Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft



Principal Investigator:   Erhard Hinrichs
Project Members:   Thorsten Trippel, Roberta Toscano, Dominique Rose 


The goal of CLARIAH-DE is the consolidation of the developments of both research data infrastructures CLARIN-D and DARIAH-DE. This will make it considerably easier for researchers from the humanities and cultural sciences to conduct research using complex digital tools and specific databases. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) and aims to contribute to the further development of national research infrastructures. CLARIN-D and DARIAH-DE share a common interest in the digital research of textual and linguistic sources from the perspective of the humanities and cultural sciences. For more than a decade, the two groups have each specialized in specific areas of research. The merging of the infrastructures of both groups to CLARIAH-DE is an important milestone towards a shared space for the cooperative, digitally supported research in the humanities and the cultural and social sciences in Germany and Europe.


Principal Investigator:   Erhard Hinrichs
Project Members:   Thorsten Trippel


Project aims

CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) aims at providing easy and sustainable access for scholars in the humanities and social sciences to digital language data (in written, spoken, video or multimodal form) and advanced tools to discover, explore, exploit, annotate, analyze or combine them, independent of where they are located. To this end CLARIN is in the process of building a networked federation of European data repositories, service centres and centres of expertise, with single sign-on access for all members of the academic community in all participating countries. Tools and data from the centres will be interoperable, so that data collections can be combined and tools from different sources can be applied to perform complex operations, in order to support researchers in their work.

Prof. Dr. Erhard Hinrichs is Germany's national coordinator for CLARIN. Hence, he and his group in Tübingen are involved in many working groups and coordination efforts, including the National Coordinators' Forum, the Standing Committee of CLARIN Technical Centers, and the CLARIN Board of Directors.

The construction phase of CLARIN started in 2012 in the legal framework of an ERIC (European Resarch Infrastructure Consortium).


Principal investigator:   Erhard Hinrichs
Project members:  

Thorsten Trippel
Roberta Toscano
Marie Hinrichs
Emanuel Dima
Ben Campbell
Alexandr Chernov



Project aims

The aim of the CLARIN-D project is to develop an integrated, interoperable and scalable infrastructure especially for scientists in the humanities and social sciences. CLARIN-D service centers form the backbone of the infrastructure, providing language data and tools that are relevant and necessary for a wide range of disciplines. The infrastructure is developed in close collaboration with expert scholars in the humanities and social sciences, to ensure that it meets the needs of users. 

CLARIN-D has built on the achievements of the preparatory phase of the European CLARIN initiative as well as CLARIN-D's Germany-specific predecessor project D-SPIN.

Tübingen, as coordinator of the CLARIN-D project, participates in nearly all work packages of the project.


Project Lead:

  Erhard Hinrichs

Project Staff: 


Claus Zinn



EOSC-hub brings together multiple service providers to create the Hub: a single contact point for European researchers and innovators to discover, access, use and reuse a broad spectrum of
resources for advanced data-driven research.

For researchers, this will mean a broader access to services supporting their scientific discovery and collaboration across disciplinary and geographical boundaries.

The project mobilises providers from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and other major European research infrastructures to deliver a common catalogue of research data, services and software for research.

EOSC-hub collaborates closely with GÉANT and the EOSCpilot and OpenAIRE-Advance projects to deliver a consistent service offer for research communities across Europe.

The Tübingen team will contribute the Language Resource Switchboard (siehe to the project and develop it further to broaden its tool space and widen its user base.

EOSC-hub is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 777536. The generous EU funding received by the project is complemented with a contribution from the EGI Foundation and its participants, and in-kind contributions made available
by service providers of the EGI Federation.

The project runs from January 2018 to December 2020.


Principal Investigator:   Erhard Hinrichs
Project Members:   Emanuel Dima, Researcher


Project aims


 EUDAT is a three-year project that will deliver a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) with the capacity and capability for meeting future researchers’ needs in a sustainable way. Its design will reflect a comprehensive picture of the data service requirements of the research communities in Europe and beyond. 

 Although the user requirements will vary between scientific disciplines, the micro-systems from which each community’s services are built are largely generic. With the inclusion of disciplines from across the spectrum of scientific endeavor sharing a common infrastructure, EUDAT also provides the opportunity for data-sharing between disciplines and cross-fertilization of ideas. 

 As part of the CLARIN user community, the Tübingen research group is participating as a contributor of linguistic use-cases for the CDI. 


LAPPS-GRID: Transatlantic Collaboration between LAPPS and CLARIN: Semantic, Technical and Infrastructural Interoperability of Services

Projektleiter(in):   Erhard Hinrichs

Mohammad Fazleh Elahi, Marie Hinrichs


The collaborative effort between CLARIN (in particular, LINDAT/CLARIN and WebLicht/Tübingen) and the LAPPS Grid is intended to make the language technology and a digital humanities services we currently provide, as well as future services we will develop, transparently interoperable and mutually accessible from our respective infrastructures. This collaboration will take a major step toward the harmonization of software and data developed in Europe and the United States (as well as Asia, via LAPPS Grid membership in the FGLS) that can eliminate the current lack of reusability of resources and tools that thwarts research and development in the field and prevents collaboration.

The project ran from 01/10/2016 to 30/09/2018.


Project Lead:

  Erhard Hinrichs

Project Staff:    


Erhard Hinrichs,

Yana Strakatova

The project aims at modeling and describing lexical-semantic properties of collocations.  The main research topics of the project are:

a) how and according to which theoretical framework the lexical-semantic grouping of collocations can be performed and described;

b) whether and how it is possible to group collocators by their semantic similarity and to compare and represent (sets of) collocations based on the semantic relatedness of their collocational bases.  

The research will draw on the “Meaning Text Theory”, which has been elaborated by Igor Mel’čuk and which provides the concept of “Lexical Function”, and on the theory of the “Generative Lexicon” by James Pustejovsky, providing the concept of “qualia structure”. The possibility of synthesizing the two theoretical frameworks to build an appropriate and adequate modelling of the described aspects of collocations will be investigated. A central outcome of the project will be a set of guidelines for modeling collocations based on the resulting specification of the cross-theoretical framework.

The project runs from 01/10/2016 to 30/09/2019.


Project lead:    

  Erhard Hinrichs

Project staff:

   Thorsten Trippel,  Marie Hinrichs, Claus Zinn


PARTHENOS (Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies) is a consortium of national research organisations, cultural heritage institutions and existing Research Infrastructures. The PARTHENOS project empowers digital research in the fields of History, Language Studies, Cultural Heritage, Archaeology, and related fields across the (Digital) Humanities. PARTHENOS will bring together several existing research infrastructures to make it easier to find and combine information from different domains. Therefore PARTHENOS will join together data and people from many disciplines in the humanities.

SFB 833 - Projekt A3

Project leader:   Erhard Hinrichs 

Corina Dima, Researcher




Project aims

A3: Disambiguating Discourse Connectives using Corpus-induced Semantic Relations

Discourse connectives such as nachdem (after), während (while) or aber (but) show a high degree of variability in their meaning, which is best resolved in the respective discourse context. Starting from classic assumptions about the structuring of discourse, as they are described, among others, by Halliday and Hasan (1976) within the notion of cohesion, the project has the aim of modeling these genuinely linguistic concepts empirically by using machine learning techniques. Such data-driven approximations constitute a suitable basis to represent the variability in the meaning of discourse connectives across contexts.

SFB 833 - Projekt INF

Principal Investigator:   Erhard Hinrichs
Project Members:   Thorsten Trippel, Researcher
Claus Zinn, Researcher


Project aims

Heterogenous Primary Research Data of the SFB 833 - Representation and Processing

The aim of the infrastructure project INF is to archive the primary research data produced by the SFB 833 in a sustainable fashion in order to support the following desiderata:

  1. the requirement of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) to make all primary research data created by DFG funding available to the research community for a period of at least ten years, 
  2. to realize the concept of an enhanced publication, where the publication as such is linked to the primary research data which formed the empirical basis of the analyses reported in the publication, and 
  3. to support the reusability of the data inside and outside of the SFB833 as well as to support the replication of experimental results that have been published on the basis of the data sets in question. 

Regarding the infrastructural aspects of the project, INF closely collaborates with Center of Information, Communication and Media (IKM) of the University of Tübingen.


SSHOC: Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud

Project lead (EKUT): 

  Erhard Hinrichs

Project staff: 




Not yet available.



The SSHOC project aims to create a European open cloud ecosystem for social sciences and humanities (SSH). Funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, SSHOC will make data, tools and training available and accessible for users of SSH data.

It will encourage secure environments for sharing and using sensitive and confidential data, will contribute to the Open Science agenda and the realisation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

The project will start on January 2019 and has a duration of 40 months. SSHOC will be delivered by a consortium of 5 European research infrastructures consortia (CESSDA, ESS, SHARE, CLARIN, DARIAH) and 14 other partnering institutions across Europe.

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