Institute of Political Science



Panel Debate: Rusia's War in Ukraine - A Watershed for German Politics?

Institutskolloquium / Departmental Seminar - Wednesday, 04 May 2022 - 16 h c.t. - Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft - Or join online via Zoom: 937 8983 8580 (Meeting ID), 971399 (Passcode)

"We are living through a watershed era. And that means that the world afterwards will noch longer be the same as the world before."

These were the words German Chancellor Olaf Scholz used to describe the aftermath of Russia's invasion in Ukraine in a special session of parliament on 27 February 2022.

To what extent are we indeed witnessing a turning point in German foreign and security policy? What exactly does this entail and which consequences arise from this turning point for political action and our (academic) analysis of it?

Join our panel discussion with

  • Hans-Jürgen Bieling, Professor of Political Economy, University of Tübingen
  • Thomas Diez, Professor of Political Science & International Relations, University of Tübingen
  • Andreas Hasenclever, Professor of Peace Research and International Politics, University of Tübingen
  • Anne Kruck, Advisor for Peace Education Approaches at Berghof Foundation
  • Josefine Kurth, Student Representative at the Political Science Department, University of Tübingen
  • Gabi Schlag, Senior Lecturer, University of Tübingen