Neural Information Processing

News Archive


Lukas Huber got V-VSS Travel Award 2021

It is an "Elsevier/Vision Research Travel Award" for the (virtual) VSS 2021

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We have a new Bachelor Student: Nils-Ole Breuer

He will be doing his BSc thesis under the supervision of Kristof Meding and Felix Wichmann.

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Lukas Huber: New abstract accepted as a talk at virtual VSS from 21.05.-26.05.2021

Title: "The developmental trajectory of object recognition robustness: comparing children, adults,…

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We have a new Bachelor Student: Tizian Thieringer

He will be doing his BSc thesis under the supervision of Robert Geirhos and Felix Wichmann.

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New conference paper published at ICLR 2021

"Titel: Exemplary Natural Images Explain CNN Activations Better than State-of-the-Art Feature…

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New article published in the Journal "Computer und Recht"

Title: "Künstliche Intelligenz und Datenschutz im Human Resource Management: Technisch…

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New article published by Nature Machine Intelligence

"Shortcut learning in deep neural networks" by Robert Geirhos, Jörn-Henrik Jacobsen, Claudio…

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New article has been selected as an "Oral" to NeurIPS SVRHM workshop

Title: "On the surprising similarities between supervised and self-supervised models" by Robert…

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