Literature search
Below, we attempt to provide an overview of the most important search tools. For specific questions, we are at your disposal with personal advice as well as our training courses.
Catalogs (also for journals)
- Catalog plus - All holdings available for / in Tübingen academic libraries, including electronic media and database content; the results can be narrowed down to the BBB..
- UB-OPAC - Holdings of the central University Library (UB), as well as for interlibrary loan.
- DigiKat - Holdings of the UB with years of publication 1851-1960.
- K10plus - Holdings of academic libraries from Baden-Württemberg and 9 other federal states, the SPK and a large number of other institutions from science, politics and culture.
- KVK - Meta search engine with records of several hundred million books, journals and other media in selectable catalogs worldwide.
- WorldCat - The world's largest bibliographic database, comprising international catalogs from over 10,000 libraries, with the option of displaying nearby holdings.
- ZDB - In this journal database you will find the titles of printed and online journals, newspapers and databases available in libraries in Germany and Austria.
- EZB - The Electronic Journals Library shows access to full-text academic journals on the internet; you can see from the traffic light symbols to what extent you have access at the University of Tübingen, and in many cases can go directly to the texts.
Specialized bibliographies / databases
- The central reference tool for electronic bibliographies and databases is DBIS: you can search and browse through lists for your discipline; including the MLA, which is particularly relevant for Modern Languages (here you can find a video tutorial).
- Printed bibliographies can be found in the Brechtbau Library in the General Section, shelfmarks "Allg A".
Discipline-specific information services
The DFG-funded Specialized Information Services (FID) have replaced the former Special Subject Collections (SSG). FID libraries develop services for their subject areas in cooperation with the respective academic community, which serve the cross-location literature and information needs beyond the mere provision of media. These services include comprehensive research tools.
The ones below should be of particular interest to the BB disciplines:
- AVL Digital - Comparative Literature
- Linguistik-Portal - Linguistics
- Library of Anglo-American Culture and History
- Germanistik im Netz - German Studies
- FID Benelux - On the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg
- FID Nordeuropa - On Scandinavia
- FID Romanistik - Romance Studies
- FID Lateinamerika, Karibik und Latino Studies - On Latin America and the Caribbean
- FID Ost-, Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa - On Eastern Europe
- Slavistik-Portal - Slavic Studies
- - Media and Communication Studies