Institut für Evolution und Ökologie
PhD theses
Dario Galanti 2024 Genome-epigenome dynamics and natural variation in Thlaspi arvense
Robert Rauschkolb 2022 Back to the future – Seed banks as a tool to investigate recent adaptation to global change
Franziska Willems 2021 Effects of global change on plants: traving the footprints of climate warming and land use from herbaria to forest understories
Anna Kirschbaum 2021 Evolution of plant phenotypic plasticity in response to grassland management
Bence Gáspár 2020 Evolutionary consequences of land use - epigenetic and phenotypic variation in Plantago lanceolata
Ying (Shirley) Deng 2019 Ecological and evolutionary relevance of plant responses to environmental variability
Master theses
Valerie Terasa 2023 Anti-herbivore defense of teh invasive Japanese knotweed across a European latitudinal gradient using herbarium specimens
Farah Badreldin 2022 Testing for shifts in functional traits in the invasive Reynoutria japonica using herbaria
Anselm Lieb 2022 Influence of the widespread fungal endophyte Serendipita herbamans on the invasiveness of Reynoutria s.l.
Julia Braun 2022 Flower-seed-mixtures - how well do they work?
Zixin Li 2020 A trade-off between adaptation to drought stress and herbivory: rapid evolution in two Mediterranean plant species
Max Oly 2019 Fungal endophytes modulate plant growth and stress tolerance - a multispecies approach
Angelika Hodina 2019 The effects of grazing and mowing on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in Trifolium pratense L.
Mirjam Peters 2017 Klimawandel und phänologische Verschiebungen - eine Herbariumstudie
Robert Rauschkolb 2017 Does ex situ cultivation of rare plants species in botanical gardens lead to loss of adaptation to the wild?
Patrick Gebbert 2017 Ausbreitungsgeschichte invasiver Pflanzenarten in Baden-Württemberg anhand von Herbarbelegen
Miriam Dürr 2017 Assisted migration: a species-specific matter
Anna Kirschbaum 2017 Effects of genetic diversity and nutrient supply on community invasibility
Jonathan von Oppen 2017 Tea Time On the Summits: Leaf litter decomposition in the Alpine environment
Arin Ali 2014 Species and tissue specificity of fungal endophytes in biological and conventional crop farming
Jan Helbach 2014 Soil biota and community resistance to invasion under increased environmental variability
Pascal Nassal 2013 Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with roots of Bistorta vivipara populations along an altitudinal gradient
Bachelor theses
Theresa Rothfuchs 2024 Effects of hear and drought stress on plant performance of Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) in the context of climate change
Jamie Wiener 2024 Testing the response of functional leaf traits to experimental heat and drought stress in Reynoutria japonica
Silas König 2024 Do weedy Asteraceae change their early growth in response to urban environments?
Cosima Scheiner 2024 Anti-herbivor defence of invasive Japanese knotweed using herbarium specimens
Luise Kalitzin 2023 Effects of urban environments on plant herbivory and pathogen damage in native and invasive Asteraceae
Elodie Kugler 2023 Effects of urban environments on plant performance in native and invasive Asteraceae
Raffael Singvogel 2023 Effects of urban environments on plant phenology in native and invasive Asteraceae
Fiona Winz 2023 The impact of seed-borne microorganisms on the fitness of Lotus corniculatus
Luzia Hamma 2023 Investigating spatio-temporal responses of stomata and specific leaf area of invasive Asian knotweeds to climatic factors using herbarium collections
Jenny Trapp 2023 Latitudinal gradients in induced and constitutive chemical defences of invasive knotweed
Robin Binder 2022

Latitudinal variation in leaf palatability and traits related to defenses of European invasive knotweed

Luisa Feifel 2022 Flower-seed mixtures: how well do they support local pollinators?
Jessica Weiss 2022 Impact of urbanization and global warming on the flowering phenology of native and invasive annual Asteraceae, using records from the Herbarium Berolinense and the Herbarium Senckenbergianum Frankfurt/M.
Johannes Kasper 2022 How does the difference in microbial community interact with Arabidopsis thaliana to affect plant disease resistance?
Nina Porath 2022 Microbiome influence on Arabidopsis thaliana: how does the microbiome affect plant health when facting heat fluctuations and pathogen stress?
Isabel Haidlauf 2022 Impact of urbanization and global warming on the flowering phenology of native and invasive annual Asteraceae using herbarium records
Hannah Staufenberger 2021 Flower mixtures and pollinators: an experimental study
Corinna Schönberger 2020 Large-scale natural variation in functional traits of Thlaspi arvense across Europe
Lina Ried 2020 Did invasive knotweed adapt to the abiotic environment in the new range?
Julia Rafalski 2020 Effects of nutrient treatments on native plant communities invaded by knotweed or goldenrod
Lisa Henres 2020 Using the resurrection approach to test for rapid evolution of germination behavior and seedling establishment in Mediterranean plant species
Marius Munschek 2020 The effect of herbivore exclosure and fluctuating nutrient availability on invaded plant communities 
Jonas Freimuth 2019 Differences in phenological shifts of plants and pollinators in Germany
Katrin Mayer 2019 Impacts of nutrient variability on invasibility of an artificial annual plant community
Leah Kirchhoff 2019 Plant-soil feedbacks play a minor role in explaining intraspecific phenotypic variation under natural conditions
Elisabeth Lang 2019 Differential effects of the endophytic fungus Serendipita herbamans on germination of herbaceous plant species
Jannik Kohl 2019 The effect of hybridization on seed germination in two closely related Campanula species in the European Alps
Franziska Werner 2019 Germination behaviour of Thlaspi arvense under different environmental conditions
Mara Breit 2019 Colonisation intensity of Serendipita herbamans in seedlings of riparian plants
Clarissa Zell 2018 Herbaria indicate decline of rare orchids in Baden-Württemberg
Eva Weber 2018

The influence of cultivation of wild flowers on their stress tolerance

Lisa Kuechen 2017 Competitive ability and invasive potential of ornamental sunflower cultivars
Anna Eiperle 2017 Responses of wild and cultivated sunflowers to temperature variability
Rebekka Ziegler 2017 Cryptic diversity in Microbotyrum pinguiculae on Pinguicula species: M. alpinum sp. nov. and M. liroi sp. nov.
Rouven Nagel 2017 Agricultural production of wild plant seeds causes trait changes within few generations
Melissa Sehrt 2017 Diversity of urban grasslands: Effect of reduced mowing frequency on plants and pollinators.
Janine Spreuer 2016 Ektomykorrhizapilze in Kiefernplantagen im Páramo von Ecuador
Jens Lüchow 2016 Influence of canopy cover, habitat, population density and population size on seed size of Alliaria petiolata
Florian Joos 2016 Ecological significance of biotic interactions for ecosystem restoration
Hanna Walter 2015 Climatic drivers of seed size and seed shape of garlic mustard in the native and introduced range
Ronja Rosenstein 2015 Phylogenetic diversity and composition of belowground endophytic fungal communities associated with wheat (Triticum aestivum) from organic and conventional farming systems
Annamaria Achtzehn 2015 Exotic ornamentals: potential invaders under future climate?
Sonja Winter 2014 Diversity, distribution and composition of belowground fungi associated with Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Ronse Decraene
Dorothea Mosandl 2014 Lichtmikroskopische und molekulare Untersuchungen der Mykorrhizierung von Páramo-Pflanzen in Süd-Ecuador
Niklas Samuel 2014 Impact of Precipitation Change and Competition on Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotypes