Edition of the correspondence Rudolf Bultmann – Ernst Käsemann

The correspondence between Rudolf Bultmann (1884–1976) and his disciple Ernst Käsemann (1906–1998) spans over half a century (1925–1976) and is of great interest both historically and concerning New Testament research history. It also bears witness to critical theological debates, especially on the historical Jesus, the relation between anthropology and cosmology respectively eschatology and apocalypticism in the theology of Paul, Bultmann’s existential interpretation, the significance of the New Testament canon and the question of a docetist Christology in the gospel of John.

The edition project started in 2009 and will be published at Mohr (Siebeck), Tübingen.


Head of the project is Prof. Dr. Christof Landmesser, chairman of the Rudolf-Bultmann-Gesellschaft für Hermeneutische Theologie e.V. and chief editor of Rudolf Bultmann’s scientific correspondence.

The project is funded by the DFG (German Research Foundation).

The correspondence Rudolf Bultmann – Martin Heidegger, ed. by Andreas Großmann and Christof Landmesser, was published in 2009:

Großmann, Andreas / Landmesser, Christof (Hg.), Rudolf Bultmann / Martin Heidegger. Briefwechsel 1925-1975. Mit einem Geleitwort von Eberhard Jüngel, Frankfurt am Main / Tübingen 2009.