Philologisches Seminar

Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Stanzel


Phone: +49 7071 / 29-76743 or +49 7071 / 29-78528 (Platon-Archiv)
E-Mail: karl-heinz.stanzelspam
Room 11
Office hours during lecture period: Thursday, 12-1 PM

Curriculum vitae


Prof. Stanzel was educated at the University of Regensburg, the University of Tübingen, the University of München and at the University of Würzburg (Ph.D. 1987). He works as adjunct professor in the department of classics/ Philologisches Seminar at the University of Tübingen. He is member of the SFB 1070 ResourceCultures: Socio-cultural Dynamics in the Treatment of Resources and together with Irmgard Männlein-Robert and Mischa Meier Head/Pl of Project C02: Hesiodus and Aratus: Metaphors and Myths of Resources and Their Poetic (Re-)construction

The main research interests are Greek Poetry, especially of the Hellenistic Age and Bucolic Poetry, Tragedy and Comedy, and Ancient Philosophy, especially the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. Demosthenes.

Curriculum vitae

Place and Date of Birth: 29.03.1958, Ellwangen/Jagst (Baden-Württemberg), married with Susanne Stanzel, children: Nicolas (*1986), Amelie (*1987) and Jan-Philipp (*1989).

Academic Qualifications


Degree in Latin Philology (1982), in Philosophy (1983), and in Greek Philology (spring 1984): Staatsexamen, University of Tübingen.


Ph.D. in Greek Philology, University of Würzburg.

Doctoral thesis: Dicta Platonica. Die unter Platons Namen überlieferten Aussprüche.


Post-doctoral degree (Habilitation), University of Tübingen, Venia Legendi for Greek and Latin Philology

Habilitation thesis: Liebende Hirten. Theokrits Bukolik und die alexandrinische Poesie (publ. 1995)

Professional Experience


Research Assistant, Department of Classics, University of Tübingen


Research Assistant, Department of Classics, University of Würzburg


Akademischer Rat, Department of Classics, University of Tübingen


Akademischer Oberrat, Department of Classics, University of Tübingen


Adjunct Professor, Department of Classics, University of Tübingen


Head of Project C02 of SFB 1070 RessourceCultures


Here you can find the current publication list as pdf-document.