Institute of Ancient History

Dr. Jessica I. O. van `t Westeinde

Excellence Junior Research Fellow


Wilhelmstr. 36, Room 508, 72074 Tübingen

+49 / 7071 / 29 74231


seit April 2018
Excellence Junior Research Fellow

Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Tübingen

seit April 2018
Junior Research Fellow

Historisches Institut, Universität Bern

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiterin

SFB 1266 TP E3, Institut für klassische Altertumskunde, Abt. Klassische Archäologie, CAU zu Kiel

Teach @ Tübingen Post-doctoral Research Fellow
5-month visiting fellowship

School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Denmark

PhD in History of Religion

Durham University, UK

Master of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies

KU Leuven, Belgium

Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies

KU Leuven, Belgium

Grants and fellowships

Grants and fellowships

  • Isaiah Berlin Scholarship, UK, for Hebrew University, Jerusalem
  • T@T Post-doctoral Research Scholarship, Tübingen Exzellenzinitiative
  • Aarhus AUFF Visiting Scholarship, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities PGR Research Support Award, Durham University, UK


Research interests

  • Roman aristocracy, patronage, and individual religious agency
  • Individuality, social networks, and formation of religious groups in late antiquity
  • Religion in the later Roman Empire
  • Religious conflict, coping strategies, social mechanisms in late antiquity
  • Jewish Diaspora Identity in the (later) Roman Empire
  • Testament of Levi
  • The beginnings of Jewish Mysticism and Hekhalot literature
  • Cognitive approaches to early Jewish Mysticism
  • Johannes Munck


Journal articles and contributions to edited volumes

  • (2019): Jerome and his Jewish relations in the Holy Land, in Origeniana Duodecima: Origen's Legacy in the Holy Land – A Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem, B. Bitton Ashkelony et al (eds.), (Leuven: Peeters) (forthcoming)
  • (2018): Not that far from a madding crowd: Jerome ‘exiled’ in Bethlehem, in Mobility and Exile at the End of Antiquity (ECCA), Eds. Jörg Ulrich, Dirk Rohmann, Julia Hillner, Margarita Vallejo Girvés (Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang) (in press)
  • (2018): Johannes Munck: some observations on the scholar and his work, in Histos (sub prelo)
  • (2018): Die Seele bei Hieronymus und die Rabbiner, in Die Seele. Zur Genese und Aktualität eines vergessenen Konzepts, band I: Die religionsgeschichtliche Entstehung und Ausdeutung des Seele-Begriffs in der Antike, Eds. P. Becker, S. Jöris, A. Meuthrath, (Berlin: Verlag Herder, Reihe Quaestiones disputatae) (sub prelo).
  • (2017): Jerome and the Christianus perfectus: a transformed Roman noble man?, in Studia Patristica XCVII: Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015. Volume 23: From the Fourth Century Onwards (Latin Writers); Nachleben, M. Vinzent (ed.), (Leuven: Peeters), 17-36
  • (2017): Liberating Levi: a cultural evolutionary approach to Aramaic and Greek Levi beyond denominational essentialism, in We and They. Decolonizing Greco-Roman and Biblical Antiquities (Aarhus Studies in Mediterranean Antiquity), Eds. J. Cahana and K. MacKendrick (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press) (in press)
  • (2017): Sacerdotalisation and early Jewish mystical elements in the Greek Testament of Levi, in: Les écrits mystiques des Hekhalot et la ‘sacerdotalisation’ dans le judaïsme ancient, Colloque international à l’Université de Lausanne du 26 au 28 octobre 2015, Eds. D. Hamidovic, S. C. Mimouni, and L. Painchaud, Collection « Judaïsme antique et origines du christianisme » (Turnhout: Brepols) (in press)
  • (2016): Teach and Transform: education and (re)constructing identity in Jerome’s letters, in: Studia Patristica LXXIV, Including papers presented at the Fifth British Patristics Conference, London, 3-5 September 2014, Eds. M. Vinzent & A. Brent (Leuven: Peeters), 223-237.
  • (2016): Questioning Authority: Christian education leading to lay participation in doctrinal debates, in: Tradition and Transformation. Dissent and Consent in the Mediterranean, Ed. Mihail Mitrea (Kiel: Solivagus), 92-114.
  • ‘geopfert in sînem tempel- Sacrificed in his Temple (Mal. 3:1-2) in Eckhart’, Eckhart: Texts and Studies (forthcoming)


  • Lucas Preis Adam Zagajewski Lecture and Laudatio 2016 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck)
  • Lucas Preis Joachim Gauck Lecture and Laudatio 2017 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck)

Professional affiliations

Professional affiliations

  • European Association for Jewish Studies
  • American Academy of Religion
  • Centre for the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean and the Near East