
Zeynep Akata

Cluster W3 professorship "Explainable Machine Learning"
2019 - 2023
continued as Director of the Institute for Explainable Machine Learning, Helmholtz Munich and Professor for Computer Science, Technical University of Munich

Sabine Andergassen

Cluster member, W3 professorship "Theoretical Physics"
2019 - 2023
continued as Associate Professor for Computational Quantum Science at TU Wien, Austria

Christian Baumgartner

Head of the Cluster's Independent Research Group "Machine Learning in Medical Image Analysis"
2021 - 2024
continued as Assistant Professor in "Health Data Science" at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland

Todd Ehlers

Cluster member, W3 professorship for Geology and Geodynamics
2019 - 2023
continued as Professor and Head of School of Geographical and Earth Sciences at the University of Glasgow, UK

Sergios Gatidis

Cluster member, Head of "Medical Image and Data Analysis Group"
2020 - 2023
continued as Associate Prfessor for Radiology at Stanford Health Care, USA

Thilo Hagendorff

Research Fellow of the Cluster's Ethics & Philosophy Lab
2019 - 2023
continued as Independent Research Group Leader at the University of Stuttgart

Enkelejda Kasneci

Cluster member, W3 professorship "Human-Computer Interaction"
2019 - 2022
continued as Liesel Beckmann Distinguished Professor, Technical University of Munich

Miriam Klopotek

Early career research group leader "ML and Many-Body Physics"
2021 - 2022
continued as Independent Junior Research Group Leader at the University of Stuttgart

Setareh Maghsudi

Cluster member, W1 professorship "Decision Making" at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Tübingen
2020 - 2023
continued with Professorship at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Ruhr University Bochum

Peter Ochs

Cluster member, W1 professorship "Mathematical Methods in Computer Science"
2021 - 2023
continued as Professor for Mathematics and Computer Science at the Saarland University

Mijung Park

Cluster member, research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the University of Tübingen
2019 - 2021
continued as Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada

Eric Schulz

Cluster member, Max Planck Research Group Leader "Computational Principles of Intelligence"
2020 - 2023
continued as Research Group Leader at the Computational Health Center, Helmholtz Munich

Fabian Sinz

Cluster member, independent Cyber Valley research group leader
2019 - 2022
continued as Professor for Machine Learning at the University of Göttingen

Álvaro Tejero-Cantero

Head of the Cluster Core Facility "Machine Learning ⇌ Science Colaboratory"
2020 - 2024

Isabel Valera

Cluster member, Group Leader at the Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen
2019 - 2020
continued as Professor on Machine Learning at the Saarland University