Interfaculty Institute of Biochemistry (IFIB)

Feil group - signal transduction, transgenic models

We study signal transduction in transgenic cell and mouse models by an approach that we call "in vivo biochemistry". We use state-of-the-art imaging technologies  to "watch" biochemical processes in real time in living cells, tissues and mice. Specifically, we are interested in the role of the signaling molecule cGMP in health and disease, with a current focus on cell growth and plasticity. The projects involve analyses at the whole organism, cellular and molecular level.

Our Team

Research topics & methods

  • cGMP signaling in the cardiovascular and nervous system, and in cancer
  • Visualization of cGMP and other signaling molecules with optical imaging (live cell and intravital imaging)
  • Genetic inducible cell fate mapping and cell tracking in animal models of diseases
  • Conditional gene targeting

GRK 2381

We are a member of the DFG Research Training Group
GRK 2381 "cGMP: From Bedside to Bench".

GRK 2816

We are a member of the DFG Research Training Group

GRK 2816 "Non-Canonical G Protein Signaling"


Do you want to perform an internship or your Bachelor/Master thesis in our lab? Please contact Robert Feil (mail).


  • At the end of 2023 / beginning of 2024, five members of our lab completed their "Dr. rer. nat.". Congratulations to Mariagiovanna Barresi, Stefanie Peters, Krithika Rajeeth, Alexandra Böttcher and Malte Roeßing on their successful doctoral defenses. Most of these junior scientists were also members of the DFG Research Training Group GRK 2381. All the best for your future!

  • We are happy and proud that one of us, Daniel Stehle, has received the PhD award 2023 from the University of Tübingen. The prize was awarded by Rector Professor Dr. Karla Pollmann and Dean Professor Dr. Thilo Stehle on July 15, 2023 during the central doctoral graduation ceremony. Congratulations to Daniel! We wish him all the best for his postdoc in La Jolla (see pictures of his farewell party here).

  • Congratulations to Susanne Feil for her new paper in Circulation Research, see also Watching atherosclerosis as it develops (Press Release)

  • Daniel Stehle received start-up funding for postdoctoral research and joined the GRK 2381 as an associated postdoc. Congratulations, Daniel!

  • In summer 2022, three of our doctoral researchers graduated, Michael Krämer, Daniel Stehle, and Moritz Lehners. We wish you all the best for your future in lab and life!

  • We are happy to announce the publication of a Themed Issue on "cGMP Signalling in Cell Growth and Survival" in the British Journal of Pharmacology (Volume 179, Issue 11; Published 05 May 2022). Thanks to all contributors!

  • Congratulations to Daniel Stehle on his Travel Award from the Elisabeth und Franz Knoop-Stiftung. Daniel has used his award money to visit the laboratory of Professor Wolfgang Weninger at the Centenary Institute in Sydney, Australia. For more information, see  IFIB news article.
  • We are happy to share good news for Michael Böttcher. He received a fellowship of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
  • Robert Feil was ranked, once again, among the TOP 25 lecturers in Human Medicine during summer term 2018 and winter term 2018/2019.
  • Congratulations to Frank Regler! He was awarded with the prize for the best presentation of the IFIB PhD Retreat 2019 in Freudenstadt.
  • Members of the Feil Lab and incoming PhD students of the GRK 2381 will present cGMP research during TÜFFF (Tübinger Fenster für Forschung) on 24 May 2019 at "Hörsaalzentrum Morgenstelle". We are looking forward to meeting you there!
  • We are happy to announce that the DFG will fund a Research Training Group Tübingen-Boston on "cGMP: From Bedside to Bench". More information in English or German.
  • Antilock brake system in arteries protects against heart attack (Press Release)
  • Congratulations to Susanne Feil! She attracted considerable funding from the EU/BMBF for an international project on atherosclerosis research. For more information, see news article in English or German. (english news article; deutsche Version auf attempto online)
  • Michael Paolillo was awarded the prize for the best presentation at the IFIB PhD Retreat 2018. Congratulations, Michael!
  • Robert and Susanne Feil, together with Bernd Pichler (Werner Siemens Imaging Center), were awarded with the Eberle Innovation Prize 2017 for the development of a method for non-invasive visualisation of specific cell populations in mice using positron emission tomography (PET). Congratulations, Robert and Susanne! (Press Release)
  • Congratulations to Michael Paolillo on his Travel Award from the Elisabeth und Franz Knoop-Stiftung. Michael will use his award money for a collaboration between Tübingen University and the University of California San Diego.
  • Cell marking opens up a window into the body (Press Release)
  • Robert Feil received a Teaching Award from the students of Human Medicine. He was ranked among the TOP 25 lecturers during summer term 2016 and winter term 2016/2017.
  • Markus Wolters has received a grant of the University of Tübingen Program for the Promotion of Junior Researchers for his project "Comparative real-time analysis of cGMP signals linked to degeneration and regeneration of the eye and ear". Congratulations, Markus! Link to News Article
  • We are pleased to announce that Susanne Feil has received a DFG grant to initiate an international collaboration with Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. The project is entitled "Translational aspects of cardiovascular cGMP signaling".
  • Congratulations to Susanne Feil and Martin Thunemann! They won a poster prize at the 2nd German Pharm-Tox Summit (March 6-9 2017, Heidelberg, Germany) for their poster entitled "Transgenic mice for noninvasive visualization of specific cell populations in health, disease, and in response to pharmacotherapy".
  • Robert Feil received a Teaching Award from the students of Human Medicine. He was ranked among the TOP 25 lecturers during summer term 2015 and winter term 2015/2016.
  • Virility Drug May Boost Skin Cancer (Press Release)
  • We are pleased to announce that Martin Thunemann has received the "Preis für Biochemie an der Universität Tübingen 2015" (together with Bärbel Blaum, IFIB) for his work "Visualization of biochemical processes in mammals". Our sincere congratulations, Martin! This prize is awarded to excellent junior biochemists by the Elisabeth und Franz Knoop-Stiftung. Read Martin's project summary or Robert's laudatory speech.
  • Find more in the Feil lab's news archive!