Daniil Pleshak
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Dienstag 12 - 14 Uhr
seit 2021
Universität Tübingen, Emmy Noether Forschergruppe
"Religiöser Konflikt und Mobilität, 700-900"
(Betreuer: Dr. F. Montinaro)
Summer School "Jenseits der Grenzen"
Sepher-Zentrum, Moskau, Judaistik und Historische Anthropologie
"Aspirantura" der Byzantinistik
Staatliche Universität Sankt Petersburg
Byzantine Greek Summer School
Universität Boğaziçi, Istanbul
MA, Bibelsprachen
Staatliche Universität Sankt Petersburg
BA, Bibelsprachen
Staatliche Universität Sankt Petersburg
Summer School
NY-Saint Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition and Culture
- Byzantinische Geschichte und Literatur
- Epistolographie
- Rhetorik
- Enkomia
Laufende Forschungsprojekte
- Forschergruppe im Emmy Noether-Programm: Religiöser Konflikt und Mobilität zwischen Antike und Mittelalter: Byzanz und der weitere Mittelmeerraum, 700-900
- Телесность и сексуальность в эпоху Юстиниана на материале эпиграмм «Греческой антологии». In Problemy Istorii and Kultury Srednevekovogo Obshchestva. 2020. P. 85-97. [Body and Sexuality in the epigrams of the Greek Anthology]
- Н. Н. Болгов, монография «Женщина в ранней Византии» и серия «Мир поздней Античности» In Vox medii aevi. 2020. Vol. 1–2(6–7). P. 276–288. [Nikolay Bolgov, The Woman in Late Antiquity and The World of the Late Antiquity Series]
- Revising the Genre and the Date of In Hercalium by George of Pisidia In Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology – XXIII. Saint Petersburg, 2019.
- Зачины поэм Георгия Писиды. In Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology – XXII. Saint Petersburg, 2018. [Prologues of the poems of George of Pisidia]
- Иудейский апокриф “Иосиф и Асенет” как источник ‘Саги об Ингваре Путешественнике”. In Тирош №17. Moscow, 2018. [Jewish Apocryphon Joseph und Aseneth as a source of Yngvars saga víðförla]
- Религия в Sweet Tooth In Изотекст. Сборник материалов исследователей комиксов. Moscow, 2016. [Religion in Sweet Tooth]
- Пространство в “Повести об Иосифе и Асенет” In XIX Открытая конференция студентов-филологов. Сборник материалов. Saint-Petersburg, 2018. [Space in Joseph und Aseneth]
- Союз ἁλλά в Септуагинте In XVIII международная конференция студентов-филологов. Тезисы докладов. Saint-Petersburg, 2015. [Conjunction ἁλλά in Septuagint]
Vorträge, Tagungen, Workshops, Konferenzen
- 02/2022 Arbeitstagung der DAFBS.
- 02/2020 The Oxford University Byzantine Society’s 20th International Graduate Conference. Oxford, UK.
- 01/2020 From Athens to Constantinople IV. Poetry of George of Pisidia. Vienna, Austria.
- 10/2019 On Diffusion of Zoological Knowledge in Late Antiquity and the Byzantine Period. Trier, Germany.
- 09/2019 The Roman Empire and its Heritage. Problems of Understanding, Perspectives of Studying. Moscow, Russia.
- 06/2019 Religion and War from Antiquity to Early Modernity. King’s College, London, UK.
- 04/2019 CEMS Graduate Conference 2019. Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.
- 03/2019 48th International Philological Research Conference. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- 02/2019 Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in Ethnic and national Dimension. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- 09/2018 Beyond Standards: Attic, the Koiné and Atticism. Cambridge, UK
- 06/2018 Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology – XXII. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
- 02/2018 Colonialism and Neocolonialism: Discourses and Practices. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Tagungen, Workshops, Konferenzen
- 02/2021 Loyalty, subjecthood, and citizenship: Between empire and nation. Saint Petersburg University, Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg. [with F. Levin, S. Fedorov]
- 2020-2021 Languages for Describing the Other in Early Modern Europe: Social Contexts and Repertoires of Interpretation. Workshops on the other in Classical Antiquity, Ancient Israel and Byzantium, Higher school of Economics, Saint Petersburg. [with A. Selin, F. Levin, E. Khvalkov]