
Prof. Dr. WANG Weijiang 王維江

Visiting Professor of Chinese History, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tübingen, October 2019 to February 2020.

Prof. Wang graduated from Fudan University with a bachelor’s degree in 1985 and a master’s degree in 1995, both in Chinese History as his major. Afterwards, he worked in different departments in Nanjing, Shanghai and Xi’an. In 2002, he obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg. From 2004 onwards he worked at the Institute of History Research, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, until he changed to the Department of History, Fudan University, in 2013.

In his early academic career, Professor Wang focused on the change of ideas of low-ranking officers in the Imperial Academy during the late Qing Dynasty. His findings produced two studies in book form: Wang Xianqian und die ‘Reine Strömung’: Politik und Gelehrsamkeit in der späten Qing-Zeit (王先謙與《清流》: 晚清的政治與學術), 2008, and “A Study of the ‘Pure Stream’" (《清流》研究), 2009.

After his return to China in 2004, he was engaged in the collection, collation and translation of German travel notes in China together with his wife LUE Shu. They have completed the following academic works: “With special respect: Shanghai in the German Literatures during Late Qing Period” (另眼相看:晚清德語文獻中的上海), Shanghai, 2009; “Peking in German Literatures during Late Qing Period” (德語文獻中晚清的北京), Fuzhou: 2012. Another book titled “Cultural Map of German in Shanghai” (上海的德國文化地圖) was published in 2011. In addition, he and LÜE Shu have translated two German monographs into Chinese: “Nach Nürnberg und Tokio: ‘Vergangenheitsbewältigung’ in Japan und Westdeutschland 1945 bis 1968” (紐倫堡和東京審判之後——1945-1968年日本與西德的《歷史清算》), 2014, and “Zwischen Unterhaltung und Revolution: Grammophone, Schallplatten und die Anfänge der Musikindustrie in Shanghai, 1878 - 1937” (在娛樂與革命之間:留聲機、唱片和上海音樂工業的初期), 2015. He has also published papers on Sino-German relations and cultural exchanges between China and the West.

Prof. Wang is also interested in oral history. He has conducted a lot of oral interviews with more than 80 Chinese Scholars, literary translators and film and drama artists. Recently, he concentrates on the history of cultural exchanges between China and the West, especially the history of Chinese artworks in Germany from the late Qing time to the Republican period. This research interest he intends to intensify during his one-semester stay in Tübingen.

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