling Last Known Occupation Louis Berger Group, Philadelphia/USA --- Hydrogeologist Nationality USA
Qian Zhao Nationality China
Sharmishtha Jindal Master's Thesis Studying the effects of temperature on growth of Desulfitobacteriumsp. Y51 and PCE1 strains and how that influences the isotope fractionation? Last Known Occupation Environmental Specialist Nationality India
Ulf Lüder Master's Thesis Monitoring O2- and Fe(II)-Concentrations in Opposed Gradient Tubes: Application of Amperometric and Voltammetric Methods Last Known Occupation Universität Tübingen/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Xintong Qin Master's Thesis Event-based Monitoring of Particle Associated Transport of PAHs in the Upper Neckar Catchment, Germany Nationality China
Jarno Rouhiainen Master's Thesis Inventory and Mobilizatin of nitrogen in the forested Goldersbach catchment Nationality Finland
Qi Zhu Nationality China
Sabine Peters, née Gitter
Last Known Occupation Bezirksregierung Köln (District Government)/Germany --- Hydrogeologist Nationality Germany
Simon Franchini Master's Thesis Data worth of concentration measurements to discriminate between competing scenarios of subsurface DNAPL migration Last Known Occupation Imperial College London/UK --- PhD Student Nationality Germany
Wagner De Oliveira Garcia Master's Thesis Reactive transport modeling of Pb, Zn and B in a ceramic landfill site Nationality Brazil
Yiren Zhou Master's Thesis Sorption and Reaction of Micropolutonts on Membranes based on Carbon Nanotubes CCNTS and CNT Membranes modified with Ion Nanoparticles Last Known Occupation SPIC Yuanda Environmental-Protection, Chongqing/China --- R&D Engineer Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2012
Adrian Mellage Master's Thesis Fringe-controlled biodegradation under dynamic plume conditions: flow-through experiments and reactive-transport modeling Last Known Occupation Universität Kassel/Germany --- Junior-Professor Nationality USA
Daniel Echavarria Münstermann Master's Thesis Climatic and tectonic implications from two deep drilling cores (SG-1, SG-1b) in the western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) Nationality Germany / Colombia
Jeremy Bennett Master's Thesis Characterisation of sediment fluxes and origins in the Steinlach catchment using heavy metals Last Known Occupation INTERA Incorporated, Auckland/New Zealand --- Senior Hydrogeologist Nationality New Zealand
Jonathan Schulz Master's Thesis On-line Measurement of Nitrate, DOC, and TSS in River Water using a UV-vis Probe: Lab Calibration and Field Measurements Last Known Occupation Wartig Nord, Hamburg/Germany --- Consultant Nationality Germany
Mingming Zhang Master's Thesis Numerical Experiments on Molybdenum and Anadium Leaching from Crushed Masonry Nationality China
Qing Zheng Master's Thesis Numerical Experiments on the Leaching of Contaminants Last Known Occupation University of California, Davis/USA --- Project Scientist Nationality China
Yizhou Qin Master's Thesis Shallow subsurface seismic investigation in Lauswiesen with special focus on refraction tomography Nationality China
Chihiro Murata Master's Thesis Iron Oxidation in Paddy Soil: Iron Plaque Formation in Abiotic Set-up and Plant Mediated pH Changes Nationality Japan
Jan Peters Master's Thesis Stable Carbon Isotope Fractionation of Toluene in a Quasi-2-D Flow-Through Chamber: Physical and Biochemical Contributions Last Known Occupation Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure, Koblenz/Germany --- Consultant Nationality Germany
Johanna Oest Master's Thesis The Effects of Particle Size Distribution and Crushing on the Release of Substances from Receycled Construction and Demolotion Waste Nationality Germany
Madiha Naseer Master's Thesis Effect of varying physiological conditions on isotope fractionation of PCE degradation by Desulfitobacterium hafniense Y51 Nationality Pakistan
Qi Zhang Master's Thesis Magnetic properties revealthe distribution of coal slag at riversides by flooding Nationality China
Yixin Wu Master's Thesis Simulation of Nitrogen Leaking in Different Soil types and Land uses of the Ammer Catchment Nationality China
Yuntao Hu
Master's Thesis The Formation of NBr3 and other DBPs in the Swimming Pool Disinfection Process Last Known Occupation Berkeley National Lab/USA --- Project Scientist Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2011
Ayokunle Akindutire Master's Thesis Using Polyethylene (PE) Passive Samplers to Detect Soil-Atmosphere Gradients of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Nationality Nigeria
Emilio Sánchez León Master's Thesis Inversion of Collected Transient Pumping Test Data using Hydrogeosphere and PEST. Case Study: Lauswiesen Test Site, Germany Last Known Occupation Environmental Protection Agency of Bavaria (LfU), Hof/Germany --- Scientist Nationality Mexico
Hong Shen Master's Thesis Cost Estimation of in-situ Chemical Oxidation Nationality China
Laura Bakhtizina Master's Thesis Human health risk assessment for browthfield redevelopment options: risk mapping ased on land use specific pathways Nationality Azerbaijan
Mohamad Abbas Master's Thesis Hillslope Characterization using different Geophysical Method Last Known Occupation Université de Rouen/France --- PhD Student Nationality Lebanon
Thi Phuong Loan Le Master's Thesis Influence of Reduced Organic Matter on the Reductive Transformation of Carbon Tetrachloride on the Goethite-Ferrous Iron System Nationality Vietnam
Ziqian Han Master's Thesis Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Influence on Soil Parameters by the Soil Gas with High Concentration of Carbon Dioxide Nationality China
César Castañeda Herrera Master's Thesis Reductive Dechlorination of Carbon Tetrachloride on a Goethite-Iron (II) System with Sulfide Last Known Occupation University of Melbourne/Australia --- PhD Student Nationality Colombia
Henrique Trópia Granja Guerzoni Master's Thesis Reactive Transport Model of Acid Mine Drainage Generation in a Waste Rock Pile at Osamu Utsumi Mine (Brazil) Nationality Brazil
Jiawei Zhang
Master's Thesis Visualization of the Nile Red Distribution in Polyoxymethylene and Polyethylene During Sorption Processes
Leyla Guluzada Master's Thesis Impact of Solution Conditions on the Redox Reaction between Goethite-Fe(II) and Quinones (AQDS) Last Known Occupation Vector Informatik GmbH, Stuttgart/Germany --- Software Development Engineer Nationality Azerbaijan
Polina Abdrakhimova Master's Thesis Ensemble Kalman Filter in Hydrogeostatistics Last Known Occupation University of Calgary/Canada --- PhD Student Nationality Russia
Ting Li
Master's Thesis Experimental Investigation of Diffusive Isotope Fractionation of Organic Contaminants Nationality China
Ziyue Zhu Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2010
Ana Gutiérrez Cirlos Maraña Master's Thesis Evaluation of a Flux-Weighing Sampling Device using Borehole Flowmeter and Tracer Experiments Nationality Mexico
Bo Wang Master's Thesis Hydrogeophysical Inversion of Tracer Tests Monitored by Electrical Resistivity Tomography Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter Last Known Occupation Universität Kiel/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality China
Jorge Skrainka Fabbiani Master's Thesis Geophysical Monitoring of Heat Tracer Experiments using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Nationality Venezuela
Ksenia Voronina
Master's Thesis Small-Scale River Hydraulics Modelling Study of Steinlach River Test Site using HEC-RAS Nationality Canada
Lorenz Dobramysl Master's Thesis Transport and Stability of Selected Trace Pollutants in the River Ammer Nationality Austria
Md. Muniruzzaman Master's Thesis Transport of Electrolytes in a 2-D Flow-Through System: Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling Last Known Occupation Geological Survey of Finland --- Research Scientist Nationality Bangladesh
Sasikunya Cheuyglintase Master's Thesis Electron (De)Localization after Fe2+ Sorption to Iron Oxide-Hydroxide Surfaces Nationality Thailand
Talgatbek Muratbayev Master's Thesis Methane Production from the Hydrothermal Transformation of Siderite to Magnetite Nationality Kazakhstan
Yu Ye Master's Thesis Detection of Disinfection By-products in Swimming Pools with Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry Last Known Occupation Hohai University, Nanjing/China --- Associate Professor Nationality China
Berik Yerbossynov Master's Thesis Diffusion of Oxygen in Clay Soils Nationality Kazakhstan
Igor Pavlovskiy
Master's Thesis Source zone delineation and groundwater age determination for the groundwater supply wells: study in the Ammer valley, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Last Known Occupation WSP Canada Inc./Canada --- Senior Hydrogeologist Nationality Russia
Julia Vilches Jarnés Master's Thesis Comparison and Evaluation of different Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Methodes and Arrays for Geoelectrical Characterization of the Lauswiesen Test Site Nationality Venezuela
Kudrat Isabaev Master's Thesis Geostatistical Inference of Hydraulic Conductivity using Hydraulic Tomography at the Lauswiesen Test Site Last Known Occupation Wood, Newcastle upon Tyne/UK --- Senior Groundwater Modeller Nationality Uzbekistan
Martin Gritsch Master's Thesis The Resazurin Smart Tracer System in Gravelbars and Columns Last Known Occupation Ingeniería y Gestión Hídrica IGH/Mexico --- Hydrogeologist/Groundwater Modeling Specialist Nationality Austria
Nitsan Shakked
Master's Thesis Evaluation of Recharge Scenarios of Long Term Averaged Groudwater Recharge using Model Analysis of Flow Paths and Travel Times Nationality Israel
Shenghua Yue Master's Thesis Modeling Reductive Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes Nationality China
Tiansheng Li Master's Thesis Quantifying Contributions from different Sources into Ammer River using End-Member Mixing Analysis (EMMA) Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2009
Ana Vizcaíno Pérez Master's Thesis Development of a Groundwater Sampling System based on the "Silicone Membrane Equilibrator" Nationality Mexico
Gejun Jia
Nationality China
Jiefei Mao Master's Thesis Possible Association of Ferrous Phosphates and Ferric Sulfats in S-rich Soil on Mars Nationality China
Kirsten Oswald Master's Thesis Microbial Iron Mineral Formation and Dissolution: Creating a Biogeochemical Iron Cycle in a Bottle Last Known Occupation ETH Zürich/Switzerland -- Project Manager Communications Nationality Germany
Sonakshi Mishra Master's Thesis Aerobic Biodegradation of Benzotriazoles and Analysis of Metabolites Nationality India
Cristina Castillo Alvarez Master's Thesis Tracing Hyporheic Exchange Flow Paths and Travel Time Distributions with Hydrochemistry and Oxygen Isotopes of Water Nationality Mexico
Jiaxian Liu Master's Thesis Magnetic Mineral Formations related to Groundwater Fluctuation and Hydrocarbon Contamination Nationality China
Kennedy Doro Master's Thesis A First Geophysical and Hydrogeological Characterization of the Steinlach River Loop Area in Tuebingen, Germany Last Known Occupation University of Toledo/USA --- Assistant Professor Nationality Nigeria
Selçuk Erol Master's Thesis Estimation of Heat Extraction Rates of GSHP Systems under Different Hydrogeological Conditions Last Known Occupation Izmir Institute of Technology/Turkey --- Assistant Professor Nationality Turkey
Zhengrong Xue
Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2008
Ankita Bhansali Master's Thesis Microbial Diversity and Iron Metabolism in Salt Lake Sediments from Southern Russia Nationality India
Huixiao Wang Master's Thesis Experimental Investigation of Diffusion and Dispersion of Conservative Tracers in Saturated Porous Media Nationality China
Malgorzata Stylo Master's Thesis Iron converting Processes throughout the Redox Gradient in Freshwater Sediments Nationality Poland
Ningjun Wang Master's Thesis Modeling of Drinking Water Extraction in A Quarternary Valley-Fill Aquifer Nationality China
Reza Zolfaghari Master's Thesis Modeling of Persulfate Injection into Fractured Porous Rock Last Known Occupation Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig/Germany --- PhD Student Nationality Afghanistan
Wadzanai Chimhanda Master's Thesis Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Investigations of the Mine Water in the 1B Mine Pool of the Sydney Coal Field, Nova Scotia, Canada Last Known Occupation Johannesburg/South Africa --- Hydrogeologist Nationality Zimbabwe
Georgia Kastanioti Master's Thesis Seasonal Storage of Heat in the Unsaturated Zone Last Known Occupation Geological Survey/Greece Nationality Greece
Liwan Cao Master's Thesis Environmental Pollution in the Area of Linfen City, China Last Known Occupation China University of Geosciences, Beijing/China --- Scientist Nationality China
Maria Fuenmayor Siciliano Master's Thesis International Techno-Econimic Analysis OF Ground Source Heart Pump Systems Nationality Venezuela
Oz Nahum
Master's Thesis Development and Evaluation of a Sequential Non Iterative Approach for Multicomponent Reactive Transport Last Known Occupation noris network AG/Germany --- Senior IT Architect Nationality Israel
Alumni AEG 2007
Ahmed El Shall Master's Thesis Practical Design Optimization of Pump and Treat Systems at Complex Real-World Sites Using Evolution Strategies Last Known Occupation Florida State University, Tallahassee/USA --- Postdoctoral Research Associate Nationality Egypt
Avneesh Nayal Master's Thesis Establishing a Visibility Based Discharge for Marine Disposal of Mine Water Last Known Occupation AXA XL, Gurgaon/India --- Environmental Insurance Risk Consultant Nationality India
Berhanu Workie Master's Thesis Application of GIS for the Evaluation of Groundwater Vulnerability in Bahir Dar Area, Ethiopia Nationality Ethiopia
Farhana Huq Master's Thesis Geochemical Changes in Reservoir Rocks upon CO2 Injection Last Known Occupation CDM Smith SE, Stuttgart/Germany --- Leader of the Hydrogeology and Groundwater Modelling Group Nationality Bangladesh
Gobinda Ojha Master's Thesis Field and Laboratory Measurements for a Demonstration Project of using Magnetic Proxies for Heavy Metal Detection Nationality Nepal
Kinza Haider Master's Thesis The Evaluation of the Suitability of Surface Wave Seismic methods for the Characterization of the Near Surface Zone Last Known Occupation Rambøll Denmark --- Senior Engineer Nationality Pakistan
Lorena Bello Rujana Master's Thesis Verification and Validation of MT3DMS for Heat Transport Simulation of Shallow Open-Loop Geothermal Systems Nationality Venezuela
Shuang Jin Master's Thesis Geostatistical Modeling of Shallow Open Geothermal Systems Nationality China
Anja Freund
Master's Thesis Identification of Flow Paths and Travel Times in an Alluvial Aquifer using Natural Tracers and Tracer Tests Nationality Germany
Behnam Doulatyari
Master's Thesis Effect of Ethanol on Gasohol Spills in the Unsaturated Zone Nationality Canada
Biao Jin
Master's Thesis Implementation and Evaluation of Compound Specific Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Chlorinated Ethenes using GC/MS Last Known Occupation Chinese Academy of Sciences/China --- Senior Researcher Nationality China
Gabriele Chiogna
gabirele.chiognaspam Master's Thesis Relevance of Compound Dependent Dispersion Coefficients for Modeling of Mixing-Controlled Reactive Transport Last Known Occupation Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg/Germany — Professor Nationality Italy
James Baffoe Master's Thesis Magnetic Response of FE-Mineral Changes in the Zone of Groundwater Fluctuation within Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sites Nationality Ghana
Lauren Raghoo Master's Thesis Diffusion of Dissolved CO2 in (Saturated) Sandstones Nationality Trinidad and Tobago
Meenakshi Loganathan
Nationality India
Stephane Ngueleu Kamangou Master's Thesis Integrated Hydrogeological Investigations on the Vulnerability of a Pumping Station at a Losing Stream Last Known Occupation University of Waterloo/Canada --- Postdoctoral Researcher Nationality Cameroon
Alumni AEG 2006
Ashutosh Singh Master's Thesis Modelling of a Cement/Clay Interface Last Known Occupation WSP Sweden --- Consultant Nationality India
Irfan Ghani Master's Thesis Geoelectrical Study of the Basin Fill near Blaubeuren Nationality Pakistan
Jozsef Hecht Méndez Master's Thesis Implementation and Verification of the Solute Transport Code MT3DMS for Groundwater Heat Transport Modelling Last Known Occupation Amberg Technologies AG, Regensdorf-Watt/Switzerland --- Geophysicist Nationality Venezuela
Ke Zhu Master's Thesis Numerical Evaluation and Interpretation of Thermal Response Test Data Nationality China
Pejman Rasouli Master's Thesis Numerical Verification of Shallow Geothermal Models using FEFLOW Nationality Iran
Tao Li Master's Thesis Evaluation of a Thermal Tracer Test in a Porous Aquifer Nationality China
Viachaslau Filimonau Master's Thesis How much Groundwater is available on the Continents? How much can we use? Last Known Occupation Bournemouth University/UK Nationality Belorussia
Zanist Q. Hama-Aziz Master's Thesis Comparison of Leaching Tests for PAHs Contaminated Soils Last Known Occupation Sulaimani University/Iraq --- Assistant Lecturer Nationality Iraq
Chisenga Mulenga Master's Thesis Development of an Experimental Protocol for the Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Complex Mixtures Last Known Occupation Vertex Professional Services Ltd., Edmonton/Canada --- Manager of Hydrogeology Nationality Zambia
Ivana Cvijanovic
Master's Thesis The Influence of Shallow Subsurface Moisture and Heat Transport on the Mass and Energy Balances at the Land Surface Last Known Occupation Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory/USA --- Postdoctoral Researcher Nationality Serbia
Katarzyna Zajac
Master's Thesis Influence of the Neckar River and Subsurface Mineral Springs on the Inorganic Chemistry in a Polluted Gasworks Site: New Results from Evaluating Local Inorganic Chemistry Nationality Poland
Nelson Molina Giraldo Master's Thesis Verification of MT3DMS as Heat Transport Code Using Analytical Solutions Last Known Occupation Fluid Domains Inc., Cochrane/Canada --- Senior Scientist Nationality Colombia
Stephen Oyewale Master's Thesis Measurement of Activated Carbon Isotherms Combined with Numerical Modelling Nationality Ghana
Uwe Schneidewind Master's Thesis Determination of the Hydraulic Conductivity using Direct-Push Injection Logger Last Known Occupation University of Birmingham/UK --- Postdoc Nationality Germany
Ye Shen
Master's Thesis Change in Magnetic Properties Due to Fluctuations in Hydrocarbon Contaminated Groundwater Table Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2005
Albert Yeboah-Forson Master's Thesis Impact of Uncertainty Estimation on Early Assessment of Technology Options in Contaminated Land Management Last Known Occupation Missouri Southern State University, Joplin/USA --- Assistant Professor Nationality Ghana
Atul Yadav Master's Thesis Review of Reservoir Stimulation Techniques Last Known Occupation DEA Deutsche Erdöl AG, Hamburg/Germany --- Reservoir Simulation Engineer Nationality Germany
Carlos Iturralde Torrico Master's Thesis Methods for the Estimation of the Transversal Dispersivity using Field Data and Analytical Solutions Last Known Occupation BGC Engineering, Vancouver/Canada --- Geotechnical Engineer Nationality Bolivia
Faisal Khan Master's Thesis The Influence of Temporally Variable Groundwater Flow Conditions on Biodegradation and the Assessment of Contaminant Mass Fluxes and Natural Attenuation Rate Constants Nationality Pakistan
Gisela Campillo Bermudo Master's Thesis Evaluation of the ENBW Subsidy Program for Ground Source Heat Pump Systems with Statistical Tool and Geographical Information Systems Last Known Occupation European Commission, Brussels/Belgium --- Program Manager Nationality Spain
Ismet Özdemir Master's Thesis Ranking of Contaminated Land Management Options under Time-variant Boundary Conditions Last Known Occupation RWTH Aachen/Germany --- Research Assistant Nationality Turkey
Nathalie Pérez Rodríguez Master's Thesis Investigation of Stable Isotope Fractionation during Reductive Dechlorination of Dichloroethene and Vinylchloride Last Known Occupation Sweco Environment/Sweden --- Environmental Consultant Nationality Venezuela
Sharonne Park Master's Thesis Modelling the Contaminant Release from NAPL Sources: Is there a Way to Reduce Computational Costs? Last Known Occupation Jacobs, Seattle/USA --- Water Project Manager Nationality USA
Valentina Soares da Cruz Master's Thesis Magnetic Detection of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils-Optimisation of Field Routines Last Known Occupation CGGVeritas/UK --- Geophysicist Nationality Portugal
Alfredo Aramayo Cahuana
Master's Thesis Parameter Estimation by Evolutionary Algorithms: Application to a Soil Model Nationality Peru
Birendra Sapkota Master's Thesis Investigation of Coal-Fired Power Plant Fly Ash and Magnetic Tracer Test in Soil Last Known Occupation WorleyParsons/Canada --- Environmental Scientist Nationality Nepal
David Ellul Master's Thesis Environmental Policy Changes in the Past and Their Implications to Contaminated Land Management Last Known Occupation Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Malta Nationality Malta
Haibing Shao Master's Thesis The Extension of Marching Cube Algorithm and its Application in 3D Geo-System Modeling Last Known Occupation Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig/Germany --- Junior Professor Nationality China
Kemal Yildizdag Master's Thesis Thermal, Mechanic and Hydraulic (THM) Coupling of 2D Tunnel Application Last Known Occupation BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Peine/Germany --- Project Engineer Nationality Turkey
Prakash Srinivasan Master's Thesis Determination of Partition Coefficients of PAHs between Coal Tar and Water Phases Last Known Occupation Dr. Knoell Consult GmbH/Germany --- Environmental Fate Modeller Nationality Germany
Trupti Kadam Master's Thesis A Geochemical Atlas and Evaluation of Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on the Water Chemistry of the Danube River and its Basin Last Known Occupation Mitcon Environment Management and Engineering Consultancy/India Nationality India
Ye Zhao Master's Thesis Environmental Magnetic Evaluation of a Former Military Airbase (Hradcany, Czech Republic) Last Known Occupation Nu Instruments Ametek/UK --- Isotopic Analysis Product Manager Nationality UK
Alumni AEG 2004
Adrian Flores-Orozco Master's Thesis Comparison of DC-Surface, Direct Push and Borehole Geoelectrical Configurations - Montoring Meassurements during the MOSAM Test in Leipzig Last Known Occupation Universität Bonn/Germany --- Scientist Nationality Mexico
Caesar Sebina Master's Thesis Groundwater Flow Characerizaton for the Ramotswa Dolomite and Lephala Aquifers, Ramotswa Village, Botswana: A Case Study Last Known Occupation Geoflux (Pty) Ltd/Botswana --- Geology and Water Resources Manager Nationality Botswana
Cristina Postigo Rebollo Master's Thesis Effects of Plant Transpiration on Water and Carbon Cycling in the Blautopf Catchment (South-West Germany) Nationality Spain
Florian Hegler Master's Thesis Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Fe(II)-Oxidizers- Physiological and Mineral Studies Nationality Germany
Ivonne Schwaar
Master's Thesis Feasibility Study on the Application of Innovative Remediation Technologies at Chlorinated Solvent Contaminated Aquifers Last Known Occupation Forschungsinstitut für Rationalisierung e.V. an der RWTH Aachen/Germany Nationality Germany
Kathryn Pooley Master's Thesis Model-Based Interpretation of Stable Isotope Field Data on the Source and Fate of Chlornated Solvents Last Known Occupation Alberta Geological Survey, Edmonton/Canada --- Senior Hydrologist Nationality Canada
Omar Bou Ghannam Master's Thesis Determination of the Hydraulic Conductivity using Direct-Push Methods Last Known Occupation ETA ASCON, Dubai/UAE --- Geotechnical Engineer Nationality Lebanon
Rosa Moreno Moreno Master's Thesis Analytical and Numerical Scenario Modelling for the Assessment of Steady State Plume Length in Contaminated Aquifers Last Known Occupation Amphos XXI Consulting S.L., Barcelona/Spain --- Hydrogeologist, Environmental Consultant Nationality Spain
Sonia Huelin Santamaría Master's Thesis Identification and Characterization of Cell-Mineral Aggregates Formed by Anoxygenic Phototrophic Fe(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria Last Known Occupation WorleyParsons Komex, Madrid/Spain Nationality Spain
Vesna Micic Master's Thesis Natural Attenuation at a Former Gasworks Site Last Known Occupation University of Vienna/Austria --- Post-doctoral fellow Nationality Serbia
Xue Yuan Master's Thesis Evaluation of In-tube extraction (ITEX) for GC-MS Last Known Occupation Redox International Consulting Co. Ltd., Beijing/China --- Project Manager Nationality China
Anssi Myrttinen
Master's Thesis The Application of Two-Dimensional Model Simulations to an MTBE Plume at Pascoag, Rhode Island Nationality Finland
Cecilia De Biase Master's Thesis Evaluation of Natural Attenuation Enhancement by Hydrogen Peroxide Injection into Groundwater at a PAH and NSO-Heterocyclic Contaminated Site Nationality Argentina
Emre Duran Master's Thesis Optimisation of a Groundwater Extraction System at Duisburg-Aldenrade Last Known Occupation ENCON, Ankara/Turkey --- Mining Engineer, Environmental Consultant Nationality Turkey
Isabel Heymanns Master's Thesis An Assessment of a Contaminated Site Last Known Occupation Victoria University of Wellington/New Zealand --- Research Assistant Nationality Germany
Jing Han Master's Thesis Combining Pump-and-Treat and Physical Barriers for Contaminant Plume Control using Geosys/Rockflow Last Known Occupation Beijing Zhilin (Hangzhou) Law Firm/China --- Director/Lawyer/IP Attorney Nationality China
Lenar Sultanov Master's Thesis Application of Supercritical CO2 for the Extraction of Geothermal Energy in Deep Crystalline Systems Last Known Occupation Water Management Consultants --- Hydrogeologist Nationality Russia
Oxana Botalova Master's Thesis Sorption-Related Isotope Fractionation Last Known Occupation Vector-Medica, Novosibirsk/Russia --- Analytical Chemist Nationality Russia
Sebastian Schädler
Master's Thesis Microbe-Mineral Interactions: Imaging an Analysis by Electron Microscopic Techniques Nationality Germany
Tatjana Schneckenburger
Master's Thesis Do Land Use Changes Enhance the Mobilisation of Colloids and Colloid Bound P from Andosols in the Lago di Vico Area, Central Italy? Last Known Occupation Büro für Bodenökologie und Naturschutz, Kaiserslautern/ Germany --- Consultant for Soil Ecology and Nature Conservation Nationality Germany
Wanjing Xu Master's Thesis Determination of Partition Coefficients between Coal Tar and Water: Evaluation of Polyparameter Linear Free Energy Relationship Application Last Known Occupation University of British Columbia, Vancouver/Canada --- Research Scientist Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2003
Fernando Mazo D'Affonseca Master's Thesis Modeling the Depletion of a Coal Tar Creosote DNAPL Contamination at a Former Wood Treatment Plant Last Known Occupation TIMGEO GmbH, Tübingen/Germany --- CEO Nationality Brazil
Jie Jiang
Master's Thesis Microbial and Chemical Reduction of Humic Substances and Redox Restrictions on Arsenic with HS Last Known Occupation Nanjing University/China --- Professor Nationality China
Lucila Lantschner Master's Thesis Cost-Efficient Remediation of Multiple Contaminant Plumes using a Differentiated Capture Approach Last Known Occupation EnviroCentre, Glasgow/UK --- Environmental Consultant Nationality Argentina
Lunliang Zhang Master's Thesis Simulation of the Transport of N-Heterocyclic Organic Compounds in Water Saturated Porous Media Nationality China
Sanheng Liu Master's Thesis Monitoring Multiple Wells to Assess Contaminant Mass Discharge: Magnitude of Uncertainties Based on Various Monitoring Experiences Nationality China
Shristi Rajbhandari Shrestha Master's Thesis Simple Water Treatment Technologies for Nepal Nationality Nepal
Yudi Ariyanto Master's Thesis An Empirical Study on Dam Failure in Karst Areas Last Known Occupation Halliburton, Jakarta Selatan/Indonesia --- Logging While Drilling Engineer Nationality Indonesia
Gillian Walshe Langford Master's Thesis Mobility and Inhibitory Effects of Pharmaceuticals in Soil Irrigated with Mexiko City Wastewater Last Known Occupation University of Tennessee, Knoxville/USA --- Postdoc Nationality Ireland
Karina Ayala-Luis Master's Thesis Kinetics of Ptaquiloside Hydrolysis in Aqueous Solutions Last Known Occupation University of Copenhagen/Denmark --- Postdoc Nationality Peru
Luis Navarro Aceves Master's Thesis Redox Properties of Humic Substances: Electrochemical Reduction, Role of Humic-Complexed Iron and Redox Reactions with Arsenic Last Known Occupation AISSA, Tepatitlán/ Mexico --- Senior Manager of Innovation and Technology Nationality Mexico
Maria Herold Master's Thesis GeoSys/RockFlow as a Tool for Groundwater Management and Contamination Risk Assessment Modelling: Application for Nagold Stadtwerk Last Known Occupation Universität Göttingen/Germany --- Research Associate Nationality Germany
Satoshi Endo Master's Thesis Polyparameter Linear Free Energy Relationships in Environmental Chemistry: Evaluation of Solute Descriptors and Extension to Complex Organic Mixtures Last Known Occupation National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba/Japan --- Senior Researcher Nationality Japan
Ursula McKnight Master's Thesis Model-based Quantitative Assessment and Prediction of Risks and Risk-Reduction Options at a Petrochemical Site Last Known Occupation Technical University of Denmark/Denmark --- Assistant Professor Nationality USA
Alumni AEG 2002
Carolina Massmann Master's Thesis Simplicity vs. Complexity in Tracer Test Modelling Nationality Germany
Eric Agyapong Master's Thesis Integrated Groundwater Management: Application of Source Functions to Model Basin Water Resources Using finte Element Approach Last Known Occupation Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi/Ghana --- Lecturer Nationality Ghana
Hui-I Lo Master's Thesis Characterization of Freshwater Naphthalene-Degrading Culture N47 and Metabolites Detection of a Novel Biphenyl-Degrading Enrichment Culture under Sulfate Reducing Conditions Last Known Occupation TU Darmstadt/Germany Nationality Taiwan
José Guillermo De Aguinaga
Master's Thesis Generation of 2D Fractal Fracture Zones for Application in Finite Element Models Last Known Occupation Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/Germany --- Postdoc Nationality Mexico
Markus Hirsch
Master's Thesis Geophysical Survey on the Pine Creek Field Site, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Last Known Occupation Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig/Germany --- Scientist Nationality Germany
Martin Christ Master's Thesis Generation of Feature Lines from Point Clouds Last Known Occupation ERM/Korea --- Senior Consultant Nationality Germany
Moti Rijal Master's Thesis Investigation of Environmental Magnetism in Polluted Soils near the Donawitz Steel Mill, Leoben, Austria Nationality Nepal
Sergiu Budesteanu Master's Thesis Hydraulic Containment of a Plume with Variable Natural Contaminant Degradation: Implementation, Modelling and Optimisation Last Known Occupation Millennium Challenge Account Moldova/Moldova --- Environmental Expert
Weihua Bian Master's Thesis Natural Attenuation of Lindane and its a, ß Isomers via Dehydrochlorination and Reductive Reactions in Various Mineral Suspensions Last Known Occupation Jilin University, Changchun/China --- Professor (Associate) Nationality China
Emmanuel Pepprah Master's Thesis Void Evolution in Soluble Rocks beneath Dams under Limited Flow Condition Last Known Occupation C.C. Johnson & Malhotra, Washington DC/USA --- Environmental Engineer Nationality Ghana
Hoa Thi Trinh
Master's Thesis Quantification of Components of the Nitrogen Balance in a Cambisol Soil under Different Tillage Practices Nationality Vietnam
Jörn Tonnius Master's Thesis Development and Application of a Method for Redox-Zonation via Hydrogen Concentrations Last Known Occupation SGD Süd/Germany --- Environmental Geologist Nationality Germany
Lihua Liu
Master's Thesis Release of Organic Pollutants from Coal Tar Aged under Well-Controlled Conditions Last Known Occupation Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion/China --- Associated Professor Nationality China
Marta Hoppe Master's Thesis Vertical Susceptibility Profiling in Polluted Soils of the Lausitz Area- Analysis of Magnetic Particle Distribution and Spatial Variability of Magnetic Signal Nationality Poland
Monica Pandele Master's Thesis Life Cycle Assessment of Monitored and Enhanced Natural Attenuation Last Known Occupation ERM, Perth/Australia --- Consultant Nationality Romania
Nicole Posth, née Schmid
nrepspam Master's Thesis Contaminant Threshold Concentrations in Bacterial Mineralization of Individual Petroleum Hydrocarbons Last Known Occupation University of Copenhagen/Denmark — Associate Professor Nationality Germany
Vladimir Pinaev Master's Thesis Modelling of Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents Constituents from an Emplaced Source in a Virtual Aquifer Last Known Occupation Moscow/Russia --- Environmental Consultant Nationality Russia
Alumni AEG 2001
Andry Laza Randriamanjatosoa
Master's Thesis Dependencies of Heat Transfer on Fluid Properties along a Fracture in Geothermal Reservoir Modelling, Application to the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB) Last Known Occupation Magotteaux Australia Pty. Ltd. --- Project Metallurgist
Dai Chen-Brauchler
Master's Thesis Carbon Isotope Fractionation in Batch Experiments of TCE Degradation using Valent Iron (Fe0) from PRBs Last Known Occupation Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover/Germany Nationality China
Egle Kairiene, née Grinkeviciute Master's Thesis Directional and Pressure Dependent Permeability: Effect of Effective Stress and Poroelestic Deformation on Heat Transfer in a Geothermal Reservoir, Application to German Continental Deep Last Known Occupation Environmental Protection Agency, Vilnius/Lithuania --- Chief Specialist Nationality Lithuania
Heather Davidson Master's Thesis Using Life Cycle Assessment Technolgies to Determine Environmental Costs of an ENA-Based Remediation Technology Compared with Conventional Technologies Last Known Occupation ENSR International, Westford/USA --- Hydrogeologist Nationality USA
Lidia Gossmann, née Abdul Aziz
Master's Thesis Hydrogeochemical Transport Modelling of Isotopic Fractionation Effects during Trichloroethylene Degradation in Zero Valent Iron Columns Last Known Occupation GHD, Perth/Australia --- Environmental Hydrogeologist Nationality Malaysia
Nengti Arda Borkhataria Master's Thesis Integrated High-Resolution 3D Aquifer Modeling of Quarternary Glaciolacustrine Delta-Foresets, Tettnang, Germany Last Known Occupation Horizon Energy Partners B.V., Den Haag/The Netherlands Nationality Indonesia
Robert Walsh Master's Thesis Testing the Effectiveness of PEST Calibration Software in Complex and Highly Transient Conditions Last Known Occupation Geofirma Engineering Ltd., Ottawa/Canada --- Numerical Modeller Nationality Canada
Simon Gossmann Master's Thesis Transport of Phenanthrene Adsorbed to Carbonaceous Particles in Water-Saturated Activated Carbon Last Known Occupation Arrow Energy, Brisbane/Australia --- Hydrogeologist Nationality Australia
Wilfred Akah Master's Thesis Geophysical Investigation of a Gravel Aquifer using Seismic Tomography Last Known Occupation CH2M Hill, Sacramento/USA --- Hydrogeologist Nationality Ghana
Yanchun Zhang
Master's Thesis Aerobic Biodegradation in Anoxic Contaminant Plumes Nationality China
Benedict Miles Master's Thesis 1-Dimensional Modeling of Volatilization and Dissolution of Kerosene in the Unsaturated Zone at Flughafen Niedergörsdorf Last Known Occupation BASF SE, Limburgerhof/Germany --- Environmental Modeller Nationality UK
Edward Amankwah Master's Thesis Modelling of Sorption and Desorption Hysteresis Phenomena Last Known Occupation Matrix Solution Inc., Calgary/Canada --- Environmental Geoscientist Nationality Ghana
Hans Peter Arp Master's Thesis The Role of Temperature on the Environmental Fate of MTBE and Alternatives Last Known Occupation Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo & Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim/Norway --- Senior Specialist & Professor Nationality Canada, Germany
Jian Yang Master's Thesis Deriving the Relationship between Biomass Yield and Redox Potential (Eh) of Fe(III) Chelate Complexes for Deducing the Eh of Ferrihydrite Last Known Occupation TEDA Environmental Protection Co. Ltd., Tianjin/China --- Engineer Nationality China
Maria Morato Garcia
Master's Thesis Ground Penetrating Radar and Vertical Electrical Sounding in Peat Bogs Last Known Occupation Wintershall Holding AG, Kassel/Germany --- Exploration Geologist Nationality Spain
Paola Mancini Master's Thesis Geometric Modelling of Engineered Barrier System for Waste Isolation Last Known Occupation Saanio & Riekkola Oy, Helsinki/Finland --- Geologist, 3D Modeler Nationality Italy
Simeon Valtchev Master's Thesis Modeling of Natural Attenuation of Creosote Constituents of the Borden Emplaced Source Plume Last Known Occupation Mouchel Parkman Services Ltd., Bristol/UK --- Hydrogeologist Nationality Bulgaria
Tuzeen Kausar Master's Thesis 3D Stochastic Modelling of Aquifer Properties in a Fluvial Setting Based on Geophysical Measurements in the Framework of the RETZINA Project Last Known Occupation EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd., Calgary/Canada --- Environmental Scientist Nationality Canada
Wutian Cai Master's Thesis Modelling the Effects of Enhanced Solute Spreading in the Unsaturated Zone on the Bioavailability of Contaminants Last Known Occupation China Geological Survey, Baoding/China --- Project Manager Nationality China
Alumni AEG 2000
Alicia Molinero Garcia Master's Thesis Numerical Simulation of Coupled Sorption/Desorption and Biodegradation Processes in a Groundwater Treatment Reactor Nationality Spain
Cornelius Sandhu Master's Thesis A Sensitivity Analysis of Factors Affecting the Hydrological Atmosphere-Plant-Soil Cycle in a Semi-Arid Region Last Known Occupation Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden/Germany --- Research Associate Nationality Germany
Irina Kouznetsova
Master's Thesis Optimal Design of Reactive Barriers Involving a Combined Remediation Technology Last Known Occupation Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne/Swiss --- Research Fellow Nationality Russia
Marlin Schmidt Master's Thesis Sorption Kinetics of PAHs in the Unsaturated Zone Last Known Occupation Legislative Assembly of Alberta/Canada --- Minister of Advanced Education Nationality Canada
Riaz M. Mirza Master's Thesis Investigation Range of Slingram Measurements Last Known Occupation Simcoe Geoscience Limited, Toronto/Canada --- Director Nationality Pakistan
Sondra Klitzke Master's Thesis Influence of pH and Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) on the Mobilisation of Colloid Bound Lead Last Known Occupation Umweltbundesamt, Berlin/Germany --- Research Associate Nationality Germany
Claudette Spiteri Master's Thesis Environmental Hotspot Screening / Monitoring in Spremberg and Weißwasser Area Germany: Correlation Between Magnetic Proxies and Heavy Metal Contamination in Polluted Soils Last Known Occupation Deltares, Delft/The Netherlands --- Senior Advisor Nationality Malta
Ingrid Engvall
Master's Thesis A Comparison of the Water Cycle of a Greenhouse World and the Present Cool Climate based on Results from Global Climate Modelling Nationality Sweden
Kimsan Mak Master's Thesis Quantification of Biodegradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Field Case: A Modelling Study based on Stable Isotope Fractionation Last Known Occupation Signet Mining Services/South Africa --- Technical Manager Nationality Malaysia
Miikka Tunturi Master's Thesis Evaluation of Natural Attenuation at the Field Scale in Heterogeneous Aquifers Last Known Occupation Co-operative Bionautit / Lamor Corporation, Riihimäki/Finland --- Environmental Remediation Specialist Nationality Finland
Sherif S. Shahatto Master's Thesis Environmental Impact of Development in Coastal Areas: Desalinisation Last Known Occupation Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region and Europe, Cairo/Egypt --- Senior Regional Expert Nationality Egypt
Vladimir Kalinski Master's Thesis Environmental Hotspot Screening/Monitoring in Spremberg and Weißwasser Area, Germany: Detailed Surface/Soil Profile Magnetics Last Known Occupation Independent Consultant / Environmental and Climate Change Expert Nationality Croatia
Alumni AEG 1999
Attila Juhász Master's Thesis Field and Numerical Experiments to Determine the Hydraulic Properties of Gates Applied at the Funnel and Gate System at the Beka Site in Tübingen Last Known Occupation Saubermacher Ltd., Budapest/Hungary --- Project Manager Nationality Hungary
Fabio Serapiglia Master's Thesis Effect of Physical Parameters on the Biodegradation of the Ammonium Contaminant Plume at the Osterhofen Site: Two and Three Dimensional Simulations Last Known Occupation Deutsche Bahn (FRS), Frankfurt/Germany --- Project Manager Nationality Italy, Ireland
Kirsten Maciejczyk
Master's Thesis Stable Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation by Sorption of Benzene, Toluene and Xylene on Carbonaceous Samples Last Known Occupation Siemens Energy, Hamburg/Germany --- Product Related Environmental Protection Nationality Germany
Matthias Willmann Master's Thesis Void Evolution beneath Dams in Gypsum Environments Last Known Occupation ETH Zürich/Switzerland --- Postdoc Nationality Germany
Peter Salamon Master's Thesis The Influence of Transient Flow on Biodegradation Rates in a 3-Dimensional Model Last Known Occupation European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Ispra/Italy --- Scientific Administrator Nationality Germany
Stephen Bromley Master's Thesis Ketones as Partitioning Tracers: Laboratory Experiments and Quantitative Modelling Last Known Occupation Cenovus Energy, Calgary/Canada --- Senior Manager Nationality Canada
Victor Koukourechkov
Master's Thesis Hydrogeological Parameter Investigation at the Natural Attenuation Reference Test Site Zeitz: Laboratory Experiments and Interpretation of Electrical Conductivity Borehole Logs Nationality Bulgaria
Aziz Shaikh Master's Thesis Modelling of Nitrate Concentration in the Aquifer beneath the City of Larkana, Pakistan: Ground Water Quality Assessment and Development of Hazard Management Plan Last Known Occupation Tetra Tech, Calgary/Canada --- Principal Consultant Nationality Canada
Ibolya Györösi
Master's Thesis Interpretation and 3D CAD Visualization of Subsurface Geology Last Known Occupation General Electric/Germany --- Product Specialist Nationality Hungary
Lirong Cheng Master's Thesis Modeling of Natural Attenuation of Creosote Constituents of the Borden Emplaced Source Plume Last Known Occupation Beijing Normal University/China --- Lecturer Nationality China
Paul Murphy Master's Thesis Investigation of a Method for the Quantification of Phosphorous Fractions in Soil Solution Samples Last Known Occupation University College Dublin/Ireland --- Lecturer in Soil Science Nationality Ireland
Robin Hughes Master's Thesis Development of an Automatic Modeling Tool for the Efficiency-Analysis and Optimization of Reactive Barrier Systems for Groundwater Last Known Occupation Virtus Global Partners, New York/USA --- Research Director Nationality USA
Vaidotas Miksys Master's Thesis Performing and Evaluation of Short Term Immission Pumping Tests and Flowmeter Measurements Last Known Occupation European Parliament/Luxembourg --- Translator Nationality Lithuania
Vitaly Rymkevich Master's Thesis N-, S-, and O-Heterocyclics Compounds in Coal Tar and Tar Contaminated Groundwater Last Known Occupation Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte Russland, St. Petersburg/Russia --- Quality Manager Nationality Belorussia