Central Office

Central Office of the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning

University of Tübingen
Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning"
Maria-von-Linden-Str. 6, 4th floor
D-72076 Tübingen

Dr. Tilman Gocht
Managing Director

+49 7071 29-70810
tilman.gochtspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Room No. 40-5/A24

Dr. Michaela Bitzer
Project Coordinator

  +49 7071 29-70811 / +49 174 3005840
michaela.bitzerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Room No. 40-5/A24

Sebastian Schwenk
Administrative Assistant

  +49 7071 29-70812
sebastian.schwenkspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Room No. 40-7/A21

Shyamala Subramanian
Administrative Assistant

  +49 7071 29-70813
shyamala.subramanianspam prevention@wsii.uni-tuebingen.de
Room No. 40-7/A21

Heike Größl
Support for Young Researchers

  +49 7071 29-70889
heike.groesslspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Room No. 40-7/A24

Theresa Authaler
Consultant for Media and Public Relations

+49 162 1788206
theresa.authalerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
Room No. 40-7/A24

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