What is the Bachelor examination?
The Bachelor's examination forms the final phase of study and is ideally taken at the end of the third year of study.
How does the Bachelor examination work?
The Bachelor's examination takes place during the course of study and results in the final grade of the entire course of study. An elementary component is the Bachelor's thesis. The successful completion of the intermediate examination and regular participation in the courses required for the third year of study are prerequisites for admission to the Bachelor examination.
Who has to write a BA thesis?
Bachelor theses are only written by students majoring in "General Linguistics".
How do I find a topic for the BA thesis?
The topic of the BA thesis is proposed by the candidate, i.e. the topic selection is basically free. However, the final topic will be put forward by the examiner (in consultation with the candidate).
How do I register for BA work?
In principle, it is recommended that as many courses as possible be completed before enrolling for the BA thesis so that the concentration can be fully applied to the Bachelor thesis. However, there is no requirement that a minimum number of credits must have been earned at the time of registration. Registration for the Bachelor examination is usually made by the examiner in charge.
How is the bachelor thesis submitted?
The work, including a declaration on oath, must be submitted to the examiner in due time.
How many points do you get for B.A. work?
For the B.A.-work 12 credit points are awarded.
When will I receive my diploma?
The final degree certificate and the Bachelor's certificate will not be issued to you until all grades of the main and minor subject, including key qualifications, are available. There is no specific deadline. The certificate is issued at the Examination Office.
Are all individual grades listed in the diploma?
No, but on request a transcript can be printed according to international standards listing the individual notes.