Cognition and Perception
Paul Kelber - Publications
Journal Publications
- Kelber, P., Mittelstädt, V., & Ulrich, R. (2025). Interplay of aging and practice in conflict processing: A big-data diffusion-model analysis. Psychology and Aging, 40, 66-85.
- Johansson, R. C. G., Kelber, P., & Ulrich, R. (2024). Speeded classification of visual events is sensitive to crossmodal intensity correspondence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50, 554–569.
- Kelber, P., Mackenzie, I. G., & Mittelstädt, V. (2024). Cognitive control in cross-modal contexts: Abstract feature transitions of task-related but not task-unrelated stimuli modulate the congruency sequence effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 50, 902-919.
- Kelber, P., Mackenzie, I. G., & Mittelstädt, V. (2024). Transfer of cognitive control adjustments within and between speakers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
- Kelber, P., & Ulrich, R. (2024). Independent-channels models of temporal-order judgment revisited: A model comparison. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 86, 2187-2209.
- Kelber, P., Gierlich, M., Göth, J., Jeschke, M. G., Mackenzie, I. G., & Mittelstädt, V. (2023). A diffusion model analysis of object-based selective attention in the Eriksen flanker task. Experimental Psychology, 70, 155-170.
Book chapter
- Evangelisti, T.-H.*, Kelber, P.*, & Ellinghaus, R. (in press). Zwischen Reduktion und Integration: Interdisziplinäre Theoriebildung in der Wahrnehmungsforschung [Between reduction and integration: Interdisciplinary theorizing in perception research]. In Weidtmann, N. (Ed.), Interdisziplinäres Studienkolleg: Wahrnehmung. (* = shared first authorship)