Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jäger
Chair of General Linguistics
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Keplerstraße 2, 2nd floor, office 159
+49 7071 29-77302
office hours
only with appointment
research projects
- Phylomilia – Phylogenetic Linguistic Inference from Acoustic Speech Data, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation
- ERC Advanced Grant CrossLingference - Cross-linguistic statistical inference using hierarchical Bayesian models
- DFG-Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies Words, Bones, Genes, Tools: Tracking Linguistic, Cultural and Biological Trajectories of the Human Past
since 2009
Professor of General Linguistics
at Tübingen University
Professor of Semantics and Syntax
at Bielefeld University
visiting scholar
at Stanford University
Heisenberg grantee
at Potsdam University
assistant professor
at Potsdam University
with the thesis "Anaphora and Type Logical Grammar", Humboldt University at Berlin
at LMU Munich, UPenn, Center for General Linguistics Berlin and Utrecht University
with the thesis "Topics in Dynamic Semantics", Humboldt University at Berlin
PhD student
at research unit "Structural Grammar" of the MPG, Berlin
Magister Artium
in Theoretical Linguistics and Germanistics at Leipzig University
in Theoretical Linguistics, Germanistics, and Logics in Leipzig and Düsseldorf
- Fotios Alexandros Karakostis and Gerhard Jäger, eds., Biocultural Evolution: An Agenda of Integrative Approaches, Tübingen: Kerns Publishing, 2024.
- Katerina Harvati, Gerhard Jäger and Hugo Reyes-Centeno, eds., New Perspectives on the Peopling of the Americas, Tübingen: Kerns Publishing, 2018.
- Johannes Wahle, Marisa Köllner, Harald Baayen, Gerhard Jäger and Tineke Baayen-Oudshoorn, eds., Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, University of Tübingen, 2015.
- Anton Benz, Christian Ebert, Gerhard Jäger and Robert van Rooij, eds., Language, Games and Evolution, Springer, 2011.
- Christian Ebert, Gerhard Jäger and Jens Michaelis, eds., The Mathematics of Language. 10th and 11th Biennial Conference, MOL 10, Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 28-30, 2007 and MOL 11, Bielefeld, Germany, August 20-21, 2009, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, 2010.
- Regine Eckardt, Gerhard Jäger and Tonjes Veenstra, eds., Variation, Selection, Development, Mouton de Gruyter, 2008.
- Anton Benz, Gerhard Jäger and Robert van Rooij, eds., Game Theory and Pragmatics, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.
- Gerhard Jäger, Anaphora and Type Logical Grammar, Springer, Dordrecht, 2005.
- Gerhard Jäger, Topics in Dynamic Semantics. Ph.D. thesis, Humboldt- University Berlin, published as CIS-Bericht Nr. 96-92, Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung, LMU München, 1996.
journal articles
- Matías Guzmán Naranjo and Gerhard Jäger, Euclide, the crow, the wolf and the pedestrian: distance metrics for linguistic typology, Open Research Europe,, 2024.
- Frederik Hartmann and Gerhard Jäger, Gaussian process models for geographic controls in phylogenetic trees, Open Research Europe,, 2023.
- Gerhard Jäger and Johannes Wahle, Phylogenetic typology, Frontiers Psychology 12, Article 682132,, 2021.
- Chundra A Cathcart, Andreas Hölzl, Gerhard Jäger, Paul Widmer and Balthasar Bickel, Numeral classifiers and number marking in Indo-Iranian, Language Dynamics and Change, 11(2), 273–325, 2021.
- Johannes Dellert, Thora Daneyko, Alla Münch, Alina Ladygina, Armin Buch, Natalie Clarius, Ilja Grigorjew, Mohamed Balabel, Hizniye Isabella Boga, Zalina Baysarova, Roland Mühlenbernd, Johannes Wahle and Gerhard Jäger, NorthEuraLex: a wide-coverage lexical database of Northern Eurasia, Language Resources and Evaluation,, 2019.
- Gerhard Jäger, Computational Historical Linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics 45:3-4, 2019, DOI: (also arXiv:1805.08099.)
- Gerhard Jäger, Model evaluation in computational historical linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics 45:3-4, 2019, DOI:
- Cosima Schneider, Carolin Schonard, Michael Franke, Gerhard Jäger and Markus Janczyk, Pragmatic processing: An investigation of the (anti-)presuppositions of determiners using mouse-tracking, Cognition 193, 2019,
- Christian Bentz, Dan Dediu, Annemarie Verkerk and Gerhard Jäger The evolution of language families is shaped by the environment beyond neutral drift, Nature Human Behavior 2, 816–821, 2018.
- Gerhard Jäger, Global-scale phylogenetic linguistic inference from lexical resources, Scientific Data 5, 180189 (2018),, 2018.
- Gerhard Jäger and Johann-Mattis List, Using Ancestral State Reconstruction Methods for Onomasiological Reconstruction in Multilingual Word Lists, Language Dynamics and Change 8(1), 22-54.
- Birgit Öttl, Gerhard Jäger and Barbara Kaup, The Role of Simple Semantics in the Process of Artificial Grammar Learning, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, doi:10.1007/s10936-017-9494-y, 2017.
- Hugo Reyes-Centeno, Katerina Harvati and Gerhard Jäger, Tracking modern human population history from linguistic and cranial phenotype, Scientific Reports 6, 36645; doi: 10.1038/srep36645, 2016.
- Gerhard Jäger, Grice, Occam, Darwin, Theoretical Linguistics 42(1), 111-115, 2016.
- Michael Franke and Gerhard Jäger, Probabilistic pragmatics, or why Bayes' rule is probably important for pragmatics, Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, 35(1), 3-44, 2016.
- Gerhard Jäger, Support for linguistic macrofamilies from weighted sequence alignment, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 112(41), 12752–12757, 2015.
- Birgit Öttl, Gerhard Jäger and Barbara Kaup, Does formal complexity reflect cognitive complexity? Investigating aspects of the Chomsky Hierarchy inan Artificial Language Learning study, PLoS One 10(4), e0123059. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123059, 2015.
- Gerhard Jäger, Rationalizable signaling, Erkenntnis 79(4), 673-706, DOI 10.1007/s10670-013-9462-3, 2014.
- Gerhard Jäger, Phylogenetic inference from word lists using weighted alignment with empirically determined weights, Language Dynamics and Change 3(2), 245-291, 2013.
- Gerhard Jäger, Power laws and other heavy-tailed distributions in linguistic typology, Advances in Complex Systems 15(3/4), 2012.
- Gerhard Jäger, Using statistics for cross-linguistic semantics: a quantitative investigation of the typology of color naming systems, Journal of Semantics, 29(4), 521-544, 2012.
- Tao Gong, Len Shuai, Monica Tamariz and Gerhard Jäger, Studying language change using Price equation and Polya-urn dynamics, PLoS ONE 7(3): e33171, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033171, 2012.
- Michael Franke and Gerhard Jäger, Bidirectional optimization from reasoning and learning in games, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 21(1), 117-139, 2012.
- Gerhard Jäger and Jim Rogers, Formal language theory: Refining the Chomsky Hierarchy, Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B, 367(1598), 1956-1970, 2012.
- Gerhard Jäger, Lars Koch-Metzger and Frank Riedel, Voronoi Languages, Games and Economic Behavior 73(2), 517-537, 2011.
- Anette Rosenbach and Gerhard Jäger, Priming and unidirectional language change, Theoretical Linguistics 34(2), 85-113, 2008.
- Gerhard Jäger, Evolutionary stability conditions for signaling games with costly signals, Journal of Theoretical Biology 253(1), 131-141, 2008.
- Gerhard Jäger, Applications of game theory in linguistics, Language and Linguistics Compass 2/3, 408-421, 2008.
- Gerhard Jäger, The evolution of convex categories, Linguistics and Philosophy 30(5), 551-564, 2007.
- Gerhard Jäger, Evolutionary Game Theory and Typology. A Case Study, Language 83(1), 74-109, 2007.
- Gerhard Jäger and Robert van Rooij, Language structure: psychological and social constraints, Synthese 159(1), 99-130, 2007.
- Gerhard Jäger, Das A und O des Sprechens, Gehirn und Geist 11/2006, 70-76, 2006.
- Gerhard Jäger and Anette Rosenbach, The winner takes it all - almost. Cumulativity in grammatical variation, Linguistics 44(5), 937-971, 2006.
- Gerhard Jäger, Alternatives or presuppositions? A comparison of the Background- Presupposition Rule with Alternative Semantics, in Theoretical Linguistics 30(1), 111-122, 2004.
- Gerhard Jäger, Residuation, Structural Rules and Context Freeness, in Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13(1), 47-59, 2004.
- Gerhard Jäger, Towards an explanation of copula effects, in Linguistics and Philosphy 26(5), 557-593, 2003.
- Gerhard Jäger, On the Generative Capacity of Multimodal Categorial Grammars. in Research on Language and Computation 1(1-2), pp 105-125, 2003.
- Gerhard Jäger, Recursion by optimization: On the complexity of bidirectional Optimality Theory, in Natural Language Engineering 9(1), 21-38, 2003.
- Gerhard Jäger, Some notes on the formal properties of bidirectional Optimality Theory, Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11(4), 427-451, 2002.
- Gerhard Jäger, Lambek Grammars as Combinatory Categorial Grammars. Logic Journal of the IGPL 9(6), 781-79, 2001.
- Gerhard Jäger, Topic-comment structure and the contrast between stage level and individual level predicates, Journal of Semantics 18(2), pp 83-126, 2001.
articles in collections
- Michael Franke and Gerhard Jäger, Pragmatic back-and-forth reasoning, in Salvatore P. Reda, ed., Pragmatics, Semantics and the Case of Scalar Implicature, Basingstoke, 2014, 170-200.
- Gerhard Jäger, What is a universal? On the explanatory potential of evolutionary game theory in linguistics [slightly extended version of my LENLS 2007 paper], in E. McCready, K. Yabushita and K. Yoshimoto, eds., Formal Approaches to Semantics and Pragmatics, 85-103, Springer, 2014.
- Gerhard Jäger, Lexikostatistik 2.0, in A. Plewnia & A. Witt, eds., Sprachverfall? Dynamik - Wandel - Variation. Jahrbuch 2013 des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache, Berlin, de Gruyter, 197-216, 2014.
- Armin Buch, David Erschler, Gerhard Jäger,and Andrei Lupas) Towards automated language classification: a clustering approach, in Lars Borin & Anju Saxena, eds., Approaches to Measuring Linguistic Differences, Berlin, de Gruyter, 303-328, 2013.
- Gerhard Jäger, Wie die Bioinformatik hilft, Sprachgeschichte zu rekonstruieren, in Alfred Nordheim & Klaus Antoni, eds., Grenzüberschreitungen: Der Mensch im Spannungsfeld von Biologie, Kultur und Technik, Bielefeld, 139-166, 2013. [to obtain the manuscript, please send me an email]
- Gerhard Jäger, Game theory in semantics and pragmatics, in C. Maienborn, P. Portner & K. von Heusinger (eds.), Semantics. An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, Vol. 3, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2487-2516.
- Gerhard Jäger, Game-theoretical pragmatics, in J. van Benthem and A. ter Meulen, eds., Handbook of Logic and Language, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 467-491, 2011.
- Gerhard Jäger, The proof theory of partial variables, in T. Hanneforth & G. Fanselow, eds., Language and Logos. Festschrift for Peter Staudacher on his 70th birthday. Akademie Verlag, 188-199, 2010.
- Jäger, H., L. Steels, A. Baronchelli, T. Briscoe, M. H. Christiansen, T. Griffiths, G. Jäger, S. Kirby, N. Komarova, P. J. Richerson, and J. Triesch. What can mathematical, computational and robotic models tell us about the origins of syntax? In D. Bickerton and E. Szathmáry. (eds.), Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax, Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 3. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2009, 385-410, 2009.
- Gerhard Jäger, Language evolution and George Price's "General theory of selection", in Robin Cooper and Ruth Kempson (eds.), Language in Flux: Dialogue Coordination, Language Variation, Change and Evolution, College Publications, 2008.
- Gerhard Jäger, Maximum Entropy Models and Stochastic Optimality Theory, in Annie Zaenen, Jane Simpson, Tracy Holloway King, Jane Grimshaw, Joan Maling, and Chris Manning (eds.), Architectures, Rules, and Preferences. Variations on Themes by Joan W. Bresnan, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 467-479, 2007.
- Gerhard Jäger, Only updates. On the dynamics of the focus particle only, in Maria Aloni, Alastair Butler and Paul Dekker (eds.), Questions in Dynamic Semantics, Elsevier (CRISPI series), 105-122, 2007. [reprint of my 1996 Amsterdam Colloquium paper]
- Gerhard Jäger, Game dynamics connects semantics and pragmatics, in Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (ed.), Game Theory and Linguistic Meaning, Elsevier, 89-102, 2007.
- Gerhard Jäger, Partial Variables and Specificity, in Uli Sauerland and Penka Stateva (eds.), Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional Semantics, Palgrave McMillan, pp 121-162, 2007.
- Gerhard Jäger and Stephan Kepser, Automata, complexity, and Optimality Theory, in Gerlof Bouma, Irene Krämer and Joost Zwarts (eds.), Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation, KNAW, Amsterdam, 95-110, 2007.
- Anton Benz, Gerhard Jäger and Robert van Rooij) An introduction to game theory for linguists, in A. Benz, G. Jäger and R. van Rooij (eds.), Game Theory and Pragmatics, Palgrave MacMillan, pp 1-82, 2005.
- Gerhard Jäger, Learning Constraint Subhierarchies: The Bidirectional Gradual Learning Algorithm, in Blutner, R. and H. Zeevat, Optimality Theory and Pragmatics, Palgrave MacMillan, pp 251-287, 2004.
- Gerhard Jäger, Präsuppositionverarbeitung, in Carstensen, K.-U., C. Ebert, C. Endriss, S. Jekat, R. Klabunde and H. Langer (eds.) Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie. Eine Einführung. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg: Spektrum, 348-355, 2004.
- Gerhard Jäger and Reinhard Blutner, Competition and interpretation: The German adverb wieder ('again'), in E. Lang, C. Maienborn & C. Fabricius-Hansen (eds.), Modifying Adjuncts, Mouton de Gruyter, pp 393-416, 2003.
- Gerhard Jäger, Resource sharing in Type Logical Grammar, in G.-J. Kruijf & R. T. Oehrle (eds.), Resource Sensitivity, Binding, and Anaphora, Kluwer, 2003.
- Gerhard Jäger, Gradient constraints in finite state OT:The unidirectional and the bidirectional case, in I. Kaufmann and B. Stiebels (eds.), More than Words. A Festschrift for Dieter Wunderlich , Berlin, Akademie Verlag, pp 299-325, 2002.
- Gerhard Jäger, Anaphora and quantification in Categorial Grammar, in M. Moortgat (ed.), Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics , Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2014, Springer, pp. 70-90, 2001.
- Gerhard Jäger, Towards an explanation of copula effects. in R. Steinitz (ed.), ZAS Papers in Linguistics 16, pp 1-30, ZAS Berlin, 2000.
- Robin Clark and Gerhard Jäger, A Categorial syntax for verbs of perception. in A. Williams and E. Kaiser (eds.), Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 6.3, pp 15-33, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 2000.
- Gerhard Jäger, Stage levels, states, and the semantics of the copula, in E. Lang and L. Geist (eds.), ZAS Papers in Linguistics 14, pp 65-94, ZAS Berlin, 1999.
- Gerhard Jäger, Topic, focus, and weak quantifiers, in P. Bosch and R. van der Sandt (eds.), Focus: Linguistic, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives, pp 187-212, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
- Gerhard Jäger, A Multi-Modal Analysis of Anaphora and Ellipsis, in A. Dimitriadis, H. Lee, C. Moisset & A. Williams, 1998.
conference proceedings
- Luise Häuser, Gerhard Jäger, Johann-Mattis List, Taraka Rama, Alexandros Stamatakis, Are Sounds Sound for Phylogenetic Reconstruction? In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic Typology and Multilingual NLP, 78–87, ACL, 2024.
- Chundra A. Cathcart and Gerhard Jäger, Exploring the evolutionary dynamics of sound symbolism. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Society, 46, 2024.
- Kai Hartung, Gerhard Jäger, Sören Gröttrup and Munir Georges, Typological Word Order Correlations with Logistic Brownian Motion. In The 4th Workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP. Proceedings of the Workshop, 22–26, Association of Computational Linguistics, 2022.
- Gerhard Jäger, Bayesian phylogenetic cognate prediction. In The 4th Workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP. Proceedings of the Workshop, 63–69, Association of Computational Linguistics, 2022.
- Gerhard Jäger, Imputing typological values via phylogenetic inference, In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Research in Linguistic Typology. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2020.
- Taraka Rama, Johann-Mattis List, Johannes Wahle and Gerhard Jäger, Are Automatic Methods for Cognate Detection Good Enough for Phylogenetic Reconstruction in Historical Linguistics?, Proceedings of NAACL/HLT 2018, Vol. 2, 393-400 (also at arXiv: 1804.05416), 2018.
- Gerhard Jäger, Johann-Mattis List and Pavel Sofroniev, Using support vector machines and state-of-the-art algorithms for phonetic alignment to identify cognates in multi-lingual wordlists, in 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of Conference, Volume 1: Long Papers, ACL, 2017, 1204-1226.
- Gerhard Jäger and Pavel Sofroniev, Automatic cognate classification with a Support Vector Machine, in Stefanie Dipper, Friedrich Neubarth and Heike Zinsmeister, eds., Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS), Bochumer Linguistische Arbeitsberichte 16, Ruhr Universität Bochum, 2016, 128-134.
- Giuseppe Longobardi, Armin Buch, Andrea Ceolin, Aaron Ecay, Cristina Guardiano, Monica Irimia, Dimitris Michelioudakis and Nina Radkevich and Gerhard Jäger, Correlated evolution or not? Phylogenetic linguistics with syntactic, cognacy and phonetic data, in Roberts S.G., Cuskley C., McCrohon L., Barceló-Coblijn L. , Feher O. & Verhoef T., eds., The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference (EVOLANG11), 2016.
- Gerhard Jäger and Søren Wichmann, Inferring the world tree of languages from word lists, in Roberts S.G., Cuskley C., McCrohon L., Barceló-Coblijn L. , Feher O. & Verhoef T., eds., The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference (EVOLANG11), 2016.
- Gerhard Jäger and Johann-Mattis List, Factoring lexical and phonetic phylogenetic characters from word lists, in J. Wahle, M. Köllner, H. Baayen, G. Jäger and T. Baayen-Oudshoorn, eds., Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, Tübingen, 2015.
- Gerhard Jäger and Johann-Mattis List, Investigating the potential of ancestral state reconstruction algorithms in historical linguistics, In Bentz, Christian, Jäger, Gerhard & Yanovich, Igor, eds., Proceedings of the Leiden Workshop on Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics. University of Tübingen, online publication system.
- Gerhard Jäger, Interpretation games with variable costs, in Johan van Benthem and Fenrong Lui, eds., Logic Across the University: Foundations and Application—Proceedings of the Tsinghua Logic Conference, Beijing, 14-16 October 2013. College Publications, London, 223-230 + 238-244 (author's response to comments).
- Judith Degen, Michael Franke and Gerhard Jäger, Cost-based pragmatic inference about referential expressions, in M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz and I. Wachsmuth (eds.), Proceedings of CogSci 2013, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, TX, 376-381.
- Hannah Rohde, Scott Seyfarth, Brady Clark, Gerhard Jäger and Stefan Kaufmann, Communicating with Cost-based Implicature: a Game-Theoretic Approach to Ambiguity. Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, 107-116.
- Hannah Rohde, Scott Seyfarth, Brady Clark, Gerhard Jäger and Stefan Kaufmann, Cost and implicature in word use: Testing predictions of a game-theoretic model of alignment, preproceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, CUNY, New York, p. 25.
- Gerhard Jäger, Estimating and visualizing language similarities using weighted alignment and force-directed graph layout, Proceedings of LINGVIS & UNCLH, Workshop at EACL 2012, Avignon, 2012.
- Tao Gong, Monica Tamariz and Gerhard Jäger, Individual and social effects on linguistic diffusion, Proceedings of Evolang IX, Kyoto, Japan, 2012.
- Monica Tamariz, Tao Gong and Gerhard Jäger, Investigating the effect of prestige on the diffusion of linguistic variants, in Laura Carlson, Christoph Hoelscher and Thomas F. Shipley (eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Cognitive Science Society, Austin, 1491-1496, 2011.
- Michael Franke, Gerhard Jäger and Robert van Rooij, Vagueness, signaling and bounded rationality, to appear in Proceedings of LENLS 7, Springer.
- Gerhard Jäger, Natural color categories are convex sets, In M. Aloni, H. Bastiaanse, T. de Jager, & K. Schulz, eds., Logic, Language and Meaning. 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 16-18, 2009, Revised Selected Papers, 11-20, 2010.
- Gerahrd Jäger and Christian Ebert, Pragmatic Rationalizability, in Arndt Riester and Torgrim Solstad (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn and Bedeutung 13, SinSpeC. Working Papers of the SFB 732, vol. 5, University of Stuttgart, 2009, 1-15.
- Gerhard Jäger, Evolutionary stability of games with costly signaling, in M. Aloni, P. Dekker & Floris Roelofsen (eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Amsterdam Colloquium, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, 121-126, 2008.
- Gerhard Jäger, What is a universal? On the explanatory potential of evolutionary game theory in linguistics, in Proceedings of LENLS 2007.
- Gerhard Jäger, Convex meanings and evolutionary stability, in Angelo Cangelosi, Andrew D. M. Smith and Kenny Smith (eds.), The Evolution of Language. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference (EVOLANG6), Rome, pp 139-144, 2006.
- Gerhard Jäger, Evolutionary Game Theory and Linguistic Typology: a Case Study, in P. Dekker (ed.), Proceedings of the 14th Amsterdam Colloquium, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, 2003.
- Gerhard Jäger, Simulating language change with Functional OT, in Simon Kirby (ed.), Language Evolution and Computation, Proceedings of the Workshop at ESSLLI,Vienna 2003, pp 52-61.
- Henk Zeevat and Gerhard Jäger, A reinterpretation of syntactic alignment. in D. de Jongh, H. Zeevat and M. Nilsenova (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th International Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, ILLC, Amsterdam, 2002.
- Gerhard Jäger, On Relational Interpretation of Multimodal Categorial Logics. in D. de Jongh, H. Zeevat and M. Nilsenova (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd and 4th International Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, ILLC, Amsterdam, 2002.
- Gerhard Jäger, Indefinites and Sluicing. A type logical approach, in Robert van Rooy and Martin Stokhof (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th Amsterdam Colloquium, pp 114-119, 2001.
- Gerhard Jäger, On the semantics of as and be. A neo-Carlsonian account , in M. Kim and U. Strauss (eds.), Proceedings of NELS 31, GLSA, Amherst, 2000.
- Gerhard Jäger and Reinhard Blutner, :Against lexical decomposition in syntax. in A. Z. Wyner (ed.), The Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics. The Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference, pp 113-137, reprinted in Reinhard Blutner and Gerhard Jäger (eds.), Studies in Optimality Theory, pp 5-29, University of Potsdam, 1999.
- Gerhard Jäger, Deconstructing Jacobson's Z. in P. Dekker (ed.), Proceedings of the 12th Amsterdam Colloquium , pp 133-138, University of Amsterdam, 1999.
- Gerhard Jäger, Focus without variables: a multi-modal analysis, in K. N. Shahin, S. Blake and E. Kim (eds.), Proceedings of WCCFL 17 , pp 317-331, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 1999.
- Gerhard Jäger, Anaphora and Ellipsis in Type Logical Grammar, in P. Dekker, M. Stokhof and Y. Venema (eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Amsterdam Colloquium, pp 175-180, University of Amsterdam, 1997.
- Gerhard Jäger, The stage/individual contrast revisited, in B. Agbayani and S.-W. Tang (eds.), Proceedings of WCCFL 15, pp 225-239, CSLI Publications, Stanford, 1997.
- Gerhard Jäger, Only Updates. On the Dynamics of the Focus Particle only, in P. Dekker and M. Stokhof (eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Amsterdam Colloquium, Vol. 2, pp 387-406, ILLC, University of Amsterdam, 1996.
- Gerhard Jäger, Topic, scrambling, and aktionsart, in I. Kohlhof, S. Winkler and H. B. Drubig (eds.), Proceedings of the Göttingen Focus Workshop (= Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340 "Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen für die Computerlinguistik" Nr. 69-1995), pp 19-34, Tübingen.
- Gerhard Jäger, Weak Quantifiers and Information Structure , in J. N. Beckman (ed.), NELS 25. Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society, Vol. 1, pp 303-318, GLSA, Amherst, 1994.
repositories, manuscripts and blog posts
Gerhard Jäger, Rooting MADness, blog post, Computer-Assisted Language Comparison in Practice, 22/05/2019,
Gerhard Jäger and Johann-Mattis List, Statistical and computational elaborations of the classical comparative method, manuscript, Tübingen and Paris, 2016.
Gerhard Jäger, Evaluating distance-based pyhlogenetic algorithms for automated language classification, manuscript, University of Tübingen.
Gerhard Jäger, Evolutionary Game Theory for linguists. A primer, manuscript, Stanford University and University of Potsdam, 2004.
Gerhard Jäger, Common Grounds, Questions and Relevance. draft, University of Munich, 1997.
- Tracking the change that leads to typological variation, Plenarvortrag. Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Mainz, March 7, 2025.
- Tracking the change that leads to typological variation
- CNRS, Lyon, September 17, 2024.
- Workshop Tracing Language History with Tools and Methods Inspired by Evolutionary Biology, Rethymno, July 17, 2024.
- Further on beyond cognacy, C-Leste, Tübingen, June 14, 2024.
- Phylogenetic linguistic inference from acoustic speech data: Ideas for a novel research paradigm, University of Zurich, May 8, 2024.
- Luise Häuser, Gerhard Jäger, Johann-Mattis List, Taraka Rama, Alexandros Stamatakis, Are Sounds Sound for Phylogenetic Reconstruction?, SIGTYP Workshop, Malta, March 22, 2024.
- Factoring phylogenetic and areal influences in linguistic typology, Workshop Frontiers of AI and the Cognitive Science of Language, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, October 19.
- Major word order reconsidered, Grambank Workshop 2023, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, September 13.
- The world tree of languages: How to infer it from data, and what it is good for, Seminario Internacional Lengua, Cultura y Cognición, Mexico City (Zoom), June 12.
- The Iterated Best Response Model of game theoretic pragmatics, DeptEcon Research Seminars, University of Crete, June 7.
- Beyond cognacy, Computational Phylogenetics & Language (Pre)history Workshop, University of Crete, Rethymnon, May 25.
- (joint work with Matías Guzmán Naranjo) Euclide, the crow, the wolf and the pedestrian: distance methods for spatial typology, ALT 2022, Austin/Zoom, December 15.
- Bayesian Phylogenetic Cognate Prediction, SIGTYP 2022, Seattle/Zoom, July 14.
- (joint work with Kai Hartung, Sören Gröttrup and Munir Georges) Typological Word Order Correlations with Logistic Brownian Motion, SIGTYP 2022, Seattle/Zoom, July 14.
- Swadesh spaces. Deep learning in phylogenetic linguistics.
- University of Zurich, May 24.
- Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oxford, August 2
- Phylogenetic Typology
- Bochum Language Colloquium, April 27, 2021
- Konstanz University, November 11, 2021
- Models in quantitative comparative linguistics, Workshop Model and Evidence in Quantitative Comparative Linguistics, DGfS-Jahrestagung, 24. Februar, 2021
- (with Mattis List) Automated cognate detection in historical linguistics, Universität Bielefeld, December 9, 2020
- Imputing typological values via phylogenetic inference, SIGTYP 2020 workshop, EMNLP 2020, November 19, 2020
- Bayesian typology, University of Bielefeld, June 17, 2020
- Bayesian typology, Rational Approaches in Language Science, Saarbrücken, October 24, 2019
- Referential scales and differential case marking: A study using hierarchical models in Bayesian phylogenetics, 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia, September 4, 2019
- (joint work with Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho) Harnessing Bayesian phylogenetics to test a Greenbergian universal, SLE 2019, Leipzig, August 21, 2019
- Language change as a random walk in vector space, Cluster Conference Machine Learning in Science, Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning, Tübingen, July 23, 2019
- Is the best model good enough? Assessing the absolute fit of phylogenetic models via posterior predictive sampling, International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Canberra, July 4, 2019
- Strategic pronoun use, XPrag 2019, Edinburgh, June 20, 2019
- Complexity clines out of Africa, Workshop Interaction and the Evolution of Linguistic Complexity, Edinburgh, June 18, 2019
- On the proper use of phylogenetic information in typology, Workshop Phylogenetic Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, York, November 15, 2018
- Typologies in equilibrium, 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Tallinn, Estonia
- Statistical estimation of diachronic stability from synchronic data, International Congress of Linguistics, Cape Town
- (with Christian Bentz, Dan Dediu, and Annemarie Verkerk) Language family trees reflect geography and demography beyond neutral drift, 12th International Conference on Language Evolution (Evolang XII), Torun, April 2018.
- A Bayesian test of the lineage-specificity of word order correlations, Workshop The Origins and Evolution of Word Order. A Multidisciplinary Workshop, Part of the 12th International Conference on Language Evolution (Evolang XII), Torun, April 2018.
- The world tree of languages: How to infer it from data, and what it is good for, Workshop Evolutionary Theory in the Humanities, Torun, April 2018
- The Bayesian phylogenetics of grammar, Workshop on Language Evolution, Semantics and Pragmatics, University of Amsterdam, April 2018.
- The phylogenetics of basic word order, Workshop Trees and what to do with them: Phylogenetics and other statistical approaches to linguistic diversity, University of Tübingen, March 2018
- Typologies in equilibrium, guest talk, University of Zurich
- A Bayesian test of the lineage-specificity of word-order correlations, guest talk, University of Amsterdam
- (with Gwendolyn Berger, Isabella Boga, Thora Daneyko & Luana Vaduva) The evolution of word-order universals: Some word-order correlation are lineage specific - others might be universal, 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Canberra, Australia, December 2017
- (with Chris Bentz and Johanna Nichols) Assessing the effect of geographical isolation on morphological complexity, 12th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT), Canberra, Australia, December 2017
- From words to features to trees: Computing a world tree of languages from word lists
- Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR), Paris, November 2017.
- Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, October 2017.
- A case study in computer-aided typology, symposium Linguistics Quo Vadis, MPI Nijmegen, October 2017.
- (joint work with Taraka Rama, Johann-Mattis List and Johannes Wahle) Is automatic cognate detection good enough for phylogenetic inference?, Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Jena, September 2017.
- Modeling language change for the worse. Some considerations from an evolutionary perspective. LMU-UCB Workshop Language Change for the Worse, Munich, May 2017.
- (joint work with Mattis List and Pavel Sofroniev) Using support vector machines and state-of-the-art algorithms for phonetic alignment to identify cognates in multi-lingual wordlists, EACL 2017, Valencia, April 2017
- Further evidence for punctuated language evolution, Workshop Phylogenetic Methods in Historical Linguistics, Tübingen, March 2017
- (joint work with Mattis List) From word lists to Bayesian inference. Academy Colloquium Language Variation in Action, Amsterdam
(joint work with Johannes Dellert and Alla Münch),
The phylogeny of word meanings. Inferring the directionality of semantic change from word lists
- University of Bielefeld, May 2016.
- Workshop The Evolution of Meaning, Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, January 2016.
- (with Johann-Mattis List) Factoring lexical and phonetic phylogenetic characters from word lists, 6th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, Tübingen.
- (with Johann-Mattis List) Investigatng the potential of ancestral state reconstruction algorithms in historical linguistics, Workshop Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms in Linguistics, Lorentz Center, Leiden.
- On dating Proto-Indoeuropean via Bayesian phylogenetic inference, Symposum Integrating new evidence for the origin and spread of the Indo-European languages, MPI for the Science of Human History, Jena
- Computationelle historische Linguistik, LMU München
- Words and bones. Combining linguistic and phenotypic data to probe deep history. Workshop Causality in the language sciences, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
- Estimating divergence times for linguistic phylogenies, Workshop on Language Variation and Change and Cultural Evolution, University of York
- Sprachgeschichte, auf dem Computer rekonstruiert, Humboldt-University Berlin
- Language evolution: a data-driven perspective\, University of Manchester
- Which phylogenetic method works best? And what are those trees good for anyway? University of York
- How much information can be squeezed out of raw word lists?
- University of Bielefeld
- University of York
- The different flavors of the Iterated Best Response Model of game-theoretic pragmatics, Workshop Game Theoretic Approaces to Implicaturs in Complex Sentences, ZAS Berlin.
- Ambiguity in strategic communication, Workshop Ambiguity and the Design of Language, Barcelona
- Vagueness, signaling and bounded rationality (joint work with Michael Franke and Robert van Rooij), Workshop On the Emergence of Consensus and Misunderstaning, Rome
- (with Katerina Harvati and Hugo Reyes-Centeno), \Words and Bones: correlations between phenotypical and linguistic distances between populations,\ Workshop on historical and empirical evolutionary linguistics, Tübingen.
- Cost-based pragmatic implicatures in an artificial language experiment (joint work with Judith Degen and Michael Franke), Workshop on Artificial Grammar Learning, Tübingen.
- Phylogenetic inference from raw word lists,
- Language Diversity Congress, Groningen
- University of Munich, Dept. of Phonetics
- The IBR model of game theoretic pragmatics and its relatives (joint work with Judith Degen and Michael Franke)
- Social Dynamics Conference, UC Irvine
- Stanford University, Dept. of Psychology
- Technical University Dortmund, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Science
- Game theory in semantics and pragmatics, Conference Logic across the University, foundations and applications, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- Comments on Paul Elbournes "Pronominalization as NP-Deletion", Workshop Pronouns@Tübingen, University of Tübingen
- Lexikostatistik 2.0, Jahrestagung des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim
- (with Hannah Rohde, Scott Seyfarth, Brady Clark, and Stefan Kaufmann) Communicating with Cost-based Implicature: a Game-Theoretic Approach to Ambiguity. 16th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, Paris.
- (with Hannah Rohde, Scott Seyfarth, Brady Clark, and Stefan Kaufmann) \Cost and implicature in word use: Testing predictions of a game-theoretic model of alignment\, Twenty-Fifth Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, CUNY, New York.
- Game Theoretic Pragmatics: The Iterated Best Response model, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona.
- simLC. A Python program for the simulation of language change and language contact. Workshop \Simulation of Language Change\, University of Zurich.
- The semantics of color terms. A quantitative cross-linguistic investigation. Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala
- (with Armin Buch, David Erschler and Andrei Lupas) Estimating and visualizing language similarities using weighted alignment and force-directed graph layout, Workshop "Beyond Phylogeny" at the Annual Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Stockholm, Sweden
- (with Judith Degen and Michael Franke) Optimal reasoning about referential expressions, Euro-XPrag workshop, Oslo
- Trust is good, strategic reasoning is better, Workshop on "Interdisciplinary approaches to scalar implicatures", MIT
- Estimating and visualizing language similarities using weighted alignment and force-directed graph layout, Workshop LINGVIS & UNCLH, EACL 2012, Avignon
- (with Michael Franke) Vagueness, Signaling & Bounded Rationality, Workshop Vagueness in Language, Reasoning, and Cognition, Amsterdam
- Color naming universals: a statistical approach, QITL-4, Humboldt University
- Game theoretic pragmatics,
- guest talk, MIT
- guest talk, University of Rochester, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- What explains power laws in language typology and language change? University of Freiburg
- Formal language theory, Workshop \Artificial Grammar Learning and Formal Language Theory\, MPI Nijmegen
- Vagueness, signaling and bounded rationality, LENLS 7, Tokyo, Japan
- Evolution without replicators: George Price's 'General Theory of Selection', Conference Language as an Evolutionary System: A Multidisciplinary Approach, University of Edinburgh
- Voronoi languages, Workshop Game Theory and Communication: Prospects and Syntheses, Stanford
- The semantics of color terms. A quantitative cross-linguistic investigation. University of Leipzig
- [\Applications of the Price equation to language evolution](, Evolang 8, Utrecht
- Partial variables, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics
- [\Power laws in linguistic typology](, The 11th Szklarska Poreba Workshop, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
- [Natural color categories are convex sets](, 17th Amsterdam Colloquium
- Natural color categories are convex sets, Second Conference on Concept Types and Frames, University of Düsseldorf
- Searching for patterns in the World Color Survey, University of Frankfurt, University of Hamburg
- Forward induction and pragmatics, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, 4th Workshop on OT and Interpretation
- Some remarks on the Chomsky hierarchy and cognitive complexity of artificial grammar learning, Leiden University, Behavioral Biology group
- Pragmatic rationalizability, Trinity College Dublin, University of Düsseldorf, University of Bochum
- [\Pragmatic rationalizability](, Sinn und Bedeutung 13, University of Stuttgart
- George Price, University of Amsterdam, GLoRiClass Halftime Event
- Degrees of evolutionary stability of signaling games, ILLC, University of Amsterdam
- The evolution of convex categories, Radboud University Nijmegen, Department of Philosophy
- The evolution of convex categories, Winter Workshop 2008 on Games, Experiments and Philosophy, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena
- [\Evolutionary stability of games with costly signaling](, 16th Amsterdam Colloquium, University of Amsterdam.
- Communication about similarity spaces, University of Osnabrück
- Priming und Unidirektionalität im Sprachwandel, University of Tübingen
- [\Static and dynamic stability conditions for structurally stable signaling games](, Workshop on Communication, Game Theory, and Language, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
- [\The evolution of convex categories](, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Economics
- The evolution of differential case marking\, University of Edinburgh
- Language usage and functional grounding\, University of Paderborn
- Exemplar dynamics and the emergence of categories in language usage,\ CRC 732, University of Stuttgart
- Partial variables, presuppositions and compositionality,\ University of Stuttgart
- What is a universal? On the explanatory potential of evolutionary game theory in linguistics\, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 2007, Miyazaki, Japan.
- Playing with sounds. How evolutionary game theory helps to explain features of natural language.\ 13th German-America Frontiers of Science Symposium, Irvine/California
- Communication about similarity spaces\, KNAW Academy Colloquium "New perspectives on Games and Interaction", Amsterdam
- Evolutionary game theory and linguistic typology\, University of Bielefeld, Institute of Mathematical Economics
- The game of case\, University of Vienna, Institute of Mathematics
- Cumulativity in syntactic variation, and how to model it,\ Northwestern University
- (with Anette Rosenbach) \Priming und Unidirektionalität im Sprachwandel,\ University of Düsseldorf
- Spieltheoretische Dynamik als Verbindung zwischen Semantik und Pragmatik,\ University of Leipzig
- (with Anette Rosenbach) \Priming as a driving force in grammaticalization: on the track of unidirectionality,\ Workshop "Language Change and Evolution: Integrating Formal and Functional Perspectives", King's College, London
- Exemplar dynamics and George Price's General Theory of Selection\, Workshop on Computing and Phonology, University of Groningen
- Priming and grammaticalization\, Workshop "The Emergence of Pragmatic Markers", University of Bielefeld
- Alignment and the empirical base of game theoretical modeling in linguistics. Symposium "Games in Communication", CRC 673, Bielefeld.
- Evolutionary Game Theory as a framework for modelling language evolution\, VI Winter Workshop on Economics and Philosophy, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid
- Implicatures and Best Response Dynamics\, Games and Decisions in Pragmatics, ZAS Berlin
- Presuppositions, games, and bounded rationality, The Ninth Symposium on Logic and Language, Besenyötelek, Hungary
- Convex meanings and evolutionary stability, Evolang 6, Rome
- The psycholinguistic base of unidirectional language change, Szklarska Poreba Workshop 7, Szklarska Poreba, Poland
- (with Anette Rosenbach) \Priming as a driving force in grammaticalization: on the track of unidirectionality,\ Free University Berlin
- Convex meanings: evolutionary game theory meets cognitive semantics\, Northwestern University
- Cognitive semantics and language evolution\, University of Edinburgh
- Indefinites and sluicing. A type-logical approach\, Workshop Cross-modular approaches to ellipsis at ESSLLI 2005
- Let's pretend to agree. A game theoretic reconstruction of M-implicatures.\ Ninth workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue (DIALOR'05), LORIA, Nancy.
- (with Anette Rosenbach) Priming as a driving force in grammaticalization: on the track of unidirectionality, New Reflections on Grammaticalization 3, Santiago de Compostela [powerpoint slides, references]
- Evolutionary Game Theory and the stability of case marking systems\, University of Hawaii
- Evolutionary Game Theory and the stability of case marking systems\, University of California at Los Angeles
- Learning, usage, and functional grounding\, KNAW Masterclass "Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation", Amsterdam
- Automata, complexity, and Optimality Theory\, KNAW Academy Colloquium "Cognitive Foundations of Interpretation", Amsterdam
- Parsing with proof nets\, Workshop Mathematical Methods in Computational Linguistics, University of Potsdam
- Case marking and evolutionary stability, \Workshop on the Evolution of Syntactic Relations\, DGfS Annual Meeting, Mainz
- Cultural language evolution: acquisition or usage?, Fifth international conference on the evolution of language (EVOLANG 5), MPI for evolutionary anthropology, Leipzig
- Evolutionary Game Theory and Typology\, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Berlin (slides)
- Population dynamic models in linguistics typology\, Institute for Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrück (slides)
- Grammatik und Statistik,\ Humboldt-Universität Berlin (Powerpoint slides)
- Pragmatic fossils. The emergence of differential case marking\, University of Nijmegen
- Evolutionary OT and the emergence of possession splits\, Workshop "Logic, Neural Networks, and OT", ZAS, Berlin [with Anette Rosenbach] (slides)
- Evolutionary Game Theory and linguistic typology: a case study, 14th Amsterdam Colloquium, University of Amsterdam
- (with Anette Rosenbach) Cumulativity in Variation: testing different versions of Stochastic OT empirically, Seventh Workshop on Optimality Theoretic Syntax Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (my slides, Anette's slides)
- Simulating language change with Functional OT, Workshop on Language Evolution and Computation, ESSLLI 2003, Vienna
- The evolution of weak bidirectional OT, [Workshop \Games and Decisions in Pragmatics]( ZAS Berlin (slides)
- Software demonstration evolOT, Workshop Variation within Optimality Theory, University of Stockholm
- evolOT. Simulating language evolution with Optimality Theory, Szklarska Poreba Workshop 4
- Evolutionary Optimality Theory\, Stanford University (slides)
- Evolutionary Optimality Theory\, University of California at Santa Cruz
- Learning, Evolution, and Functional Optimality Theory\, University of Amsterdam
- Quantitative Syntax. On the Stochastic Interpretation of Optimality Theory\ , Humboldt University, Berlin (slides)
- Specificity: Combining the approaches\, University of Chicago (slides)
- Specificity: in situ interpretation and partiality\, Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poreba, Poland [with Cornelia Endriss]
- Residuation, Structural Rules and Context Freeness\, Workshop TAG+6, Venice (slides)
- Specific Indefinites: presupposition accommodation by existential closure\, Sinn und Bedeutung VII, University of Constance
- Gradient constraints in finite state OT. The unidirectional and the bidirectional case\, University of Düsseldorf
- The interpretation of predicational heads\, University of Groninge
- Anaphora and ellipsis in Categorial Grammar\, University of Leiden
- On the semantics of as and be, DIP-colloquium, ILLC, University of Amsterdam
- Optimal syntax and optimal semantics. A case study\, Universität Osnabrück
- Anaphora and Indefinites in Type Logical Grammar\, Workshop Learning Logic and Grammar, ILLC, University of Amsterdam (slides)
- Lambek Grammars as Combinatory Categorial Grammars\, Workshop Linear Logic and Linguistics, UIL-OTS, University of Utrecht
- Indefinites and Sluicing. A Type Logical Approach\, 13th Amsterdam Colloquium, University of Amsterdam (slides)
- On relational interpretation of multi-modal categorial logics\, Fourth International Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Borjomi, Georgia (slides)
- Gradient constraints in finite state OT. The unidirectional and the bidirectional case\, Workshop on Finite State Methods in Natural Language Processing, University of Helsinki (slides)
- Bidirectional Optimality Theory\, Universität Tübingen [with Reinhard Blutner]
- Zur automatentheoretischen Mächtigkeit von OT-Grammatiken\, Universität München
- Against Lexical Decomposition in Syntax\, University of California at Los Angeles (slides)
- Topical predicates. On the interpretation of frame setting predicative phrases\, 11. Wuppertaler Linguistisches Kolloquium: Topik-Kommentar-Struktur, University of Wuppertal
- Some notes on the formal properties of bidirectional Optimality Theory\, Sinn + Bedeutung V, University of Amsterdam (slides)
- On the semantics of 'as' and 'be'. A neo-Carlsonian approach\ , NELS 31, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
- Lambek Grammars as Combinatory Categorial Grammars,\ 7th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'2000), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Natal (Brazil)
- Competition and Interpretation: The German Adverbs of Repetition\, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken [with Reinhard Blutner]
- Anaphern und Ellipsen in der Kategorialgrammatik\, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
- "Wieder". Eine Fallstudie in optimalitätstheoretischer Semantik\, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
- Optimal syntax and optimal semantics\, DIP collquium, ILLC, University of Amsterdam (slides)
- A Theory of wieder ('again')\, Humboldt-University Berlin
- Competition and Interpretation: The German Adverbs of Repetition,\ Conference "Approaching the Grammar of Adjuncts", Oslo [with Reinhard Blutner] (slides)
- Resource sharing in type logical grammar\, Formal Grammar conference, Utrecht (slides)
- Against Lexical Decomposition in Syntax\ , IATL 15, Haifa [with Reinhard Blutner]
- Deconstructing Jacobson's Z, 12th Amsterdam Colloquium, University of Amsterdam
- On the generative capacity of Multi- Modal Categorial Grammars\, 6th Meeting on Mathematics of Language, University of Central Florida, Orlando
- The German repetitivals: A pragmatic investigation. DGfS-Jahrestagung, Constance, [with Reinhard Blutner]
- VP-Ellipsis in Categorial Grammar\, MIT, Cambridge (Mass.)
- Anaphora and Scope in Categorial Grammar\ , Conference "Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics", Grenoble
- Focus without variables: A multi-modal analysis\, WCCFL 17, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
- Categorial Grammar and ellipsis resolution\, Humboldt-University Berlin
- How to model questions under discussion?\, Workshop "Questions under Discussion", University of Amsterdam
- Anaphora and Ellipsis in Type Logical Grammar\, 11th Amsterdam Colloquium, University of Amsterdam
- A reunion with the stage/individual contrast\, University of Cologne
- Definiteness and Information Structure\, German Society for Semantics Annual Meeting, University of Tübingen
- The Stage/Individual Contrast Revisited\ , WCCFL 15, University of California at Irvine
- On the dynamics of the focus particle 'only'\, University of Leipzig
- Only Updates. On the Dynamics of the Focus Particle 'only'\, 10th Amsterdam Colloquium, University of Amsterdam
- Topic, Scrambling and Aktionsart\, Workshop on Focus at the German Linguistic Society Annual Meeting, Göttingen
- Dynamic logic and linguistic semantics\, University of Leipzig
- Topic, Scrambling and Aktionsart\, ConSOLE 3, University of Venice
- Topic, Focus and Weak Quantifiers\, NELS 25, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Discourse linking and the stage/individual contrast\, University of Tübingen
- Discourse linking and the stage/individual contrast\, SFB-Treffen, Blaubeuren
- Mathematics for Machine Learning III: Probability and Statistics, Hauptseminar, University of Tübingen
- Automatic Speech Recognition, Hauptseminar, University of Tübingen
- Grammar Formalisms, Proseminar, University of Tübingen
earlier courses
- Mathematics for Machine Learning, Hauptseminar, University of Tübingen
- Introduction to General Linguistics, Proseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Statistical Typology, course, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Leuven
- Grammar Formalisms, Proseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Introduction to General Linguistics, Proseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Linear Algebra, Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Oberseminar Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Uni Tübingen
- Linear algebra, Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Vector space semantics, Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Oberseminar Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Uni Tübingen
- Methods I: Programming and Data Analysis, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Language in Space, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Methods I: Programming and Data Analysis, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Methods I: Introduction to Logic, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Oberseminar Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Uni Tübingen
- Programming in Julia for diversity linguistcs, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Methods I: Introduction to Logic, Proseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Methods I: Programming and Data Analysis, Proseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Oberseminar Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Uni Tübingen
- Bayesian Data Analysis in Pragmatics and Historical Linguistics, Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- (with Rolf Ulrich) Computersimulation kognitiver Prozesse, Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Programming and Data Analysis, Proseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Oberseminar Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Uni Tübingen
- Phylogenetic Inference, mini-course, Words, Bones, Genes, Tools, February 28, 2018
- Current Trends in Linguistics, Proseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Language Variation and Change, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- Computational historical linguistics, Euroean Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
- Phylogenetische Methoden in der historischen Linguistik, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Uni Tübingen
- (with Rolf Ulrich), Bayes'sche Datenanalyse für Linguisten, Psychologen und Kognitionswissenschaftler, Hauptseminar, UTübingen
- Mathematics for Linguists, Proseminar, UTübingen
- Mathematical and computational models of language evolution, course at the DGfS Sommerschule 2013, Sprachentwicklung: Evolution, Wandel, Erwerb, Berlin
- (with Jason Quinley) Game Theory and Pragmatics, Hauptseminar, UTübingen
- (with Fritz Hamm) Mathematics for Linguists, Proseminar, UTübingen
- Bioinformatische Methoden in der historischen Linguistik, Hauptseminar (Blockseminar), Forum Scientarum, UTübingen
- (mit Christian Ebert) Neuere Literatur zu Syntax und Semantik, Oberseminar, UTübingen
- Blockseminar Sprache und Spieltheorie, Forum Scientiarum, UTübingen
- Semantik I, Proseminar, UTübingen
- Kolloquium Semantik und Syntax (mit Wolfgang Sternefeld), UTübingen
- Statistische Verfahren in der Psycholinguistik (mit Rolf Ulrich), Forschungsseminar, Forum Scientiarum, UTübingen
- Kausalität und Sprache (mit Harald Baayen und Fritz Hamm), Hauptseminar, UTübingen
- Kolloquium Semantik und Syntax (mit Christian Ebert), UTübingen
- (mit Barbara Kaup) Artificial Grammar Learning, Forschungsseminar, Forum Scientiarum, UTübingen
- Introduction to General Linguistics: Semantics 0, Proseminar, UTübingen
- Languages of the World, Proseminar, UTübingen
- Linguistik für Kognitionswissenschaftler, Proseminar, UTübingen
- Mathematics for Linguists (with Jason Quinley), Proseminar, UTübingen
- Kolloquium Semantik und Syntax (mit Wolfgang Sternefeld), UTübingen
- Quantitative Typology: a practical introduction into data exploration and visualization using R, CLS 2010, University of Zadar, Croatia
- Mathematics for linguists, Proseminar, Universität Tübingen
- Languages of the world, Proseminar, Universität Tübingen
- Sprachevolution, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Universität Tübingen
- Kolloquium Semantik und Syntax (mit Wolfgang Sternefeld), Universität Tübingen
- Formale Pragmatik, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Universität Tübingen
- Kategorialgrammatik, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Universität Tübingen
- Statistisches Modellieren quantitativer linguistischer Daten mit R, Pro-/Hauptseminar, Universität Tübingen
- Kolloquium Semantik und Syntax (mit Wolfgang Sternefeld), Universität Tübingen
- Exemplarbasierte Theorien der Sprachverarbeitung, Seminar (MA/Magister-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Formale Methoden 2, Vorlesung (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Semantik und Pragmatik, Vorlesung (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Projektseminar Spieltheorie, Seminar (Magister-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Kolloquium Semantik und Syntax (mit Hannes Rieser), Kolloquium (Magister-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Grundkurs Linguistik, Vorlesung (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Formale Methoden I, Vorlesung (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Mathematik für Kognitionswissenschaftler, Seminar (Magister-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Projektseminar Spieltheorie, Seminar (Magister-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Kolloquium Semantik und Syntax (mit Hannes Rieser), Kolloquium (Magister-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Semantik und Pragmatik, Vorlesung (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Crosslinguistische Studien, Seminar (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Vergleichende Grammatik, Seminar (MA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Simulation von Sprachevolution, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Evolutionary game theory and linguistics, mini-course, University of Tübingen
- Grundkurs Linguistik, Vorlesung (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Sprachen der Welt, Seminar (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Mathematik für Kognitionswissenschaftler, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Projektseminar Spieltheorie und Pragmatik, Universität Bielefeld
- (mit Hannes Rieser) Kolloquium Semantik und Syntax, Universität Bielefeld
- Formal and computational models of language evolution, Jadertina Summer School in Empirical and Computational Linguistics, University of Zadar
- Morphologie und Syntax, Vorlesung (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Semantik und Pragmatik, Vorlesung (BA-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Vergleichende Grammatik, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Einführung in die Modallogik, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- (mit Hannes Rieser) Pragmatik, Kolloquium, Universität Bielefeld
- Syntax und Morphologie, Vorlesung (M.A.-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Semantik und Pragmatik, Vorlesung (M.A.-Studiengang), Universität Bielefeld
- Formale Semantik, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Typenlogische Grammatik, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Evolutionary Games and Language, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh
- Formale Methoden II, Vorlesung, Universität Bielefeld
- Semantik und Pragmatik, Vorlesung, Universität Bielefeld
- Lexikalisch-Funktionale Grammatik, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Wortstellungstypologie, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Deklarative Grammatikformalismen, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Kognitive Semantik, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- Koordinationstheorie, Kolloquium, Universität Bielefeld
- Formale Pragmatik, Seminar, Universität Bielefeld
- The Optimization of Grammar, seminar, Stanford University, Dept. of Linguistics
- Language, Games and Evolution, course, 3rd North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, UCLA
- An introduction to mildly context-sensitive grammar formalisms, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Nancy, France
- Formalwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Linguistik (Einführung in die Logik), Vorlesung, Universität Potsdam
- Linguistic and computational aspects of Optimality Theory , 2nd North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, University of Indiana at Bloomington
- Stochastische Lernalgorithmen in der Computerlinguistik, Hauptseminar, Universität Potsdam
- Präsuppositionen, Proseminar/Hauptseminar, Universität Potsdam
- Introduction into formal Semantics, Summer School "Formal and Functional Linguistics", University of Düsseldorf
- Statistische Methoden in der Sprachverarbeitung, Proseminar/Hauptseminar, Universität Potsdam
- Computational Semantics, course, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (OTS), University of Utrecht
- Dynamische Semantik, Block-Seminar, Universität Leipzig, Graduiertenkolleg "Universalität und Diversität: Sprachliche Strukturen und Prozesse", 3./4. März
- Anaphora and ellipsis in Type Logical Grammar, course, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (OTS), University of Utrecht
- Kategorialgrammatik: Theorie und Implementierung, Seminar, Universität Potsdam
- Strukturelle Pragmatik, Kolloquium, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- Einführung in die Linguistik, Grundkurs A, Humboldt-Universität Berlin ( Folien)
- Nicht-fundierte Mengenlehre für Linguisten, Seminar, Universität Potsdam
- Dynamic Semantics, seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
- Einführung in die Montague-Semantik, Seminar, LMU München
- Syntax und Semantik von Fragesätzen, Seminar, LMU München
- Repräsentation lexikalischen Wissens in Merkmalsstrukturen, Seminar, Humboldt-Universität
conferences and workshops
Cross - Linguistic Explorations in Space, Time and Evolution, June 14-15, 2024, Tübingen, Germany
Exploiting standardized cross-linguistic data in historical linguistics, Workshop at ICHL26, Heidelberg, September 8
Biocultural Implications: An Agenda for Integrative Approaches. Sixth Annual Symposium of the DFG Center for Advanced Studies Words, Bones, Genes, Tools, Tübingen, December 03-04.
Model and evidence in quantitative comparative linguistics, workshop at the DGfS 2021 annual meeting, Freiburg, February 24-26
Maritime connections. Fifth Annual Symposium of the DFG Center for Advanced Studies Words, Bones, Genes, Tools, Tübingen, December 13-15.
Ancient connections in Eurasia. Fourth Annual Symposium of the DFG Center for Advanced Studies Words, Bones, Genes, Tools, Tübingen, December 14-16.
Modern human origins and dispersal. Third Annual Symposium of the DFG Center for Advanced Studies Words, Bones, Genes, Tools, Tübingen, November 2-4.
New perspectives on the peopling of the Americas. Second Annual Symposium of the DFG Center for Advanced Studies Words, Bones, Genes, Tools, Tübingen, November 4-6.
Inaugural Symposium: Words, Bones, Genes, Tools, Tübingen, November 29 - December 1, 2015.
QITL-6: 6th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, Tübingen, November 4-6, 2015.
Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics, Workshop, Lorentz Center, Leiden, NL, October 26-30, 2015.
26th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information, Tübingen, August 11-22, Tübingen
Workshop on historical and empirical evolutionary Linguistics (Wheel), Tübingen, February 15/16, Tübingen
Workshop Experimental Pragmatics Meets Game Theory, Tübingen, January 13, 2013
Computational approaches to the study of dialectal and typological variation, Workshop organized as part of the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information ESSLLI 2012 , August 6-10 2012 (ESSLLI first week), Opole, Poland
Mathematics of Language 11, Bielefeld
Workshop "Games in Communication II", Bielefeld
The Role of Variation in Language Evolution, Workshop at the annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Siegen
Symposium "Games in Communication", Bielefeld
Annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Bielefeld
Colloquium "Theories of Dialogue", Bielefeld
Joint conference Formal Grammar + Mathematics of Language, Edinburgh
Language Evolution: Cognitive and Cultural Factors, Schmöckwitz near Berlin
Formal Grammar, Nancy
Workshop on OT Syntax+, Berlin
Formal Grammar, Vienna
Formal Grammar, Trento
Workshop on Predicative Constructions, Berlin
- faculty council member, Faculty of Humanities, Tübingen University
- associate member of the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning for Science (check out the Machine Learning for Science blog: