Markl, G. (2017): Schwarzwald - Lagerstätten und Mineralien aus vier Jahrhunderten. Band IV (Südlicher Schwarzwald), Bode Verlag, Salzhemmendorf, 880 S.
Markl, G. (2017): Schwarzwald - Lagerstätten und Mineralien aus vier Jahrhunderten. Band III (Mittlerer Schwarzwald II: Gneisgebiete), Bode Verlag, Salzhemmendorf, 640 S.
Markl, G. (2016): Schwarzwald - Lagerstätten und Mineralien aus vier Jahrhunderten. Band II (Mittlerer Schwarzwald I: Granitgebiete), Bode Verlag, Salzhemmendorf, 656 S.
Markl, G. (2015): Schwarzwald - Lagerstätten und Mineralien aus vier Jahrhunderten. Band I (Nordschwarzwald & Grube Clara), Bode Verlag, Salzhemmendorf, 672 S.
Markl, G. (2014): Minerale und Gesteine: Mineralogie – Petrologie – Geochemie. Textbook for students of geology, mineralogy and geography. Spektrum/Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 3. Auflage, 610 S.
Markl, G. (2014): Pyromorphit, Mimetesit, Vanadinit. EXTRALapis Nr. 46, Christian Weise Verlag, München, 122 S.
Markl, G. & Wolfsried, S. (2011): Das Uran von Menschenschwand. Christian Weise Verlag, München, 143 S.
Markl, G. (2008): Minerale und Gesteine: Mineralogie – Petrologie – Geochemie. Textbook for students of geology, mineralogy and geography. Spektrum/Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, überarbeitete Ausgabe, 610 S.
Markl, G. (2005): Bergbau und Mineralienhandel im fürstenbergischen Kinzigtal. Historical Monograph. Markstein Verlag, Filderstadt.
Markl, G. (2004): Minerale und Gesteine: Eigenschaften – Bildung – Untersuchung. Textbook for students of geology, mineralogy and geography. Spektrum/Elsevier Verlag, Heidelberg, 356 S.
Markl, G. (2004): Die Erde. Eine Reise durch ihre Geschichte. Popular science book for teenagers and adults. Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, München.
Markl, G. & Lorenz, S. (Hrsg., 2004): Silber – Kupfer – Kobalt: Bergbau im Schwarzwald. Popular science book. Markstein Verlag, Filderstadt.
Scientific papers
For Publications on Lepidoptera see here.
Raisch, D., Staude, S. & Markl, G. (2025): Revisiting semi-massive Sulfides: Textures of sulfide-silicate interactions in magmatic sulfide deposits. Ore Geology Reviews, 106457.
Raza, M., Giebel, R. J., Staude, S., Beranoaguirre, A., Kolb, J., Markl, G. & Walter, B. F. (2025): The post-magmatic evolution of the Nooitgedacht Carbonatite Complex, South Africa. Geochemistry, 126249 (26 p.).
Meyer, N., Burisch, M., Gutzmer, J., Krause, J., Scheibert, H. & Markl, G. (2025): Mineral chemistry of the Geyer SW tin skarn deposit: understanding variable fluid/rock ratios and metal fluxes. Mineralium Deposita 60, 85–111.
Schmitt, F., Marks, M. A. W., Siegel, M., Henzler, M., Zaitsev, A. N. & Markl, G. (2024): Nephelinites from Burko volcano (Tanzania) record the phase relations among perovskite, magnetite, titanite and andradite in evolved alkaline and silica-undersaturated systems. Geochemistry 84 (4), 126211 (24 p.).
Jungmann, M., Walter, B. F., Eiche, E., Giebel, R. J. & Kolb, J. (2024): The source of lithium in connate fluids: Evidence from the geothermal reservoir at Soultz-sous-Forêts, Upper Rhine Graben, France. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 107641.
O'Driscoll, B., Petronis, M. S., Marks, M. A. W., McCarthy, W. S., Mariani, E., Stevenson, C. T. E., Clay, P. L. & Geissman, J. W. (2024): Magnetic Fabrics in Laminated Rocks of the Ilímaussaq Igneous Complex, Southern Greenland. The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology.
Han, P.-Y., Rudnick, R. L., Hu, Z.-C., He, T., Marks, M. A. W. & Chen, K. (2024): Halogen enrichment on the continental surface: a perspective from loess. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 32, 52–57.
Kluge, T., Eiche, E., Walter, B. F., Kramer, U., Göttlicher, J., Gudelius, D., Giebel, R. J. & Kolb, J. (2024): The influence of fluid pressure, redox potential and crystal growth characteristics in Mississippi-Valley-Type (MVT) ore formation – lessons from a modern geothermal scale. Mineralium Deposita (21 p.).
Alam, N., Husain, M. A., Singh, R., Jain, P. K., Eiche, E., Neidhardt. H., Marks, M., Kumar, M. & Biswas, A. (2024): Geochemistry of fluoride mobilization in the hard-rock aquifers of central India: Implication for fluoride-safe drinking water supply. Applied Geochemistry 171, 106106 (15 p.).
Rddad, L., Cherai, M., Walter, B. F., Talbi, F., Kraemer, D. & Billström, K. (2024): Geochemistry and fluid inclusion study of the Jbel Tirremi fluorite-baryte deposit, Morocco: New insights into the genetic model in relation to Mesozoic tectonics. Geochemistry, 126162 (20 p.).
Binder, T., Marks, M. A. W., Walter, B. F., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2024): Two Distinct Metasomatized Mantle Sources Produced Two Groups of Alkaline SiO2-undersaturated Rocks in the Southern Central European Volcanic Province. Journal of Petrology 65 (7), egae070 (29 p.).
Bongiovanni, M., Fusswinkel, T. & Marks, M. A. W. (2024): Unravelling the effects of magmatic fractionation, fluid phase separation and dilution on the composition of magmatic hydrothermal fluids of the Cornubian Batholith (SW England). Chemical Geology 658, 122119 (23 p.).
Kasay, G. M., Borst, A. M., Giebel, R. J., Bolarinwa, A. T., Beranoaguirre, A., Kluge, T., Aromolaran, O. K., Raza, M., Eiche, E., Kolb, J., Nzolang, C. & Walter, B. F. (2024): Petrogenesis and geodynamic setting of the Bingo alkaline-carbonatite complex, DRC: Constraints from petrography, geochemistry, C-O isotopes and U-Pb geochronology. Precambrian Research 408, 107421 (19 p.).
Mueller, M., Walter, B. F., Giebel, R. J., Beranoaguirre, A., Swart, P. K., Lu, C., Riechelmann, S. & Immenhauser, A. (2024): Towards a better understanding of the geochemical proxy record of complex carbonate archives. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 376, 68–99.
Binder, T., Marks, M. A. W., Friedrichsen, B.-E., Walter, B. F., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2024): Bimodal volcanism in the Hegau region (SW Germany): Differentiation of primitive melilititic to nephelinitic rocks produces evolved nosean phonolites. Lithos 472–473, 107565 (23 p.).
Staude, S., Martin, L. A. J., Aleshin, M., Fiorentini, M. L. & Markl, G. (2024): The multiple sulfur isotope architecture of the Kambalda nickel camp, Western Australia. Mineralium Deposita 59, 505–518.
Meyer, N., Markl, G., Gerdes, A., Gutzmer, J. & Burisch, M. (2024): Timing and origin of skarn-, greisen-, and vein-hosted tin mineralization at Geyer, Erzgebirge (Germany). Mineralium Deposita 59, 1–22.
Gudelius, D., Marks, M. W., Markl, G., Nielsen, T. F. D., Kolb, J. & Walter, B. (2023): The Origin of Ultramafic Complexes with Melilitolites and Carbonatites: A Petrological Comparison of the Gardiner (E Greenland) and Kovdor (Russia) Intrusions. Journal of Petrology 64, 1–26.
Járóka, T., Pfänder, J. A., Seifert, T., Hauff, F., Sperner, B., Staude, S., Stephan, T. & Schulz, B. (2023): Age and petrogenesis of Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide-bearing gabbroic intrusions in the Lausitz Block, northern Bohemian Massif (Germany/Czech Republic). Lithos 444-445, 107090 (28 p.).
Staude, S., Raisch, D. & Markl, G. (2023): Sulfide anatexis during high-grade metamorphism: a case study from the Bodenmais SEDEX deposit, Germany. Mineralium Deposita 58, 987–1003.
Binder, T., Marks, M. A. W., Gerdes, A., Walter, B. F., Grimmer, J., Beranoaguirre, A., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2023): Two distinct age groups of melilitites, foidites, and basanites from the southern Central European Volcanic Province reflect lithospheric heterogeneity. International Journal of Earth Sciences 112, 881–905.
Staude, S., Scharrer, M., Simon, I., Blanc, P., Pfaff, K., Monecke, T. & Markl, G. (2023): Hydrothermal pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9S8 from Kambalda, Western Australia: occurrences, formation conditions, and association with orogenic gold. The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology 61 (2), 239–271.
Kendrick, M. A., Marks, M. A. W. & Godard, M. (2022): Halogens in serpentinised-troctolites from the Atlantis Massif: implications for alteration and global volatile cycling. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 77, 110 (18p.).
Han, P.-Y., Rudnick, R. L., He, T., Marks, M. A. W., Wang S.-J., Gaschnig, R. M. & Hu, Z.-C. (2022): Halogen (F, Cl, Br, and I) concentrations of the upper continental crust through time as recorded in ancient glacial diamictite composites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 341, 28–45.
Strydom, J., Sterpenich, J., Grgic, D., Richard, A., Eggenkamp, H. G. M., Agrinier, P., Louvat, P., Mosser-Ruck, R., Gaire, P. & Gaucher, E. C. (2022): Experimental study of chemical evolution and isotope fractionation of Cl and Br in pore water expelled during strong clay compaction. Applied Geochemistry 140, 105274 (12 p.).
Burgess, R., Ebihara, M. & Eggenkamp H. (2022): Developments in Halogen Abundance and Isotope Measurements. Elements 18, 41–46.
Walter, B. F., Giebel., R. J., Marlow, A. G., Siegfried, P. R., Marks, M., Markl, G., Palmer, M. & Kolb, J. (2022): The Kieshöhe carbonatites of southwestern Namibia – the post-magmatic role of silicate xenoliths on REE mobilisation. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 25, 1–31.
Eggenkamp, H. G. M., Marks, M. A. W., Bonifacie, M., Bardoux, G., Agrinier, P. & Markl, G. (2022): Cl isotope fractionation in magmatic and hydrothermal eudialyte, sodalite and tugtupite (Ilímaussaq intrusion, South Greenland). Chemical Geology 604, 120932 (12 p.).
Chmyz, L., Guitarrari Azzone, R., Ruberti, E., Marks, M. A. W. & Saraiva dos Santos, T. J. (2022): Olivines as probes into assimilation of silicate rocks by carbonatite magmas: Unraveling the genesis of reaction rocks from the Jacupiranga alkaline‑carbonatite complex, southern Brazil. Lithos 416–417, 106647 (18 p.).
Epp, T., Marks, M. A. W., Neidhardt, H., Oelmann, Y. & Markl, G. (2022): Halogen (F, Cl, Br, I) contents in silt and clay fractions of a Cambisol from a temperate forest. American Mineralogist 107 (5), 946–954.
Neidhardt, H., Lemke, E., Epp, T., Marks, M. A. W., Markl, G. & Oelmann, Y. (2022): Impact of abiotic and biogeochemical processes on halogen concentrations (Cl, Br, F, I) in mineral soil along a climatic gradient. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Advance Article (13 p.) (for electronic supplementary information see here).
Burisch, M., Markl, M., Gutzmer, J. (2022): Breakup with benefits - hydrothermal mineral systems related to the disintegration of a supercontinent. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 580, 117373 (7 p.).
Staude, S., Oelze, M., Markl, G. (2022): Multi-stage sulfide evolution of the Moran Ni sulfide ore, Kambalda, Western Australia: insights into the dynamics of ore forming processes of komatiite-hosted deposits. Mineralium Deposita 57, 889–909.
Scharrer, M., Epp, T., Walter, B., Pfaff, K., Vennemann, T. & Markl, G. (2022): The formation of (Ni-Co-Sb)-Ag-As ore shoots in hydrothermal galena-sphalerite-fluorite veins. Mineralium Deposita 57, 853–885.
Hoare, B. C., Tomlinson, E. L., Barnes, J. D., Tappe, S., Marks, M. A. W., Epp, T., Caulfield, J. & Riegler, T. (2021): Tracking halogen recycling and volatile loss in kimberlite magmatism from Greenland: Evidence from combined F-Cl-Br and δ37Cl systematics. Lithos 384–385, 105976 (18 p.).
Zaitsev, A. N., Arzamastsev, A. A., Marks, M. A. W., Braunger, S., Wenzel, T., Spratt, J., Salge, T. & Markl, G. (2021): Hybridization of Alkali Basaltic Magmas: a Case Study of the Ogol Lavas from the Laetoli Area, Crater Highlands (Tanzania). Journal of Petrology 62 (8), 1–37.
Bagheri, F., Karami, G. H., Bagheri, R., Griffioen, J., Eggenkamp, H. & Jafari, H. (2021): Geochemical and multi-isotopes (δ18O, δ2H, δ13C, 3H and δ37Cl) evidences to karst development and flow directions in transboundary aquifer, Northeast of Iran. Applied Geochemistry 132, 105071.
Braunger, S., Scharrer, M., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2021): Interaction Between Mafic Dike Rocks and Salt Deposits in the Rhine Graben, Southwest Germany. The Canadian Mineralogist 59 (3), 511–531.
Braunger, S., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T., Zaitsev, A. N. & Markl, G. (2021): The Petrology of the Tarosero Volcanic Complex: Constraints on the Formation of Extrusive Agpaitic Rocks. Journal of Petrology 62 (6), 1–34.
Hutchison, W., Finch, A. A., Borst, A. M., Marks, M. A. W., Upton, B. G. J., Zerkle, A. L., Stüeken, E. E. & Boyce, A. J. (2021): Mantle sources and magma evolution in Europe’s largest rare earth element belt (Gardar Province, SW Greenland): New insights from sulfur isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 568, 117034 (16 p.).
Scharrer, M., Reich, R., Fusswinkel, T., Walter, B. F. & Markl, G. (2021): Basement aquifer evolution and the formation of unconformity-related hydrothermal vein deposits: LA-ICP-MS analyses of single fluid inclusions in fluorite from SW Germany. Chemical Geology 575, 120260 (19 p.).
Eggenkamp, H. G. M., Marks, M. A. W., Louvat, P. & Markl, G. (2021): Bromine Isotope Variations in Magmatic and Hydrothermal Sodalite and Stimation of Br Isotope Fractionation between Melt and Sodalite. Minerals 11 (4), 370 (9 p.).
Járóka, T., Staude, S., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J. A., Bauer, M. E., Krause, J. & Schulz, B. (2021): Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the origin of the Sohland-Rožany Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide mineralization (Lausitz Block, Bohemian Massif, Germany/Czech Republic). Ore Geology Reviews 133, 104055 (25 p.).
Staude, S., Barnes, S. J. & Markl, G. (2021): Interspinifex Ni sulfide ore from Victor South-McLeay, Kambalda, Western Australia.
Mineralium Deposita 56, 125–142.
Scharrer, M., Sandritter, K., Walter, B. F., Neumann, U. & Markl, G. (2020): Formation of native arsenic in hydrothermal base metal deposits and related supergene U6+ enrichment: The Michael vein near Lahr, SW Germany. American Mineralogist 105 (5), 727–744.
Ladenburger, S., Walter, B. F., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2020): Combining Ion Chromatography and Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence for Detection of Major, Minor and Trace Elements in Quartz-Hosted Fluid Inclusions. Journal of Analytical Chemistry 75 (11): 1477–1485.
Barnes, S. J., Taranovic, V., Schoneveld, L. E., Mansur, E. T., Le Vaillant, M., Dare, S., Staude, S., Evans, N. J. & Blanks, D. (2020): The Occurrence and Origin of Pentlandite-Chalcopyrite-Pyrrhotite Loop Textures in Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Ores. Economic Geology 115 (8): 1777–1798.
Marks, M. A. W., Eggenkamp, H. G. M., Atanasova, P., Mundel, F., Kümmel, S., Hagen, M., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2020): Review on the Compositional Variation of Eudialyte-Group Minerals in the Ilímaussaq Complex (South Greenland). Minerals 10 (11), 1011 (18 p.).
Eggenkamp, H. G. M., Marks, M. A. W., Atanasova, P., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2020): Changes in Halogen (F, Cl, Br, and I) and S Ratios in Rock-Forming Minerals as Monitors for Magmatic Differentiation, Volatile-Loss, and Hydrothermal Overprint: The Case for Peralkaline Systems. Minerals 10 (11), 995 (23 p.).
Neves, M. O., Marques, J. & Eggenkamp H. G. M. (2020): Lithium in Portuguese Bottled Natural Mineral Waters—Potential for Health Benefits? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (22), 8369 (14 p.).
Werner, W. & Markl, G. (2020): Lagerstätten und Bergbau bei Wieden im Südschwarzwald unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Grube Finstergrund – Geologie, Mineralogie, Bergbaugeschichte, Grubenbetrieb, Besucherbergwerk und Geotourismus im Biosphärengebiet. Kapitel 2: Geologisch-tektonische und lagerstättengeologische Übersicht. Der Erzgräber 35 (1), 11–27.
Werner, W., Markl, G. & Steen, H. (2020): Lagerstätten und Bergbau bei Wieden im Südschwarzwald unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Grube Finstergrund –Geologie, Mineralogie, Bergbaugeschichte, Grubenbetrieb, Besucherbergwerk und Geotourismus im Biosphärengebiet. Kapitel 3: Lagerstätteninhalt und Entstehung der Gänge bei Wieden. Der Erzgräber 35 (1), 29–45.
Epp, T., Neidhardt, H., Pagano, N., Marks, M. A. W., Markl, G. & Oelmann, Y. (2020): Vegetation canopy effects on total and dissolved Cl, Br, F and I concentrations in soil and their fate along the hydrological flow path. Science of the Total Environment 712, 135473 (10 p.).
Allstädt, F. J., Appel, E., Rösler, W., Prokopenko, A. A., Neumann, U., Wenzel, T. & Pross, J. (2020): Downward remagnetization of a ~74-m-thick zone in lake sediments from palaeo-Lake Idaho (NW United States) – Locating the Gauss/Matuyama geomagnetic boundary within a dual-polarity zone. Geophysical Journal International 222 (2), 754–768.
Braunger, S., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T., Chmyz, L., Guitarrari Azzone, R. & Markl, G. (2020): Do carbonatites and alkaline rocks reflect variable redox conditions in their upper mantle source? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 533, 116041 (11p.).
Atanasova, P., Marks, M. A. W., Frenzel, M., Gutzmer, J., Krause, J. & Markl, G. (2020): Fractionation of geochemical twins (Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta and Y/Ho) and HREE-enrichment during magmatic and metamorphic processes in peralkaline nepheline syenites from Norra Kärr (Sweden). Lithos 372–373, 105667 (14 p.).
Hecker, G. J., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2020): Halogens in amphibole and mica from mantle xenoliths: Implications for the halogen distribution and halogen budget of the metasomatized continental lithosphere. American Mineralogist 105 (6), 781–794.
Walter, B. F., Steele-MacInnis, M., Giebel, R. J., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2020): Complex carbonate-sulfate brines in fluid inclusions from carbonatites: Estimating compositions in the system H2O-Na-K-CO3-SO4-Cl. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 277, 224–242.
Staude, S., Jones, T. J. & Markl, G. (2020): The textures, formation and dynamics of rare high-MgO komatiite pillow lavas. Precambrian Research 343, 105729 (7 p.).
Marques, J. M., Eggenkamp, H. G. M., Carreira, P. M., Antunes da Silva, M. (2020): Origin and evolution of Cl in CO2-rich thermal and mineral waters from northern Portugal. Applied Geochemistry 116, 104569 (10 p.).
Bagheri, R., Karami, G. H., Jafari, H., Eggenkamp, H., Shamsi, A. (2020): Isotope hydrology and geothermometry of the thermal springs, Damavand volcanic region, Iran. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 389, 106745 (15 p.).
Walter, B. F., Scharrer, M., Burisch, M., Apukthina, O., Markl, G. (2020): Limited availibility of sulfur promotes copper-rich mineralization in hydrothermal Pb-Zn veins: A case study from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany. Chemical Geology 532, 119358 (19 p.).
Epp, T., Marks, M. A. W., Ludwig, T., Kendrick, M. A., Eby, N., Neidhardt, H., Oelmann, Y. & Markl, G. (2019): Crystallographic and fluid compositional effects on the halogen (Cl, F, Br, I) incorporation in pyromorphite-group minerals. American Mineralogist 104 (11), 1673–1688.
Scharrer, M., Kneissl, S. & Markl, G. (2019): The mineralogical variability of hydrothermal native element-arsenide (five-element) associations and the role of physicochemical and kinetic factors concerning sulfur and arsenic. Ore Geology Reviews 113, 103025 (28 p.).
Markl, G., Keim, M. F. & Bayerl, R. (2019): Unusual mineral diversity in a hydrothermal vein-type deposit: the Clara Mine, SW Germany, as a type example. The Canadian Mineralogist 57 (4), 427–456.
Siidra, O.I., Nazarchuk, E.V., Zaitsev, A.N., Polekhovsky, Y.S., Wenzel, T. & Spratt, J. (2019): Dokuchaevite, Cu8O2(VO4)3Cl3, a new mineral with remarkably diverse Cu2+ mixed-ligand coordination environments. Mineralogical Magazine 83 (5), 749–755.
Hutchinson, W., Babiel, R. J., Finch, A. A., Marks, M. A. W., Markl, G., Boyce, A. J., Stüeken, E. E., Friis, H., Borst, A. M. & Horsburgh, N. J. (2019): Sulphur isotopes of alkaline magmas unlock long-term records of crustal recycling on Earth. Nature Communications 10, 4208 (12 p.).
Eggenkamp, H. G. M., Louvat, P., Agrinier, P., Bonifacie, M., Bekker, A., Krupenik, V., Griffioen, J., Horita, J., Brocks, J. J. & Bagheri, R. (2019): The bromine and chlorine isotope composition of primary halite deposits and their significances for the secular isotope compositions of seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 264, 13–29.
Bagheri, R., Nosrati, A., Jafari, H., Eggenkamp, H. G. M. & Mozafari, M. (2019): Overexploitation hazards and salinization risks in crucial declining aquifers, chemo-isotropic aproaches. Journal of Hazardous Materials 369, 150–163.
Staude, S. & Markl, G. (2019): Remnant lenses of komatiitic dykes in Kambalda (Western Australia): Occurrences, textural variations, emplacement model, and implications for other komatiite provinces. Lithos 342–343, 206–222.
Dietzel, C. A. F., Kristandt, T., Dahlgren, S., Giebel, R. J., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2019): Hydrothermal processes in the Fen carbonatite complex, southern Norway. Ore Geology Reviews 111, 102969 (18 p.).
Giebel, R. J., Parsapoor, A., Walter, B., Braunger, S., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2019): Evidence for magma – wall rock interaction in carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex (Southwest Germany). Journal of Petrology 60 (6), 1163–1194.
Járóka, T., Seifert, T., Pfänder, J. A., Staude, S., Seibel, H. V. L., Krause, J., & Bauer, M. E. (2019): Geology, sulfide mineralogy and petrogenesis of the Angstberg Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide mineralization (Lausitz Block, Bohemian Massif, Germany): A potential Ni-Cu exploration target in Central Europe? Ore Geology Reviews 110, 102924.
Banks, G. J., Walter, B. F., Marks, M. A. W. & Siegfried, P. R. (2019): A Workflow to Define, Map and Name A Carbonatite-or Alkaline Igneous-Associated REE-HFSE Mineral System: A Case Study from SW Germany. Minerals 9 (2), 97 (28 p.).
Walter, B. F., Kortenbruck, P., Scharrer, M., Zeitvogel, C. Wälle, M., Mertz-Kraus, R. & Markl, G. (2019): Chemical evolution of ore-forming brines - Basement leaching, metal provenance, and the redox link between barren and ore-bearing hydrothermal veins. A case study from the Schwarzwald mining district in SW-Germany. Chemical Geology 506, 126–148.
Giebel, R. J., Marks, M. A. W., Gauert, C. D. K. & Markl, G. (2019): A model for the formation of carbonatite-phoscorite assemblages based on the compositional variations of mica and apatite from the Palabora Carbonatite Complex, South Africa. Lithos 324–325, 89–104.
Siidra, O. I., Nazarchuk, E. V., Zaitsev, A. N., Polekhovsky, Y. S., Wenzel, T. & Spratt, J. (2018): Dokuchaevite, IMA 2018-012. CNMNC Newsletter No 43, June 2018, p. 783. Mineralogical Magazine 82 (3), 779–785.
Epp,T. , Walter, B. F., Scharrer, M., Lehmann, G., Henze, K., Heimgärtner, C., Bach, W. & Markl, G. (2018): Quartz with associated Sb-Pb-Ag±Au mineralization in the Schwarzwald, SW Germany: a record of metamorphic cooling, tectonic rifting and element remobilization processes in the Variscan belt. Mineralium Deposita, 54, 281–306.
Keim, M. F., Staude, S., Marquardt, K., Bachmann, K., Opitz, J. & Markl, G. (2018): Weathering of Bi-bearing tennantite. Chemical Geology 499, 1–25.
Braunger, S., Marks, M. A. W., Walter, B. F., Neubauer, R., Reich, R., Wenzel, T., Parsapoor A. & Markl, G. (2018). The Petrology of the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex, SW Germany: The Importance of Metasomatized and Oxidized Lithospheric Mantle for Carbonatite Generation. Journal of Petrology 59 (9), 1731–1762.
Walter, B. F., Gerdes, A., Kleinhanns, I. C., Dunkl, I., von Eynatten, H., Kreissl, S. & Markl, G. (2018): The connection between hydrothermal fluids, mineralization, tectonics and magmatism in a continental rift setting: fluorite Sm-Nd and hematite and carbonates U-Pb geochronology from the Rhinegraben in SW Germany. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 240, 11–42.
Walter B. F., Parsapoor A., Braunger S., Marks M. A. W., Wenzel T., Martin M. & Markl G. (2018): Pyrochlore as a monitor for magmatic and hydrothermal processes in carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl volcanic complex (SW Germany). Chemical Geology 498, 1–16.
Babiel, R., Marks, M. A. W., Neumann, U. & Markl, G. (2018): Sulfides in alkaline and peralkaline rocks: textural appearance and compositional variations. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen) 195 (2), 155–175.
Keim, M. F., Walter, B. F., Neumann, U., Kreissl, S., Bayerl, R. & Markl, G. (2018): Polyphase enrichment and redistribution processes in silver-rich mineral associations of the hydrothermal fluorite-barite-(Ag-Cu) Clara deposit, SW Germany. Mineralium Deposita 54, 155–174.
Kreissl, S., Gerdes, A., Walter, B. F., Neumann, U., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2018): Reconstruction of a >200 Ma multi-stage “five element” Bi-Co-Ni-Fe-As-S system in the Penninic Alps, Switzerland. Ore Geology Reviews 95, 746–788.
Wang, L.-X., Ma, C.-Q., Zhang, C., Zhu, Y.-X. & Marks, M. A. W. (2018): Halogen geochemistry of I- and A-type granites from Jiuhuashan region (South China): Insights into the elevated fluorine in A-type granite. Chemical Geology 478, 165–182.
Walter, B. F., Burisch, M., Fusswinkel, T., Marks, M. A. W., Steele-MacInnis, M., Wälle, M., Apukhtina, O. & Markl, G. (2018): Multi-reservoir fluid mixing processes in rift-related hydrothermal veins, Schwarzwald, SW-Germany. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 186, 158–186.
Burisch, M., Walter, B. F., Gerdes, A., Lanz, M. & Markl, G. (2018): Late-stage anhydrite-gypsum-siderite-dolomite-calcite assemblages record the transition from a deep to a shallow hydrothermal system in the Schwarzwald mining district, SW Germany. Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta 223, 259–278.
Elliott, H. A. L., Wall, F., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Siegfried, P. R., Dahlgren, S., Weatherley, S., Finch, A. A., Marks, M. A. W., Dowman, E.& Deady, E. (2018): Fenites associated with carbonatite complexes: A review. Ore Geology Reviews 93, 38–59.
Batki, A., Pál-Molnár, E., Jankovics, M. E., Kerr, A. C., Kiss, B., Markl, G., Heincz, A. & Harangi, S. (2018): Insights into the evolution of an alkaline magmatic system: An in situ trace element study of clinopyroxenes from the Ditrău Alkaline Massif, Romania. Lithos 300–301, 51–71.
Keim, M. F., Gassmann, B., & Markl, G. (2017): Formation of basic lead phases during fire-setting and other natural and man-made processes. American Mineralogist, 102 (7), 1482–1500.
Keim, M. F., & Markl, G. (2017): Formation of galena pseudomorphs after pyromorphite. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen), 194 (3), 209–226.
Marks, M. A. W., Kendrick, M. A., Eby, G. N., Zack, T. & Wenzel, T. (2017): Reply to “Comment on The F, Cl, Br and I contents of reference glasses BHVO-2G, BIR-1G, BCR-2G, GSD-1G, GSE-1G, NIST SRM 610 and NIST SRM 612“. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 41 (3), 475–478.
Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2017): A global review on agpaitic rocks. Earth-Science Reviews 173, 229–258.
Walter, B. F., Steele-MacInnis, M. & Markl, G. (2017): Sulfate brines in fluid inclusions of hydrothermal veins: Compositional determinations in the system H2O-Na-Ca-Cl-SO4. Geochimica et Cosmocimica Acta 209, 184–203.
Burisch, M., Walter, B. F. & Markl, G. (2017): Silicification of hydrothermal gangue minerals in Pb-Zn-Cu-fluorite-quartz-baryte veins. The Canadian Mineralogist 55, 1–14.
Giebel, R. J., Gauert, C. D. K., Marks, M. A. W., Costin, G. & Markl, G. (2017): Multi-stage formation of REE minerals in the Palabora Carbonatite Complex, South Africa. American Mineralogist 102, 1218–1233.
Atanasova, P., Marks, M. A. W., Heining, T., Krause, J., Gutzmer, J. & Markl, G. (2017): Distinguishing magmatic and metamorphic processes in peralkaline rocks of the Norra Kärr complex (Southern Sweden) using textural and compositional variations of clinopyroxene and eudialyte-group minerals. Journal of Petrology 58 (2), 361–384.
Zhang, C., Wang, L. X., Marks, M. A. W., France, L. & Köpke, J. (2017): Volatiles (CO2, S, F, Cl, Br) in the dike-gabbro transition zone at IODP Hole 1256D: Magmatic imprint versus hydrothermal influence at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge. Chemical Geology 459, 43–60.
Walter, B. F., Burisch, M., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2017): Major element composition of fluid inclusions from hydrothermal vein-type deposits record eroded sedimentary Units in the Schwarzwald district, SW Germany. Mineralium Deposita 52, 1191–1204.
Marks, M. A. W., Kendrick, M. A., Eby, G. N., Zack, T. & Wenzel, T. (2017): The F, Cl, Br and I Contents of reference glasses BHVO-2G, BIR-1G, BCR-2G, GSD-1G, GSE-1G, NISTSRM 610 and NIST SRM 612. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 41 (1), 107–122.
Duchoslav, M., Marks, M. A. W., Drost, K., McCammon, C., Marschall, H. R., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2017): Changes in tourmaline composition during magmatic and hydrothermal processes leading to tin-ore deposits: The Cornubian Batholith, SW England. Ore Geology Reviews 83, 215–234.
Burisch, M., Gerdes, A., Walter, B. F., Neumann, U., Fettel, M. & Markl, G. (2017): Methane and the origin of five-element veins: Mineralogy, ages, fluid inclusion chemistry and ore forming processes in the Odenwald, SW Germany. Ore Geology Reviews 81 (1), 42–61.
Wang, L.-X., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2016): Halogen-bearing minerals from the Tamazeght Complex (Morocco): Constraints on halogen distribution and evolution in alkaline to peralkaline magmatic systems. The Canadian Mineralogist 54 (6), 1347–1368.
Kreissl, S., Bolanz, R., Göttlicher, J., Steininger, R., Tarassov, M. & Markl, G. (2016): Structural incorporation of W6+ into hematite and goethite: A combined study of natural and synthetic iron oxides development from precursor ferrihydrite and the preservation of ancient fluid composition in hematite. American Mineralogist 101 (12), 2701–2715.
Keim, M. F., Vaudrin, R. & Markl, G. (2016): Redistribution of silver during supergene oxidation of argentiferous galena: A case study from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen) 193 (3), 295–309.
Markl, G., Burisch, M. & Neumann, U. (2016): Natural fracking and the genesis of five-element veins. Mineralium Deposita 51, 703–712.
Michel, L., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2016): Interaction between two contrasting magmas in the Albtal pluton (Schwarzwald, SW Germany): textural and mineral-chemical evidence. International Journal of Earth Sciences 106, 1505–1524.
Zahoransky, T., Friis, H. & Marks, M. A. W. (2016): Luminescence and tenebresence of natural sodalites: a chemical and structural study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 43, 459–480.
Walter, B. F., Burisch, M. & Markl, G. (2016): Long-term chemical evolution and modification of continental basement brines – a field study from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany. Geofluids 16, 604–623.
Marks, M. A. W., Scharrer, M., Ladenburger, S. & Markl, G. (2016): Comment on “Apatite: a new redox proxy for silicic magmas?” (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 132 (2014), 101–119. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 183, 267–270.
Burisch, M., Marks, M. A. W., Nowak, M. & Markl, G. (2016): The effect of temperature and cataclastic deformation on the composition of upper crustal fluids – An experimental approach. Chemical Geology 433, 24–35.
Kolchugin, A., Immenhauser, A., Walter, B. & Morozov, V. P. (2016): Diagenesis of the palaeo-oil-water transition Zone in a Lower Pennsylvanian carbonate reservoir: Constraints from cathodoluminescence microscopy, microthermometry and isotope geochemistry. Marine and Petroleum Geology 72, 45–61.
Ladenburger, S., Marks, M. A. W., Upton, B., Hill, P., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2016): Compositional variation of apatite from rift-related igneous rocks of the Gardar Province, South Greenland. American Mineralogist 101 (3), 612–626.
Burisch, M., Walter, B.F., Wälle, M. & Markl, G. (2016): Tracing fluid migration pathways in the root zone below unconformity-related hydrothermal veins: Insights from trace element systematics of individual fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology 429, 44–50.
Theye, T., Walenta, K. & Markl, G. (2016): The chemical composition of uranospathite, arsenuranospathite, and associated minerals revisited: the peculiarity of fluorine incorporation in autunite group minerals. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen) 193, 59–68.
Wang, L.-X., Ma, C.-Q., Lai, Z.-X., Marks, M. A. W., Zhang, C. & Zhong, Y.-F. (2015): Early Jurassic mafic dykes from the Xiazhuang ore district (South China): Implications for tectonic evolution and uranium metallogenesis. Lithos 239, 71–85.
Ströbele, F., Hildebrandt, L. H., Baumann, A., Pernicka, E. & Markl, G. (2015): Pb isotope data of Roman and medieval objects from Wiesloch near Heidelberg, Germany. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 7, 465–472.
Pál-Molnár, E., Batki, A., Almási, E., Kiss, B., Upton, B. G. J., Markl, G., Odling, N. & Harangi, S. (2015): Origin of mafic and ultramafic cumulates from the Ditrău Alkaline Massif, Romania. Lithos 239, 1–18.
Keim, M. F. & Markl, G. (2015): Weathering of galena: Mineralogical processes, hydrogeochemical fluid path modeling, and estimation of the growth rate of pyromorphite. American Mineralogist 100 (7), 1584–1594.
Ratschbacher, B. C., Marks, M. A. W., Bons, P. D., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2015): Emplacement and geochemical evolution of highly evolved syenites investigated by a combined structural and geochemical field study: The lujavrites of the Ilímaussaq complex, SW Greenland. Lithos 231, 62–76.
Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2015): The Ilímaussaq alkaline complex, South Greenland. In: Charlier, B., Namur, O., Latypov, R., Tegner, C. (eds.) Layered Intrusions, pp.649–691. Springer Geology, Dordrecht (2015).
Zirner, A. L. K., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T., Jacob, D. E. & Markl, G. (2015): Rare Earth Elements in apatite as a monitor of magmatic and metasomatic processes: the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland. Lithos 228–229, 12–22.
Lindhuber, M. J., Marks, M. A. W., Bons, P. D., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2015): Crystal mat-formation as an igneous layering-forming process: Textural and geochemical evidence from the ‘lower layered’ nepheline syenite sequence of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland. Lithos 224–225, 295–309.
Teiber, H., Marks, M. A. W., Arzamatsev, A. A., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2015): Compositional variation in apatite from various host rocks: clues with regards to source composition and crystallization conditions. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen) 192 (2), 151–167.
Teiber, H., Scharrer, M., Marks, M. A. W., Arzamatsev, A. A., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2015): Equilibrium partitioning and subsequent re-distribution of halogens among apatite-biotite-amphibole assemblages from mantle-derived plutonic rocks: Complexitites revealed. Lithos 220–223, 221–237.
Göb, S., Bau, M. & Markl, G. (2015): Chemical composition of waters in a former Cu-As mine: water–rock interaction, REE systematics and stability of secondary copper minerals. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen) 192 (1), 11–32.
Bons, P. D., Baur, A., Elburg, M. A., Lindhuber, M. J., Marks, M. A. W., Soesoo, A., van Miligen, B. P. & Walte, N. (2015): Layered intrusions and traffic jams. Geology 43 (1), 71–74.
Giehl, C., Marks, M. A. W. & Nowak, M. (2014): An experimental study on the influence of fluorine and chlorine on phase relations in peralkaline phonolitic melts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 167, 977 (21 p.).
Bons, P., Fusswinkel, T., Gomez-Rivas, E., Markl, G., Wagner, T. & Walter, B. (2014): Fluid mixing from below in unconformity-related hydrothermal ore deposits. Geology 42 (12), 1035–1038.
Wang, L.-X., Ma, C.-Q., Zhang, C., Zhang, J.-Y. & Marks, M. A. W. (2014): Genesis of leucogranite by prolonged fractional crystallization: A case study from the Mufushan complex, South China. Lithos 206–207, 147–163.
Haßler, K., Taubald, H. & Markl, G. (2014): Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of Pb-, Cu- and Bi-carbonates of the Schwarzwald mining district: Carbon sources, first data on bismutite and the discovery of an oxidation zone formed by ascending thermal water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 133, 1–16.
Marks, L., Keiding, J., Wenzel, T., Trumbull, R. B., Veksler, I., Wiedenbeck, M. & Markl, G. (2014): F, Cl, and S concentrations in olivine-hosted melt inclusions from mafic dikes in NW Namibia and implications for the environmental impact of the Paraná–Etendeka Large Igneous Province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 392, 39–49.
Wang, L.-X., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T., von der Handt, A., Keller, J., Teiber, H. & Markl, A. (2014): Apatites from the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex, Germany: new constraints on the petrogenetic relationship between carbonatite and associated silicate rocks. European Journal of Mineralogy 26 (3), 397–414.
Wang, L.-X., Marks, M. A. W., Keller, J. & Markl, A. (2014): Halogen variations in alkaline rocks from the Upper Rhine Graben (SW Germany): Insights into F, Cl and Br behavior during magmatic processes. Chemical Geology 380, 133–144.
Markl, G., Marks, M. A. W., Holzäpfel, J. & Wenzel, T. (2014): Major, minor and trace element composition of pyromorphite-group minerals as a recorder of supergene weathering processes from the Schwarzwald mining district, SW Germany. American Mineralogist 99 (5–6), 1133–1146.
Teiber, H., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T., Zack, T., Siebel, W., Altherr, R. & Markl, G. (2014): The distribution of halogens (F, Cl, Br) in granitoid rocks. Chemical Geology 374–375, 92–109.
Hettmann, K., Marks, M. A. W., Kreissig, K., Zack, T., Wenzel, T., Rehkämper, M., Jacob, D. E. & Markl, G. (2014): The geochemistry of Tl and its isotopes during magmatic and hydrothermal processes: The peralkaline Ilímaussaq complex, southwest Greenland. Chemical Geology 366, 1–13.
Markl, G., Marks, M. A. W., Derrey, I. & Gühring, J.-E. (2014): Weathering of cobalt arsenides: Natural assemblages and calculated stability relations among secondary Ca-Mg-Co arsenates and carbonates. American Mineralogist 99 (1), 44–56.
Mangler, M. F., Marks, M. A. W., Zaitzev, A. N., Eby, G. N. & Markl, G. (2014): Halogens (F, Cl and Br) at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania): Effects of magmatic differentiation, silicate–natrocarbonatite melt separation and surface alteration of natrocarbonatite. Chemical Geology 365, 43–53.
Zaitsev, A. N., Avdontseva, E. Yu., Britvin, S. N., Demény, A., Homonnay, Z., Jeffries, T. E., Keller, J., Krivovichev, V. G., Markl, G., Platonova, N. V., Siidra, O. I., Spratt, J. & Vennemann, T. (2013): Oxo-magnesio-hastingsite, NaCa2(Mg2Fe33+)(Al2Si6)O22O2, a new anhydrous amphibole from the Deeti volcanic cone, Gregory rift, northern Tanzania. Mineralogical Magazine 77 (6), 2773–2792.
Burmann, F., Keim, M. F., Oelmann, Y., Teiber, H., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2013): The source of phosphate in the oxidation zone of ore deposits: Evidence from oxygen isotope compositions of pyromorphite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 123, 427–439.
Giehl, C., Marks, M. A. W. & Nowak, M. (2013): Phase relations and liquid lines of descent of an iron-rich peralkaline phonolitic melt: en experimental study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 165, 283–304.
Göb, S., Loges, A., Nolde, N., Bau, M., Jacob, D. E. & Markl, G. (2013): Major and trace element compositions (including REE) of mineral, thermal, mine and surface waters in SW Germany and implications for water–rock interaction. Applied Geochemistry 33, 127–152.
Göb, S., Gühring, J.-E., Bau, M. & Markl, G. (2013): Remobilization of U and REE and the formation of secondary minerals in oxidized U deposits. American Mineralogist 98 (4), 530–548.
Loges, A., Migdisov, A. A., Wagner, T., Williams-Jones, A. E. & Markl, G. (2013): An experimental study of the aqueous solubility and speciation of Y(III) fluoride at temperatures up to 250 °C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 123, 403–415.
Fusswinkel, T., Wagner, T., Wälle, M., Wenzel, T., Heinrich, Ch. A. & Markl, G. (2013): Fluid mixing forms basement-hosted Pb-Zn deposits: Insights from metal and halogen geochemistry of individual fluid inclusions. Geology 41 (6), 679–682.
Zaitsev, A. N., Wenzel, T., Vennemann, T. & Markl, G. (2013): Tinderet volcano, Kenya: an altered natrocarbonatite locality? Mineralogical Magazine 77 (3), 213–226.
Marks, M. A. W., Marschall, H. R., Schühle, P., Guth, A., Wenzel, T., Jacob, D. E., Barth, M. & Markl, G. (2013): Trace element systematics of tourmaline in pegmatitic and hydrothermal systems from the Variscan Schwarzwald (Germany): The importance of major element composition, sector zoning, and fluid or melt composition. Chemical Geology 344, 73–90.
Fusswinkel, T., Wagner, T., Wenzel, T., Wälle, M. & Lorenz, J. (2013): Evolution of unconformity-related Mn-Fe-As vein mineralization, Sailauf (Germany): Insight from major and trace elements in oxide and carbonate minerals. Ore Geology Reviews 50, 28–51.
Huq, F., Blum, P., Marks, M. A. W., Nowak, M., Haderlein, S. B. & Grathwohl, P. (2012): Chemical changes in fluid composition due to CO2 injection in the Altmark gas field: preliminary results from batch experiments. Environmental Earth Sciences 67, 385–394.
Staude, S., Mordhorst, T., Nau, S., Pfaff, K., Brügmann, G., Jacob, D. E. & Markl, G. (2012): Hydrothermal carbonates of the Schwarzwald ore district, Southwestern Germany: Carbon source and conditions of formation using δ18O, δ13C, 87Sr/86Sr, and fluid inclusions. The Canadian Mineralogist 50 (5), 1401–1434.
Pfaff, K., Staude, S. & Markl, G. (2012): On the origin of sellaite (MgF2)-rich deposits in Mg-poor environments. American Mineralogist 97 (11–12), 1987–1997.
Ströbele, F., Staude, S., Pfaff, K., Premo, W. R., Hildebrandt, L. H., Baumann, A., Pernicka, E. & Markl, G. (2012): Pb isotope constraints on fluid flow and mineralization processes in SW Germany. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen) 189 (3), 287–309.
Loges, A., Wagner, T., Barth, M., Bau, M., Göb, S. & Markl, G. (2012): Negative Ce anomalies in Mn oxides: The role of Ce4+ mobility during water–mineral interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 86, 296–317.
Loges, A., Wagner, T., Kirnbauer, T., Göb, S., Bau, M., Berner, Z. & Markl, G. (2012): Source and origin of active and fossil thermal spring systems, northern Upper Rhine Graben, Germany. Applied Geochemistry 27 (6), 1153–1169.
Zaitsev, A. N., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T., Spratt, J., Sharygin, V. V., Strekopytov, S. & Markl, G. (2012): Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology of phonolitic to nephelinitic Sadiman volcano, Crater Highlands, Tanzania. Lithos 152, 66–83.
Hettmann, K., Wenzel, T., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2012): The sulfur speciation in S-bearing minerals: New constraints by a combination of electron microprobe analysis and DFT calculations with special reference to sodalite-group minerals. American Mineralogist 97 (10), 1653–1661.
Staude, S., Werner, W., Mordhorst, T., Wemmer, K., Jacob, D. E. & Markl, G. (2012): Multi-stage Ag-Bi-Co-Ni-U and Cu-Bi vein mineralization at Wittichen, Schwarzwald, SW Germany: geological setting, ore mineralogy, and fluid evolution. Mineralium Deposita 47, 251–276.
Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T., Whitehouse, M. J., Loose, M., Zack, T., Barth, M., Worgard, L., Krasz, V., Eby, G. N., Stosnach, H. & Markl, G. (2012): The volatile inventory (F, Cl, Br, S, C) of magmatic apatite: An integrated analytical approach. Chemical Geology 291, 241–255.
Göb, S., Wenzel, T., Bau, M., Jakob, D. E., Loges, A. & Markl, G. (2011): The redistribution of rare-earth elements in secondary minerals of hydrothermal veins, Schwarzwald, Southwestern Germany. The Canadian Mineralogist 49 (5), 1305–1333 (This paper was awarded the Hawley Medal by the Mineralogical Association of Canada).
Pfaff, K., Koenig, A., Wenzel, T., Ridley, I., Hildebrandt, L. H., Leach, D. L. & Markl, G. (2011): Trace and minor element variations and sulfur isotopes in crystalline and colloform ZnS: Incorporation mechanisms and implications for their genesis. Chemical Geology 286 (3–4), 118–134.
Zaitsev, A. N., Wenzel, T., Spratt, J., Williams, T. C., Strekopytov, S., Sharygin, V. V., Petrov, S. V., Golovina, T. A., Zaitseva, E. O. & Markl, G. (2011): Was Sadiman volcano a source for the Laetoli Footprint Tuff? Journal of Human Evolution 61 (1), 121–124.
Schilling, J., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T., Vennemann, T., Horváth, L., Tarassoff, P., Jacob, D. E. and Markl, G. (2011): The Magmatic to Hydrothermal Evolution of the Intrusive Mont Saint-Hilaire Complex: Insights into the Late-stage Evolution of Peralkaline Rocks. Journal of Petrology 52 (11), 2147–2185.
Staude S., Göb, S., Pfaff, K., Ströbele, F., Premo, W. & Markl, G. (2011): Deciphering fluid sources of hydrothermal systems: A combined Sr- and S-isotope study on barite (Schwarzwald, SW Germany). Chemical Geology 286 (1–2), 1–20.
Kaliwoda, M, Marschall, H. R., Marks, M. A. W., Ludwig, T., Altherr, R. & Markl, G. (2011): Boron and boron isotope systematics in the peralkaline Ilímaussaq intrusion (South Greenland) and its granitic country rocks: A record of magmatic and hydrothermal processes. Lithos 125 (1–2), 51–64.
Schilling, J., Wu, F.-Y., McCammon, C., Wenzel, T., Marks, M. A. W., Pfaff, K., Jacob, D. E. & Markl, G. (2011): The compositional variability of eudialyte-group minerals. Mineralogical Magazine 75 (1), 87–115.
Marks, M. A. W., Hettmann, K., Schilling, J., Frost, B. R. & Markl, G. (2011): The mineralogical diversity of alkaline rocks: critical factors for the transition from miaskitic to agpaitic phase assemblages. Journal of Petrology 52 (3), 439–455.
Schilling, J., Frost, B. R., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2011): Fe-Ti oxide-silicate (QUIlF-type) equilibria in feldspathoid-bearing systems. American Mineralogist 96 (1), 100–110.
Danišík, M., Pfaff, K., Evans, N. J., Manoloukos, C., Staude, S., McDonald, B. J. & Markl, G. (2010): Tectonothermal history of the Schwarzwald Ore District (Germany): An apatite triple dating approach. Chemical Geology 278 (1–2), 58–69.
Pfaff, K., Hildebrandt, L. H., Leach, D. L., Jacob, D. E. & Markl, G. (2010): Formation of the Wiesloch Mississippi Valley-type Zn-Pb-Ag deposit in the extensional setting of the Upper Rhinegraben, SW Germany. Mineralium Deposita 45, 647–666.
Markl, G., Marks, M. A. W., Frost, B. R. (2010): On the Controls of Oxygen Fugacity in the Generation and Crystallization of Peralkaline melts. Journal of Petrology 51 (9), 1831–1847.
Ströbele, F., Wenzel, T., Kronz, A., Hildebrandt, L. H., Markl, G. (2010): Mineralogical and geochemical characterization of high-medieval lead-silver smelting slags from Wiesloch near Heidelberg (Germany) - an approach to process reconstruction. Archaeological and. Anthropological Sciences 2, 191–215.
Staude, S., Dom, A., Pfaff, K., Markl, G. (2010): Assemblages of Ag-Bi sulfosalts and conditions of their formation: the type locality of schapbachite (Ag0.4Pb0.2Bi0.4S) and neighboring miners in the Schwarzwald ore district, Southern Germany. The Canadian Mineralogist 48 (3), 441–466.
Staude, S., Mordhorst, T., Neumann, R., Prebeck, W., Markl, G. (2010): Compositional variation of the tennantite-tetrahedrite solid-solution series in the Schwarzwald ore district (SW Germany): The role of mineralization processes and fluid source. Mineralogical Magazine 74 (2), 309–339.
Wu, F.-Y., Yang, Y.-H., Marks, M. A. W., Liu, Z.-C., Zhou, Q., Ge, W.-C., Yang, J.-S., Zhao, Z.-F., Mitchell, R. H. & Markl, G. (2010): In situ U–Pb, Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic analysis of eudialyte by LA–(MC)–ICP–MS. Chemical Geology 273 (1–2), 8–34.
Pfaff, K., Wenzel, T., Schilling, J., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2010): A fast, easy-to-use approach to cation site assignment for eudialyte-group minerals. Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry (Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie – Abhandlungen) 187 (1), 69–81.
Köhler, J., Schönenberger, J., Upton, B. & Markl, G.(2009): Halogen and trace element chemistry in the Gardar Province, South Greenland: Subduction-related mantle metasomatism and fluid exsolution from alkalic melts. Lithos 113 (3–4), 731–747.
Marks, M. A. W., Neukirchen, F., Vennemann, T. & Markl, G. (2009): Textural, chemical, and isotopic effects of late-magmatic carbonatitic fluids in the carbonatite-syenite Tamazeght complex, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco. Mineralogy and Petrology 97, 23–47.
Pfaff, K., Romer, R. L. & Markl, G. (2009): U-Pb ages of ferberite, chalcedony, agate, ‘U-mica’ and pitchblende: Constraints on the mineralization history of the Schwarzwald ore district. European Journal of Mineralogy 21 (4), 817–836.
Staude, S., Bons, P. D. & Markl, G. (2009): Hydrothermal vein formation by extension-driven dewatering of the middle crust: An example from SW Germany. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286 (3–4), 287–395.
Schilling, J., Marks, M. A. W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2009): Reconstruction of magmatic to subsolidus processes in an agpaitic system using eudialyte textures and composition: A case study from Tamazeght, Morocco. The Canadian Mineralogist 47 (2), 351–365.
Graser, G., Potter, J., Köhler, J. & Markl, G. (2008): Isotope, major, minor and trace element geochemistry of late-magmatic fluids in the peralkaline Ilímaussq intrusion, South Greenland. Lithos 106 (3–4), 207–221.
Schoenberg, R., Marks, M. A. W., Schuessler, J. A., von Blanckenburg, F. & Markl, G. (2008): Fe isotope systematics of coexisting amphibole and pyroxene in the alkaline igneous rock suite of the Ilímaussaq Complex, South Greenland. Chemical Geology 258 (1–2), 65–77.
Pfaff, K. Krumrei, T., Marks, M., Wenzel, T., Rudolf, T. & Markl, G. (2008): Chemical and physical evolution of the 'lower layered sequence' from the nepheline syenitic Ilímaussaq intrusion, south Greenland: implications for the origin of magmatic layering in peralkaline felsic liquids. Lithos 106 (3–4), 280–296.
Schönenberger, J. & Markl, G. (2008): The Magmatic and Fluid Evolution of the Motzfeldt Intrusion in South Greenland: Insights into the Formation of Agpaitic and Miaskitic Rocks. Journal of Petrology 49 (9), 1549–1577.
Marks, M. A. W., Coulson, I. A., Schilling, J., Jacob, D. E., Schmitt, A. K. & Markl, G. (2008): The effect of titanite and other HFSE-rich mineral (Ti-bearing andradite, zircon, eudialyte) fractionation on the geochemical evolution of silicate melts. Chemical Geology 257 (1–2), 153–172.
Marks, M. A. W., Rudnick, R.L., Ludwig, T., Marschall, H., Zack, T., Halama, R., McDonough, W. F., Rost, D., Wenzel, T., Vicenzi, E. P., Savov, I.P., Altherr, R. & Markl, G. (2008): Sodic Pyroxene and Sodic Amphibole as Potential Reference Materials for In Situ Lithium Isotope Determinations by SIMS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 32 (3), 295–310.
Marks, M. A. W., Schilling, J., Coulson, I. M., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2008): The Alkaline–PeralkalineTamazeght Complex, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco: Mineral Chemistry and Petrological Constraints for Derivation from a Compositionally Heterogeneous Mantle Source. Journal of Petrology 49 (6), 1097–1131.
Köhler, J., Konnerup-Madsen, J. & Markl, G. (2008): Fluid geochemistry in the Ivigtut cryolite deposit, South Greenland. Lithos 103 (3–4), 369–392.
Hartmann, K., Wirth, R. & Markl, G. (2008): P-T-X-controlled element transport through granulite-facies ternary feldspar from Lofoten, Norway. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 156, 359–375.
Beitter, T., Wagner, T. & Markl, G. (2008): Formation of kyanite-quartz veins of the Alpe Sponda, Central Alps, Switzerland: Implications for Al transport during regional metamorphism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 156, 689–707.
Graser, G. & Markl, G. (2008): Ca-rich ilvaite-epidote-hydrogarnet endoskarns: a record of late-magmatic fluid influx into the persodic Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland. Journal of Petrology 49 (2), 239–265.
Schönenberger, J, Köhler, J. & Markl, G. (2008): REE systematics of fluorides, calcite and siderite in peralkaline plutonic rocks from the Gardar Province, South Greenland. Chemical Geology 247 (1–2), 16–37.
Baatartsogt, B., Schwinn, G., Wagner, T., Taubald, H. & Markl, G. (2007): Contrasting paleofluid systems in the continental basement: a fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of hydrothermal vein mineralizations, Schwarzwald district, Germany. Geofluids 7, 123–147.
Baatartsogt, B., Wagner, T., Taubald, H., Mierdel, K. & Markl, G. (2007): Hydrogen isotope determination of fluid inclusion water from hydrothermal fluorite: Constraining the effect of the extraction technique. Chemical Geology 244 (3–4), 474–482.
Halama, R., Joron, J. L., Villemant, B., Markl, G. & Treuil, M. (2007): Trace element constraints on mantle sources during mid-Proterozoic magmatism: evidence for a link between the Gardar (South Greenland) and Abitibi (Canadian Shield) mafic rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 44 (4), 459–478.
Krumrei, T., Kaliwoda, M., Pernicka, E. & Markl, G. (2007): Volatiles in a peralkaline system: Abiogenic hydrocarbons and F-Cl-Br systematics in the naujaite of the Ilímaussaq intrusion South Greenland. Lithos 95 (3–4), 298–314.
Krumrei, T., Villa, I. M., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2007): Response to the comment by A. K. Baksi on “A 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb isotopic study of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland: Implications for the 40K decay constant and duration of magmatic activity in a peralkaline complex”. Chemical Geology 244 (1–2), 347–349.
Marks, M. A. W., Rudnick, R. L., McCammon, C., Vennemann, T. & Markl, G. (2007): Arrested kinetic Li isotope fractionation at the margin of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland: Evidence for open-system processes during final cooling of peralkaline igneous rocks. Chemical Geology 246 (3–4), 207–230.
Müller-Lorch, D., Marks, M. A. W. & Markl, G. (2007): Na and K distribution in agpaitic pegmatites. Lithos 95 (3–4), 315–330.
Schmitt, A. K., Marks, M. A. W., Nesbor, H. D. & Markl, G. (2007): The onset and origin of differentiated Rhine Graben volcanism based on U-Pb ages and oxygen isotopic composition of zircon. European Journal of Mineralogy 19 (6), 849–858.
Staude, S., Wagner, T. & Markl, G. (2007): Mineralogy, mineral chemistry and fluid evolution of the hydrothermal Wenzel deposit, southern Germany: Implications for the formation of Kongsberg-type silver deposits. The Canadian Mineralogist 45 (5), 1147–1176.
Horn, I., von Blanckenburg, F., Schoenberg, R., Steinhoefel, G. & Markl, G. (2006): In situ iron isotope ratio determination using UV-femtosecond laser ablation with application to hydrothermal ore formation processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (14), 3677–3688.
Krumrei, T. V., Villa, I. M., Marks, M. & Markl, G. (2006): A 40Ar/39Ar and U/Pb isotopic study of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland: Implications for the 40K decay constant and for the duration of magmatic activity in a peralkaline complex. Chemical Geology 227 (3–4), 258–273.
Mann, U., Marks, M. & Markl, G. (2006): Influence of oxygen fugacity on mineral compositions in peralkaline melts: The Katzenbuckel volcano, Southwest Germany. Lithos 91 (1–4), 262–285.
Markl, G. (2006): Peralkaline rocks: A special issue dedicated to Henning Sorensen. Introduction. Lithos 91 (1–4), ix–xii.
Markl, G., Lahaye, Y. & Schwinn, G. (2006): Copper isotopes as monitors of redox processes in hydrothermal mineralization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (16), 4215–4228.
Markl, G., von Blanckenburg, F. & Wagner, T. (2006): Iron isotope fractionation during hydrothermal ore deposition and alteration. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (12), 3011–3030.
Schönenberger, J., Marks, M., Wagner, T. & Markl, G. (2006): Fluid-rock interaction in autoliths of agpaitic nepheline syenites in the Ilímaussaq intrusion, South Greenland. Lithos 91 (1–4), 331–351.
Schwinn, G., Wagner, T., Baatartsogt, B. & Markl, G. (2006): Quantification of mixing processes in hydrothermal systems by combination of stable isotope and fluid inclusion analyses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (4), 965–982.
Halama, R., Vennemann, T., Siebel, W. & Markl, G. (2005): The Grønnedal-Ika carbonatite-syenite complex, South Greenland: An origin involving liquid immiscibility. Journal of Petrology 46 (1), 191–217.
Markl, G. (2005): Mullite-corundum-spinel-cordierite-plagioclase xenoliths in the Skaergard Marginal Border Group: multi-stage interaction between metapelites and basaltic magma. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 149, 196–215.
Schwinn, G. & Markl, G. (2005): REE systematics of hydrothermal fluorite. Chemical Geology 216 (3–4), 225–248.
Halama, R., Marks, M., Brügmann, G., Siebel, W., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2004): Crustal contamination of mafic magmas: Evidence from a petrological, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Os-O isotopic study of the Proterozoic Isortoq dike swarm, South Greenland. Lithos 74 (3–4), 199–232.
Markl, G. & Henjes-Kunst, F. (2004): Magmatic Conditions of Formation and Autometasomatism of Post-Kinematic Charnockites in Central Dronning Maud Land, East
Antarctica: A Model of Magmatic Evolution. Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B: Regionale Geologie Ausland 96, 139–186.
Markl, G., Piazolo, S., Bauer, W., Krauß, U., Paech, H. & Mikhalsky, Z. (2004): Panafrican massif-type Anorthosites from Central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B: Regionale Geologie Ausland 96, 77–138.
Marks, M., Halama, R., Wenzel, T. & Markl, G. (2004): Trace element variations in clinopyroxene and amphibole from alkaline to peralkaline syenites and granites: Implications for mineral-melt trace-element partitioning. Chemical Geology 211 (3–4), 185–215.
Marks, M., Vennemann, T., Siebel, W. & Markl, G. (2004): Nd-, O-, and H-isotopic evidence for complex, closed-system evolution of the peralkaline Ilímaussaq Intrusion, South Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (16), 3379–3395.
Steltenpohl, M., Hames, W. E., Andresen, A. & Markl, G. (2004): A new Caledonian eclogite province in Norway and potential Laurentian (Taconic) and Baltic links. Geology 31 (11), 985–988.
Halama, R., Wenzel, T., Upton, B., Siebel, W. & Markl, G. (2003): A geochemical and Sr-Nd-O isotopic study of the Proterozoic Eriksfjord basalts, Gardar Province, South Greenland: Reconstruction of an OIB signature in crustally contaminated rift-related basalts. Mineralogical Magazine 67 (5), 831–854.
Markl, G. & Höhndorf, A. (2003): Isotopic constraints on the origin of AMCG-suite rocks on the Lofoten Islands, N Norway. Mineralogy and Petrology 78, 149–171.
Marks, M., Vennemann, T., Siebel, W. & Markl, G. (2003): Quantification of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in a peralkaline syenite-alkali granite complex based on textures, phase equilibria, and stable and radiogenic isotopes. Journal of Petrology 44 (7), 1247–1280.
Marks, M. & Markl, G. (2003): Ilímaussaq ‘en miniature’: closed-system fractionation in an agpaitic dike rock from the Gardar Province, South Greenland. Mineralogical Magazine 67 (5), 893–919.
Markl, G., Abart, R., Vennemann, T. & Sommer, H. (2003): Mid-crustal metasomatic reaction veins in a spinel peridotite. Journal of Petrology 44 (6), 1097–1120.
Plattner, U., Markl, G. & Sherlock, S. (2003): Chemical heterogeneities of Caledonian (?) pseudotachylites in the Eidsfjord Anorthosite, north Norway. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 145, 316–338.
Halama, R., Waight, T. & Markl, G. (2002): Geochemical and isotopic zoning patterns of plagioclase megacrysts in gabbroic dykes from the Gardar Province, South Greenland: Implications for crystallisation processes in anorthositic magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 144, 109–127.
Markl, G. & Baumgartner, L. (2002): pH changes in late-magmatic peralkaline fluids. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 144, 331–346.
Stähle, V., Koch, M., McCammon, C., Mann, U. & Markl, G. (2002): Occurrence of low-Ti and high-Ti freudenbergite in alkali syenite dikes from the Katzenbuckel volcano, Southwestern Germany. The Canadian Mineralogist 40 (6), 1609–1627.
Markl, G. (2001): Stability of Na–Be minerals in late-magmatic fluids of the Ilímaussaq alkaline complex, South Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 190, 145–158.
Markl, G. (2001): A new type of silicate liquid immiscibility in peralkaline nepheline syenites (lujavrites) of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 141, 458–472.
Markl, G. (2001): REE constraints on fractionation processes of massive-type anorthosites on the Lofoten Islands, Norway. Mineralogy and Petrology 72, 325–351.
Markl, G., Marks, M. & Wirth, R. (2001): The influence of T, aSiO2, and fO2 on exsolution textures in Fe-Mg olivine: an example from augite syenites of the Ilímaussaq Intrusion, South Greenland. American Mineralogist 86 (1–2), 36–46.
Markl, G., Marks, M., Schwinn, G. & Sommer, H. (2001): Phase equilibrium constraints on intensive crystallization parameters of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland. Journal of Petrology 42 (12), 2231–2258.
Marks, M. & Markl, G. (2001): Fractionation and assimilation processes in the alkaline augite syenite unit of the Ilímaussaq Intrusion, South Greenland, as deduced from phase equilibria. Journal of Petrology 42 (10), 1947–1969.
Markl, G., Bäuerle, J. & Grujic, D. (2000): Metamorphic evolution of Pan-African granulite facies metapelites from Southern Madagascar. Precambrian Research 102 (1–2), 47–68.
Markl, G. (1999): Wollastonite formation during variscan post-tectonic cooling in the Schwarzwald, Germany. Mineralogy and Petrology 66, 193–213.
Markl, G. & Frost, B. R. (1999): The Origin of Anorthosites and Related Rocks from the Lofoten Islands, Northern Norway: II. Calculation of Parental Liquid Compositions for Anorthosites. Journal of Petrology 40 (1), 61–77.
Markl, G. & Piazolo, S. (1999): Stability of high-Al titanite from low-pressure calcsilicates in light of fluid and host-rock composition. American Mineralogist 84 (1–2), 37–47.
Markl, G. & White, C. (1999): Complex zoning between super-calcic pigeonite and augite from the Graveyard Point sill, Oregon: a record of the interplay between bulk and interstitial liquid fractionation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 137, 170–183.
Piazolo, S. & Markl, G. (1999): Humite- and scapolite-bearing assemblages in marbles and calcsilicates of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: new data for Gondwana reconstructions. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 17 (1), 91–107.
Markl, G. (1998): The Eidsfjord anorthosite, Vesterålen, Norway: field observations and geochemical data. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse Bulletin 434, 53–75.
Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1998): Composition of fluids in the lower crust inferred from metamorphic salt in lower crustal rocks. Nature 391, 781–783.
Markl, G. & Piazolo, S. (1998): Halogen-bearing minerals in syenites and high-grade marbles of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: monitors of fluid compositional changes during late-magmatic fluid- rock interaction processes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 132, 246–268.
Markl, G., Ferry, J. & Bucher, K. (1998): Formation of saline brines and salt in the lower crust by hydration reactions in partially retrogressed granulites from the Lofoten Islands, Norway. American Journal of Science 298, 705–757.
Markl, G., Foster, C. T. & Bucher, K. (1998): Diffusion-controlled olivine corona textures in granitic rocks from Lofoten, Norway: Calculation of Onsager diffusion coefficients, thermodynamic modelling and petrologic implications. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 16 (5), 607–623.
Markl, G., Frost, B. R. & Bucher, K. (1998): The Origin of Anorthosites and Related Rocks from the Lofoten Islands, Northern Norway: I. Field Relations and Estimation of Intrinsic Variables. Journal of Petrology 39 (8), 1425–1452.
Musashi, M., Markl, G. & Kreulen, R. (1998): Stable chlorine-isotope analysis of rock samples: New aspects of chlorine extraction. Analytica Chimica Acta 362, 261–269.
Markl, G. (1997): Petrologie und Geochemie von Cassiterit-Greisen und Beryll-Pegmatiten im Leukogranit des Triberger Granitkomplexes, Schwarzwald. Jahreshefte des Geologischen Landesamtes Baden-Württemberg 36, 7–51.
Markl, G. (1997): Petrologische und geochemische Untersuchungen in mittel- und tiefkrustalen Gesteinen der Lofoten, Norwegen. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Freiburg, 234 p.
Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1997): Reduction of Cu2+ in mine waters by hydrolysis of ferrous sheet silicates. European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (6), 1227–1236.
Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1997): Proterozoic eclogites from the Lofoten Islands, N. Norway. Lithos 42 (1–2), 15–35.
Markl, G., Musashi, M. & Bucher, K. (1997): Chlorine stable isotope composition of granulites from Lofoten, Norway: Implications for the Cl isotopic composition and for the source of Cl enrichment in the lower crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 150 (1–2), 95–102.
Markl, G. & Schumacher, J. C. (1997): Beryl stability in local hydrothermal and chemical environments in a mineralized granite. American Mineralogist 82 (1–2), 195–203.
Markl, G. & Schumacher, J. C. (1996): Spatial variations in temperature and composition of greisen-forming fluids; an example from the Variscan Triberg Granite Complex, Germany. Economic Geology 91 (3), 576–589.
Markl, G. (1994): Chemische und thermische Gradienten spät-magmatischer Fluide bei der Bildung von Cassiterit-führenden Greisen: Beobachtungen an Mineralassoziationen im Triberger Granit-Komplex südlich von Hornberg, Schwarzwald, SW-Deutschland. Unpubl. M.Sc. thesis, Univ. Freiburg, 137 p.
Markl, G. & Otto, J. (1992): Über Silber-Antimon-Erze von der Grube Wenzel im Frohnbach bei Oberwolfach, mittlerer Schwarzwald. Jahreshefte des Geologischen Landesamtes Baden-Württemberg 34, 401–408.
Martin, M. & Markl, G. (1991): Die Grube Hilfe Gottes im Stammelbach bei Schiltach, Mittlerer Schwarzwald. Jahreshefte des Geologischen Landesamtes Baden-Württemberg 33, 287–295.
Halama, R., Markl, G. & Siebel, W. (2002): Isotopic constraints on gabbroic magma genesis in the Gardar rift province, South Greenland. European Journal of Mineralogy 14 (Beih. 1), 62.
Markl, G., Marks, M. & Schwinn, G. (2002): Agpaitic and hyper-agpaitic rocks from Ilímaussaq, South Greenland: what parameters govern their evolution? IMA Progr. Abstr. 18, 245.
Markl, G., Schwinn, G. & Vennemann, T. (2002): Stabile Isotopen-Untersuchungen in Erz- und Gangartmineralen aus hydrothermalen Erzgängen des Mittleren und Südlichen Schwarzwaldes. European Journal of Mineralogy 14 (Beih. 1), 106.
Marks, M., Markl, G. & Siebel, W. (2002): Crust-mantle interaction during the genesis of alkline to peralkaline intrusions: a Nd-isotopic comparison between two igneous complexes of the Gardar Province, South Greenland. European Journal of Mineralogy 14 (Beih. 1), 107.
Schwinn, G. & Markl, G. (2002): Vergleichende Untersuchungen an Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen und REE-Muster von Fluoriten aus hydrothermalen Erzgängen des Schwarzwaldes. European Journal of Mineralogy 14 (Beih. 1), 152.
Halama, R. & Markl, G. (2001): Anorthositic magma chamber tapped: The “Big Feldspar Dikes” at Isortoq, Gardar Province of South Greenland. J. Conf. Abstr. 6 (1), 579.
Halama, R. & Markl, G. (2001): Zoning patterns in plagioclase megacrysts from the Gardar Province, South Greenland: Implications for magma chamber processes in an anorthositic magma chamber. European Journal of Mineralogy 13 (Beih. 1), 71.
Markl, G. (2001): A new type of silicate liquid immiscibility in peralkaline nepheline syenites (lujavrites) of the Ilímaussaq Complex, South Greenland. J. Conf. Abstr. 6 (1), 580.
Marks, M. & Markl, G. (2001): Autometasomatism in a peralkaline intrusion. The Puklen Complex, South Greenland. J. Conf. Abstr. 6 (1), 580.
Marks, M., Markl, G. & Vennemann, T. (2001): Oxygen isotopic constraints on magmatic fluids in the alkaline to peralkaline Puklen Complex, South Greenland. European Journal of Mineralogy 13 (Beih. 1), 116.
Philipot, P. & Markl, G. (2001): Ubiquitous salt-rich brines in HP and UHP rocks. J. Conf. Abstr. 6 (1), 781.
Markl, G. & Baumgartner, L. (2000): Spätmagmatische Fluide der per-alkalischen Ilímaussaq-Intrusion, Südgrönland. European Journal of Mineralogy 12 (Beih. 1), 119.
Markl, G., Marks, M., Schwinn, G. & Sommer, H. (2000): Die T-aSiO2-fO2-Entwicklung von peralkalischen Schmelzen der Ilímaussaq-Intrusion, Südgrönland. European Journal of Mineralogy 12 (Beih. 1), 120.
Sommer, H., Vennemann, T. & Markl, G. (2000): Reaktionszonen um Pegmatitadern in Spinell-Lherzoliten, Dronning Maud Land, Antarktis. European Journal of Mineralogy 12 (Beih. 1), 203.
Markl, G., Marks, M. & Wirth, R. (1999): Ca-rich exsolutions from fayalitic olivine: a type example from augite syenites of the Ilímaussaq Intrusion, South Greenland. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Meeting Abstr. Progr.
Markl, G. & Marks, M. (1999): Clinopyroxene exsolutions from fayalitic olivine in augite syenites of the Ilímaussaq Intrusion, South Greenland. European Journal of Mineralogy 11 (Beih. 1), 155.
Markl, G. & White, C. (1999): Separation of bulk and interstitial liquid fractionation recorded by pigeonite-augite intergrowths in the Graveyard Point sill, Oregon. Terra Abstracts 11, 778.
Marks, M. & Markl, G. (1999): Crystallization Conditions of the Augite Syenite, Ilímaussaq Intrusion, Greenland. Terra Abstracts 11, 782.
Piazolo, S. & Markl, G. (1999): Humite- and Scapolite-bearing assemblages in marbles and calcsilicates: their use in deciphering the P-T-fluid evolution of a high grade terrain. European Journal of Mineralogy 11 (Beih. 1), 177.
Schwinn, G. & Markl, G. (1999): Geochemical behaviour of F and Cl during crystallization of the nepheline-syenitic units of the Ilímaussaq Intrusion, Greenland. Terra Abstracts 11, 782.
Sommer, H. & Markl, G. (1999): Lujavrites from the Ilímaussaq Intrusive Complex in South Greenland: crystallization conditions and composition of the late-magmatic fluid phase. Terra Abstracts 11, 782.
Markl, G. & Frost, B. R. (1998): The evolution of anorthosite parental and residual liquids on the Lofoten Islands, Northern Norway: from tholeiites via ferrodiorites to charnockites. European Journal of Mineralogy 10 (Beih. 1), 188.
Markl, G. & Piazolo, S. (1998): Halogen-bearing minerals in syenites and high-grade marbles of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: monitors of fluid compositional changes during late-magmatic fluid- rock interaction: Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Meeting Abstr. Progr. 30, 436.
Henjes-Kunst, F. & Markl, G. (1998): Charnockitic intrusives and related lamprophyres in central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica: evidence for long-lasting igneous activities in late-Pan-African times. Journal of African Earth Sciences 27 (1A), 110–111.
Markl, G., Ferry, J. & Bucher, K. (1997): Metamorphic salt in lower crustal granulites from Lofoten, Norway: Evidence for a desiccation mechanism. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Meeting Abstr. Progr., 337.
Markl, G., Foster, C. T. & Bucher, K. (1997): Modelling of diffusion-controlled corona textures in granulites: closed system behaviour at the hand sample scale and derivation of Onsager diffusion coefficients. European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (Beih. 1), 238.
Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1996): Saline brines in the Lower Crust of Lofoten, Norway – Evidence from Cl-rich Hydrosilicates. Geol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Meeting Abstr. Progr., 321.
Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1995): Petrology and Geochemistry of Anorthositic/Gabbroic and Mangeritic/Charnockitic Intrusives from the Lofoten Area, North Norway. European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (Beih. 1), 163.
Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1995): Cl-bearing Hydrosilicates in Granulite-Facies Rocks from Lofoten, Norway. European Journal of Mineralogy 7 (Beih. 1), 162.
Dunai, T. J., Hilton, D. R., Touret, J. L. R. & Markl, G. (1995): Granulite Formation and Mantle CO2 – Evidence from the Lofoten and Vesterålen Islands, Norway. AGU Fall meeting, Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 76 (46 suppl.), 678.
Wamsler, A., Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1995): Eclogites and Granulites on Flakstadœy, Lofoten, Northern Norway. Terra abstracts 7, 317.
Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1994): Wollastonite-bearing calcsilicate veins in gneisses from the Artenberg quarry, Schwarzwald, Germany. Terra abstracts 7, 314.
Markl, G. & Bucher, K. (1994): Reduction of Cu2+ in waters of an abandoned mine by hydrolysis of ferrous sheet silicates, and the related formation of native copper and cuprite – a mechanism of supergene copper enrichment. European Journal of Mineralogy 6 (Beih. 1), 171.
Markl, G. & Schumacher, J. (1994): Chemical and thermal gradients in late magmatic fluids: cassiterite-bearing greisen assemblages and beryl-bearing pegmatites near Hornberg, Schwarzwald, SW Germany. European Journal of Mineralogy 6 (Beih. 1), 172.
Science promotion
Markl, G. (2002): Wen fragt man eigentlich, wenn es um die Erde geht? Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16. April 2002
Markl, G. (2002): Geowissenschaften im Geographie-Unterricht – ein Plädoyer. Geographie heute 23, Mai 2002, 20–23.
Markl, G. (2002): Warum...? – Kinder hören Professoren gebannt zu. Klett Themendienst Schule/Wissen/Bildung 15, Oktober 2002, 21–24.
Markl, G. (2002): Experten für die Erde. Bildung Umwelt, März 2002, 7–10.
Markl, G. (2002): Internationaler Vergleich als Motor der Reformen – Wohin entwickelt sich die Universität? Attempto, April 2002, 10–11.
Popular scientific articles
Markl, G. (2001): Die Geologie der Vererzungen von Laurion, Griechenland. LAPIS 24, 20–24.
Markl, G. (1999): Die Farben von Mineralien und ihr Nutzen. Der Aufschluß 50, 337–341.
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