Jun.-Prof. Dr. Yu-chin TSENG 曾育勤
Junior-Professorin für Moderne Taiwan-Studien an der Abteilung für Sinologie, Universität Tübingen
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Yu-chin TSENG
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
CCKF-European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan
Keplerstr. 2
72074 Tübingen
Raum 104
Tel. +49-(0)7071-29-75535
yu-chin.tseng @ercct.uni-tuebingen.de
Academic Background
Junior Professor
Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tübingen
(Maternity leave April 2021-April 2022)
European Reserach Center on Contemporary Taiwan
University of Tübingen
Research Officer
Bright Futures: A Comparative Study of Internally and Internationally Mobile Chinese Higher Education Students
University of Essex
European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan
University of Tübingen
PhD in Sociology
University of Essex
'Becoming Taiwanese: Citizenship Struggles and the Politics of Mainland Chinese Marriage Immigrants in Taiwan'
Supervisor: Prof. Yasemin Soysal
Teaching Fellow
Department of Sociology and Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities (CISH), University of Essex
Research Interests
- Gender, Mobility and Intimacy
- East Asian Societies
- Student Migration, Health and Wellbeing
- Chinese Overseas in Europe
- Migrant Entrepreneurship
- China’s Public Diplomacy
Tseng, Y. C. (2023) China’s Twitter Diplomacy in Germany: Practices, Reactions, and Discrepancies, Journal of Contemporary China, DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2023.2193148 (published online in March 2023) (Impact Factor: 3.126)
Tran, E., & Tseng, Y. C. (2022). To Trust or Not to Trust? COVID-19 Facemasks in China–Europe Relations: Lessons from France and the United Kingdom. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(4), 187. doi.org/10.3390/jrfm15040187. (Impact Factor: 2.4)
Tseng, Y. C. (2021). “It’s not marriage!”: framing and mobilizing in the anti-same-sex marriage movement. In Taiwan during the first administration of Tsai Ing-wen: navigating in stormy waters, edited by Schubert and Lee. London: Routledge.
Tseng, Y. C. (2019). Introduction to Family, Gender and State: the Perspectives of East Asian Migrants. Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives 13(1): 1-4. doi.org/10.1163/24522015-01301001.
Tseng, Y. C. (2019) Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US by Pei-Chia Lan (book review). China Review International 24(2), 125-129. University of Hawai'i Press. doi.org/10.1353/cri.2017.0021.
Tseng, Y. C. (2017). Should I stay or should I go? Migration trajectories of Chinese–Taiwanese couples in third countries. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 26(4), 413-435. doi.org/10.1177/0117196817747296. (Impact Factor: 0.659)
Tseng, Y. C., Cheng, I & Fell, D (2014) The politics of the mainland spouses’ rights claims movements in Taiwan. In Migration to and from Taiwan, edited by Fell, D., Chiu, K. F. & Lin, P. London: Routledge.
Funding and Grants
2024-2026 | Doing and Undoing Intimacy — Intimacy-Mobility-State Nexus in the Context of Democratic and Authoritarian States. A Case Study of China and Taiwan, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments, principle investigator |
2022-2023 | Health and wellbeing of international students in the higher education sector: the examples of Taiwan and Germany, funded by NTU International Collaboration Seed Funding (MOE HE Sprout: 111L2033-19), principle investigator |
2022-2025 | How China Speaks to the World in the COVID-19 Era- China’s Political Communication and Mobilisation in Europe, funded by Hong Kong General Research Fund (RGC Ref. N0. 12605521), co-investigator |
2021-2022 | China’s Twitter Diplomacy: Content and Impact, funded by Aarhus University, Denmark, co-investigator |
2019 | Teach at Tübingen Fund, funded by University of Tübingen |
2012-2014 | Essex Sociology Small Grants Award, funded by University of Essex |
Public Talks and Conference Activities
2023 | (His)Stories of Chinese diaspora & education migrants, Trier University, Germany |
2023 | Roundtable discussion on “Migration and Health”, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
2022 | Trans-Asia Mobilities and Gender: migration to and from Taiwan, BK21China-Japan Education & Research Group, Korean University |
2020 | Cross-border Marriages and transnational couples in Taiwan, Research Group of Migration in East Asia, University of Vienna, Austria |
2019 | Asian (Im)mobilities in an era of pandemic: the pandemic and nationalised (im)mobility in Taiwan, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of Bologna, Italy |
2019 | Taiwan Studies in Europe, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Culture, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan |
2019 | Trans-mobility in Asia’, Faculty of Ethnology and Sociology, Workshop for Department of Sociology, Inner Mongolia University, China. |
2019 | Should I stay or should I go? Migration trajectories of Chinese-Taiwanese couples in third countries, SOAS |
2018 | ‘Migration and Citizenship- Migrants in Globalized Taiwan’, the RMIT lecture series in International School of Technology and Management, Feng Chia University, Taiwan. |
2022 | ‘EU Mobility on sale: Chinese Investors and Immigrant Investment Programs in Greece and Portugal’, 30th Anniversary Conference of the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas, San Francisco. |
2022 | ‘Othering China: German Media Discourse During the Pandemic’, in JCC Special Issue Conference, organized by the Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, and the Comparative Governance and Policy Research Centre at the Hong Kong Baptist University. |
2021 | Transnational Economies, Digital Labour and Globalization: Exploring Chinese Entrepreneurs’ Mobilities and Connections, panel organizer in Biennial DGA Conference on Contemporary Asia. |
2020 | ‘To Trust or not to Trust? Face Masks in China-Europe Relations —A Comparison of Sino-French and Sino-British Relations’, in Racialisation and Social Boundary-Making in Times of COVID-19, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. |
2019 | ‘“It’s not marriage!”: framing and mobilizing in the anti-same-sex marriage movement’, in Navigating in Stormy Waters: Taiwan during the first administration of Tsai, Ing-wen, University of Tübingen, Germany. |
2019 | ‘Another brick in the wall- student mobility and knowledge circulation between Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries’, in Annual Conference of Taiwanese Scoiological Association, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. |
2019 | ‘The Transnational Social Space of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Southern Europe in Times of Economic Crisis- the Case of Greece’ in the 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars, University of Leiden, the Netherlands. |
2018 | ‘Belt and Road and the Space between: the Transnational Social Space of Chinese Entrepreneurship in Southern Europe in Times of Economic Crisis ’, Chinese in Europe: New Mobilities and Developments (3rd CERPE Workshop), Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. |
2018 | ‘Moulding a Desired Wife: Marriage Migrants and the Framings of the Ideal Citizen in Taiwan’, The Invisible Within: Actors, Relationships and Activities in Chinese Migrant Families, University of Central Lancashire. |
Professional Experience
2019 | Visiting Professor Department of Sociology, Inner Mongolian University, China |
2017- | Reviewer Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Ethnicities, European Journal of East Asian Studies, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, Journal of Chinese Overseas, and Journal of Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives |
2014- | Associate Fellow UK Higher Education Academy |
Media Outreach
Dec 2019 | Where do the major parties stand on immigration? Taiwan Insight. Available at: https://taiwaninsight.org/2019/12/18/where-do-the-major-parties-stand-on-immigration/ |
2018- | Colum articles on the UDN News (in Mandarin) |