Juristische Fakultät


Informal discussion group on the intersection of artificial intelligence and law

AI MEETS LAW is the informal discussion group for all researchers and students at the University of Tübingen that share a special interest in the intersection of artificial intelligence and law.


We exchange views, discuss latest developements and current research projects. The platform and newsletters provide information on all ongoing activities. We meet on a regular basis.

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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Juristische Fakultät
D-72074 Tübingen

AI MEETS LAW goes German Legal Tech Summit / GLTS 2024

Three Day Excursion to Hannover from 6 Nov to 8 Nov

AI MEETS LAW goes Zurich

Two Day Excursion to Zurich from 31 Oct to 1 Nov

Excursion to the Legal Tech Day 2024 in Berlin

AI MEETS LAW took 5 students to the Legal Tech Day 2024 in Berlin on September 18th, 19th, and 20th.


exkursion report

Last Events



Previous events

Young Researchers' Forum on AI and Law

29 November 2022, Neue Aula, Tübingen

In the format of a mini symposium, Florian Idelberger (European University Institute, Italy) and João Araújo Monteiro Neto (University of Fortaleza, Brazil) presented their latest work at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Law:

Using Al in Brazilian Courts: From Technical Opportunities to Theoretical Challenges
João Araújo Monteiro Neto

Exploring the limits of legal transfer learning
Florian Idelberger

forum report

Cyberoperations and International Law

From the Morris Worm to the War in Ukraine, 12th July 2022

Dr. Delerue offered a comprehensive analysis of the international law applicable to cyber operations, including a systematic examination of attribution, lawfulness and remedies. Is international law applicable to cyber operations? What are remedies at and where are the limits of international law? Are there situations in which international law leaves the victim state of cyber operations helpless?

François Delerue: Senior Researcher in Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs at Leiden University and Team Leaderon International Law for EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative (EU Cyber Direct). As of September, he will be an Assistant Professor in Law at EI University. His book Cyber Operations and International Law was published by Cambridge University Press in 2020 and was awarded the 2021 Book Prize of the European Society for International Law.

hybrid talk report

Machine Learning, Market Manipulation and Collusion on Capital Markets: Why the 'Black Box' matters

26.04.22, 18:00, Talk with Prof. Dr. Wolf-Georg Ringe, M.Jur. (Oxon), hybrid (HS10, Neue Aula, Tübingen & Zoom)

This talk offers a novel perspective on the implications of increasingly autonomous and “black box” algorithms, within the ramification of algorithmic trading, for the integrity of capital markets. Artificial intelligence (AI) and particularly its subfield of machine learning (ML) methods have gained immense popularity among the great public and achieved tremendous success in many real-life applications by leading to vast efficiency gains. In the financial trading domain, ML can augment human capabilities in both price prediction, dynamic portfolio optimization, and other financial decision-making tasks. However, thanks to constant progress in the ML technology, the prospect of increasingly capable and autonomous agents to delegate operational tasks and even decision-making is now beyond mere imagination, thus opening up the possibility for approximating (truly) autonomous trading agents anytime soon. What are the significant risks autonomous algorithmic traders may involve? And what do these risks mean for the adequacy of existing regulatory frameworks and enforcement mechanisms?

hybrid talk report

Georg Ringe is Director of the Institute of Law & Economics at the University of Hamburg and Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford, Faculty of Law. His research focuses on questions of corporate law, capital markets, and financial regulation, from an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. He is a Research Member with the European Corporate Governance Institute, Brussels, Fellow at the European Banking Institute, Frankfurt, and co-editor of the Journal of Financial Regulation. As Visiting Professor, he regularly teaches at leading academic institutions in North America, Europe, and Asia.


Blockchain and the Decentralization of Information

Implications for Competition and Current Regulatory Schemes

Blockchain technology challenges both established data monopolies and the traditional regulatory approach towards big data. The decentralization of information changes the paradigms that have governed data protection, platform regulation and antitrust in the past. In what way will blockchain impact on competition on digital markets, how will digital-platforms react, and how can the law ensure effective competition, fairness and data protection under new premises of decentralized information?

symposium report

watch Blockchain Ecosystems vs. Big Tech: A Possible Future by Thibault Schrepel

Kristof Meding, postdoc in Machine learning in the labs of Felix Wichmann (University Tübingen) and Bernhard Schölkopf (Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems)
Technological Foundations of Blockchain Technology for Lawyers

Michèle Finck, Professor of Law and AI at the University of Tübingen, an Affiliated Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition and the Centre for Blockchain Technologies at University College London as well as a Visiting Professor at LUISS University
Decentralized Data Governance and EU Data Law 

Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law at VU Amsterdam University, and a Faculty Affiliate at Stanford University CodeX Center
Blockchain Ecosystems vs. Big Tech: A Possible Future 

Stefan Thomas, Professor at the Law Faculty, Head of the AI MEETS LAW platform, University of Tübingen
(Panel Chair/Moderator)

AI in Antitrust Damages Litigation

On the Technical Challenges of Dealing with Big Data in a Legal Environment

Big Data can be a valuable source of information for the substantiation of damages. Yet proof in court requires a certain degree of transparency and explainability of damages calculations. How can the use of artificial intelligence (AI) help to navigate through piles of data and at the same time reconcile with the procedural framework governing damages estimation in the courtroom?

symposium report

Accepting Opaque Algorithms?

Legitimate Use in a Situation of (Partial) Ignorance

On Thursday, June 24th 2021, an interdisciplinary symposium on Tübingen’s “AI MEETS LAW” platform took place in cooperation with the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Centre. It was dedicated to “Accepting Opaque Algorithms? Legitimate Use in a Situation of (Partial) Ignorance”.

seminar report

Trustworthy AI

Determinants for Designing Ethical and Legally Compliant Solutions

4. March 2021, 18:00 p.m. – 19 p.m, Online Symposium

AI, especially with machine learning capabilities, provides a huge efficiency potential that can cater to a wide range of societal needs. Yet the progress of these technologies faces question on transparency, predictability, and accountability. Enshrining trustworthiness in AI will therefore bear significantly on its progress, the societal acceptance of AI-decision-making, and data processing. The symposium on trustworthy AI expounds on the various implications of this matter on the technological development, the political discourse, and ethics. These are the foundations of any AI-related regulatory regime. 

symposium report

Andrea Martin, Leader of the IBM Watson Center in Munich and the EMEA Client Centers
Trustworthy AI: Notes on the dialogue between AI innovators and the political actors
In this presentation we will discuss what the future brings for AI and how we - all together - can ensure a trustworthy implementation of AI solutions. We will also briefly touch on the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in the area of AI ethics, including the political players.

Matthias Biniok, Lead Architect IBM Watson and Leader Space Tech Division DACH
The design principles of trustworthy AI – from conception to market realization
Matthias provides an intuitive introduction into the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) including the difference between machine learning, deep learning, and AI, the history and current status of AI. The issue of trustworthiness of AI will be exemplified by case examples. He will also talk about applications of AI in legal tech, where trustworthiness can be pivotal.

Stefan Thomas, Professor at the Law Faculty, Head of the AI MEETS LAW platform, University of Tübingen
Sebastian Brüggemann, Attorney at Law, Lecturer on Internet and Data Protection Law at the Law Faculty, University of Tübingen (Panel Chair/Moderator)


Prof. Dr. Michèle Finck, LL.M.
Stiftungsprofessur der Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung
für das Recht der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Universität Tübingen
D-72074 Tübingen
michele.finckspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Nils Model
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung
Juristische Fakultät
Universität Tübingen
D-72074 Tübingen
nils.modelspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Prof. Dr. Stefan Thomas
Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht, Wettbewerbs- und Versicherungsrecht
Universität Tübingen
D-72074 Tübingen
stefan.thomasspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Maximilian Jaques
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft / Research Assistant
Juristische Fakultät
Universität Tübingen
D-72074 Tübingen