Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft


The department of Computational Linguistics explores the modelling of language in conjunction with the analysis methods and applications from the field of computational linguistics. Part of our focus is to employ methods used in computational linguistics to computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Our work comprises the following areas and projects:

  • Intelligent Language Tutors (TAGARELA)
  • Annotation of Learner Language
  • Intelligent Computer-assisted Language Learning (ICALL), in particular with authentic texts (WERTi)
  • Information Retrieval for Language Learning (IR4LL)
  • Implementation of constraint-based grammars with a focus on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG)
  • Error detection in corpus annotation (DECCA)
  • Shallow semantic analysis

The project A4 links our department to the the Collaborative Research Center 833 funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The former web pages of emeritus Prof. Uwe Mönnich remain accessible at