Institut für Evolution und Ökologie

Seminar in Plant Ecology

A joint seminar of the Plant Ecology and Plant Evolutionary Ecology groups. The seminar takes place on Fridays starting at 13:30 until 14:30 in Besprechungsraum 36, Auf der Morgenstelle 3.

If you want to sign up or make a change to the programme, please contact Sara Tomiolo.

Summer Semester 2024



19 Apr no seminar
26 Apr

Elizaveta Shcherbinina - Cadmium-Microplastic Interaction: Impacts on Arabidopsis

halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana Plant Performance.

Maud Moes - Plant community response to climate change and grazing in Middle Eastern rangelands.

10 May no seminar
17 May no seminar
24 May no seminar
31 May

Alicia Dalhaus - Tangled threads: Effects of synthetic yarn on soil and plant growth.

Johanne Gresse - Drought resistance and seed dormancy drive population temporal stability.

7 Jun Elizaveta Shcherbinina - Cadmium microplastic interaction: Impacts on Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana.
14 Jun Annika Jurda - Effects of disturbance and climate on liana community assembly in tropical forests of Ghana.
21 Jun no seminar
28 Jun N.N. - tba.
5 Jul

Elodie Kugler - Effects of urban environments on phenology, performance.

Raffael Singvogel - Effects of urban environments on phenology, performance.

Luise Kalitzin - Effects of urban environments on phenology, performance.

12 Jul N.N. - tba.
19 Jul Anne Walcher - The Effect of Drought Stress on Nodule Size and Mass in different Varieties of Vicia faba.
26 Jul Anna-Lena Hummler - Adaptation of local herbivores on the invasive plant, Senecio inaequidens (DC.) with time since introduction.

seminars from previous semesters