Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft

Programme Description for the BA Major in General Linguistics

The B.A. study in General Linguistics starts at the beginning of the Winter Semester and lasts for six Semesters (3 years). These three years include the B.A. Thesis and final exams.
The elementary studies (1st - 4th semester) cover the fundamentals of General and Theoretical Linguistics. Obligatory in this period are courses in syntax, semantics, phonetics/phonology and pragmatics as well as courses in mathematical foundations and programming.

During the main studies (5th + 6th semester), students take core seminars and projects around the topics 'Variation, Evolution & Change', 'Language & Cognition' and 'Language Use'. The 6th semester also comprises the BA thesis.

Language of Instruction

The languages of instruction are German and English.

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