Neuere Geschichte

Ruby Guyot, M.A.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Doktorandin)


Seminar für Neuere Geschichte
Wilhelmstraße 36
72074 Tübingen

07071 29-72386


Sprechstunden für das Sommersemester 2024:

Nach Vereinbarung per Mail.

Dienstzimmer: Hegelbau, 2. Stock, Raum 205.


Freie Universität Berlin und Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Masterstudium


Linfield College, Bachelorstudium

Geschichte, Französisch und Creative Writing

Inkl. Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, und Institute for American Universities, Aix-ex-Provence, Austauschprogramm 2017

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

Ruby Guyot completed her Master of Arts in Global History at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2023. Her Master’s thesis explored the history of tourism to Cuba between 1860-1960, in relation to how gender and sexuality became increasingly vital to the emotional outcomes of early tourism development. During her time in the Master’s program, she also served as the Editor-in-chief of Global histories, the student-led academic journal of the Global History program, as well as the lead organizer of the Global History Student Conference. Since October 2023, she is a doctoral candidate in the Modern History institute of the University of Tübingen. Her doctoral dissertation aims to explore the history of tourism between the Caribbean and the Mediterranean in the late 19th to mid 20th centuries. The project aims specifically to interrogate the role of emotions in tourism development, to understand how experiences such as pleasure, boredom, or anger took shape in the globally-minded development of competing tourism industries.



  • Migration and Mobility

  • History of Tourism

  • Social and Cultural History

  • Gender and Sexuality

  • History of Emotions

  • History of Latin America and Europe


  • Walter Irving Young Award for Outstanding History Student and Best Senior Thesis, Linfield College, Mai 2019



  • “Between Two Sonnenallees: Emotionalised Forms of Remembrance in Sonnenallee (1999) and the ehemaliger Grenzübergang Sonnenallee.” Die junge Mommsen 4 (2022): 68-80.

  • “’Swooning Beneath the Ardent Blaze of a Passionate Sun:’ Representations of Women in Tourist Guidebooks to Cuba, 1918-1926.” Past Tense 9, no. 1 (2021): 9-28.


Sommersemester 2024


Feeling Historically. An Introduction to the History of Emotions
Mi., 14-16 Uhr c.t., Ort: Hegelbau, 2. OG, Bibliothek/Seminarraum 201
Lehrsprache: englisch
Beginn: 17.04.2024