Pharmaceutical Biology

Assoc. Prof. Samina Mehnaz, PhD

Guest Professor from 2010-2012
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan*
(generously supported by a 2 year Georg-Forster Fellowship of the A. v. Humboldt-Foundation)

See report in Humboldt kosmos 98/2011, p. 10-11

*Currently Full Professor at the Forman Christian College – A chartered University, Department of Biological Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan and Alexander von Humboldt Ambassador Scientist for Pakistan


Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Saleem, PhD

Guest Professor in 2011 and 2015
Department of Chemistry, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan*
(generously supported each time by a 3-month Fellowship of the A. v. Humboldt-Foundation)

* advanced in 2017 to the rank of a Full Professor at the same institution


Evelise Bach

B.Sc. Biology & M.Sc. Environmental and Agricultural Microbiology

Guest Ph.D. student from 9/2015 - 01/2016
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil*
(generously supported by a 5 month DAAD Short-Term-Research Fellowship)

* became in 09/2023 Adjunct Professor at her Alma Mater at the Biophysics Department, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil

Assoc. Prof. Naheed Riaz, PhD

Guest Professor in 2016, 2019 and 2023
Department of Chemistry, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan*
(generously supported each time by a 3-month Fellowship of the A. v. Humboldt-Foundation)

* advanced in 2019 to the rank of a Full Professor at the same institution


Full Prof. Hari Datta Bhattarai, PhD

Guest Professor from 08/2018 – 11/2018

Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

(generously supported by a 3-month Fellowship of the A. v. Humboldt-Foundation)

Mahreen Mukhtar

B.Sc. Chemistry/Botany/Zoology, M.Phil. & M.Sc. Organic Chemistry

Guest Ph.D. student from 5/2018 - 10/2018

The Islamia University Bahawalpur, Department of Chemistry, Bahawalpur, Pakistan

(generously supported by a 6 month Fellowship of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan)

Babita Paudel-Bhattarai, PhD

Guest Scientist from 05/2019 - 10/2019

Center for Natural and Applied Sciences (CENAS), Kathmandu, Nepal

(generously supported by a 6-month Fellowship of the A. v. Humboldt-Foundation)

Dr. Paudel-Bhattarai received in 2022 the prestigious ´Humboldt Alumni Award´
and was appointed in 2023 as an Alexander von Humboldt Ambassador Scientist for Nepal

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nesrine M. Hegazi

Guest Professor from 06/2021 – 09-2021
Department of Phytochemistry and Plant Systematics, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

(generously supported by a 3-month fellowship within the frame of the Post-doctoral Program of the Scientific Egyptian Missions call 2019-2020, initiated by the Egyptian Government)


Aniqa Nawaz

F.Sc. Premedical, BS (Hons), M.Phil. (Botany)
Guest Ph.D. student from 6/2021 - 11/2021
Microbial Physiology Lab, Soil and Environmental Biotechnology Division, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Constituent College of Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan.

(generously supported by a 6 month Fellowship of the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan)


Asst. Prof. Dr. inż. Marcin Wolański

Guest Professor in 7/2022 and 9/2022
Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Wrocław,, Wrocław, Poland
(generously supported by a 2-month academic staff exchange fellowship within the frame of the Initiative of Excellence - Research University (IDUB) program of the University of Wrocław)


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