Institute of Political Science

What universities can I spend my exchange term(s) at?

You can find an overview over our partners in the info presentation (in German) and a first impression of the cities, the universities and their foci in our brochure.

How do I decide for a destination?

Gather information about the partner universities that you are considering: Which are their foci in research and teaching? How is life on campus? What is the semester schedule? What language proficiencies are required (usually English and sometimes the respective country’s language)? What is the cost of living? What were the experiences of other students at this university? You can find these informations in our presentation and brochure, and many reports from other students under (sorry, this page only exists in German). It is recommended to read through the website’s guide before trying to use it on your own.

How can I apply?

Send your application with our header sheet (?) to erasmusspam in a SINGLE pdf file. If you indicate three preferences, chances are quite well that we can assign you a slot. You can find further information on the application modalities in the info presentation.

When is the deadline for application?

The application deadline is mid-February. The application deadline for the academic year 2024/25 (winter semester 24/25 and summer semester 25!) is February 13, 2024.

What criteria does the distribution of slots follow?

Most important in our consideration are your letter of motivation, your grade average and language skills. Further, we have to distribute the available slots equally between all the programmes on Bachelor’s and Master’s level at the IfP.

What are the language requirements?

The language requirements differ for each university. They are specified in the info brochure. Particularly for a term in the United Kingdom and sometimes in France, official certificates like TOEFL, IELTS or DELF are required.

What if I don’t have the required language certificate already?

Please hand in all language certificates in the required languages that you already possess. This enables us to assess your level and is included in the selection process. You can acquire the officially required certificate after the IfP deadline until the deadline at your partner university which is later.  The completeness of your documents is a requirement for the acceptance by the partner university and is your own responsibility.

What happens after the application at IfP Tübingen?

You will receive an e-mail with approval or rejection of your nomination some weeks after the application deadline. Then, please confirm shortly thereafter whether you bindingly accept the nomination. If you accept, the IfP Erasmus coordinator will nominate you at the partner university. Then, the partner university will contact you and ask you for further documents.

What happens after the nomination?

The most important steps are 1) handing in your application at the partner university, 2) applying for the ERAMUS+ mobility grant, 3) finding an accommodation and 4) choosing your courses.

How do I hand in my documents at the partner university?

The partner university will contact you directly. You will then hand in your documents either via e-mail or an online portal. Please adhere to all deadlines. If you are not contacted by a partner university, please reach out to erasmusspam

What is the mobility grant?

All ERASMUS exchange students are eligible for a mobility grant covering a part of the monthly costs of living. There are three categories of countries with varying grant volume (?) and are adjusted every couple of years. You can find the current grant volumes in the info presentation. The international office holds an info event in the first weeks of the winter term, explaining the steps and document for applying for the mobility grant. We strongly recommend visiting this event.

How do I apply for the mobility grant?

Follow the steps in the mobility online portal. A link to the online portal will be sent to all nominees. Hand in two signed versions of the Grant Agreement as well as the online registration including a signature by Mirjam Edel at the International Office of the University of Tübingen. The deadline is communicated by the central Erasmus office - it is usually the end of June for the winter semester and the end of November for the summer semester.

How do I get the signature for the online registration?

Visit Mirjam Edel’s office hours in case they are not exclusively online at that point. Alternatively – and preferred during the pandemic – send your scanned document as a pdf file to erasmusspam You will then receive a scan with signature and stamp to submit to the International Office together with the Grant Agreement.

How can I find accommodation?

Like at many times before and during your semester abroad, you will need to be proactive here. Apply in time for university dormitories, which the partner university will usually provide information upon. Further, you can look for private accommodation on online portals etc. Maybe the reports by fellow students having visited the same institution will help you. Please direct any questions on accommodation to the partner university as they will be able to help you best.

How do I choose my courses?

The partner university will provide you with a course catalogue, either with all courses or with a selected course list for exchange students. Choose courses that you can fit into your module requirements at the IfP, matching your personal interests and state of knowledge and skill. Your student advisor will be able to provide counselling on what courses you will be able to fit into your module plan.

What do I fill into the learning agreement?

In table A of the learning agreement you fill in the courses that you wish to take. In table B, you fill in the modules of your IfP programme in which you want to have the specified courses recognized.

Who signs the learning agreement?

The learning agreement has to be signed by yourself, Mirjam Edel as the Tübingen coordinator, and the coordinators at the partner university. Most of the time, this is possible digitally. Just send a pdf file with your learning agreement to erasmusspam as well as to the responsible person at your host university.

What if my class selection changes?

The first learning agreement you fill in before your exchange is preliminary. Shortly after the start of your exchange term, you will make your final course selection which you specify in a second learning agreement. If you drop or add courses, fill in the respective tables of the learning agreement, have it signed again and upload it to the mobility online portal.

What happens after my stay?

You will receive your transcript by your partner university and have your passed courses approved and assigned to your IfP programme modules. Your IfP programme coordinator will issue a ‘Schein’ to hand in with the Prüfungsamt. Future students will be happy, if you write down your experiences in a report that you should submit to the Mobility Online Portal. Further, you can tell the IfP erasmus coordinator or the student association about special experiences or important notes.

What else is there to say?

We are proud about our many longstanding partner institutions and will be delighted when you positively represent our institute. Above all, however, we wish you new insights, personal development, great experiences and lots of fun at your exchange semester!

Office hours

Office hours are Wednesdays 15.00 - 16.30

Registration via following link:

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