Institute for Theoretical Physics


Conference Proceedings

  1. Heisenberg-limited Metrology without Entanglement, Braun, Daniel; Martin, John. Proceedings of the Optical Society of America conference "Quantum Information and Measurement" (QIM) 2012 paper: QW4A.3.
  2. Ultimate Sensitivity in Precision Optical Measurements using Intense Gaussian Quantum Light: A Multi-Modal Approach, Fabre, Claude; Pinel, Olivier; Jian, Pu; Treps, Nicolas; Fade, Julien; Braun, Daniel. Proceedings of the Optical Society of America conference "Quantum Information and Measurement" (QIM) 2012 paper: QT1B.1
  3. A 0.18 μm logic-based MRAM technology for high performance nonvolatile memory applications, A.R.Sitaram, D.W.Abraham, C.Alof, D.Braun, S.Brown, G.Costrini, F.Findeis, M.Gaidis, E.Galligan, W.Glashauser, A.Gupta, H.Hoenigschmid, J.Hummel, S.Kanakasabapathy, I.Kasko, W.Kim, U.Klostermann, G.Y.Lee, R.Leuschner, K-S.Low, Yu Lu, J.N&uumltzel, E.O'Sullivan, C.Park, W.Raberg, R.Robertazzi, C.Sarma, J.Schmid, P.L.Trouilloud, D.Worledge, G.Wright, W.J.Gallagher, and G.Müller; Semiconductor Fabtech 19, 103 (2003).
  4. A High-Speed 128Kbit MRAM Core for Future Universal Memory Applications, A.Bette, J.DeBrosse, D.Gogl, H.Hoenigschmid, R.Robertazzi; C.Arndt, D.Braun, D.Casarotto, R.Havreluk, S.Lammers , W.Obermaier,W.Reohr, H.Viehmann, W.J.Gallagher, and G.Müller; VLSI Circuit Symposium in Kyoto (2003). (Voted among the top-10 papers of the conference).
  5. The Spectral Correlation Function at the Anderson Metal-Insulator-Transition, D.Braun and G.Montambaux, proceedings of the XXXIst rencontre de Moriond ``Correlated Fermions and Transport in Mesocopic Systems'', ed.T.Martin, G.Montambaux, and J.TrânThanh Vân, Editions Frontières, Gif sur Yvette, 1996.
  6. Motion of Energy Levels in Diffusive Electronic Systems, D.Braun, G.Montambaux, and A.Kamenev, proceedings of the XXIXth rencontre de Moriond ``Coulomb and Interference Effects in Small Electronic Structures'', ed.D.C.Glattli, M.Sanquer, J.Trân Thanh Vân, Editions Frontiès, Gif sur Yvette, 1994.


  1. Untersuchung der Dynamik von Rotationstunnelsystemen (English title: Investigation of the Dynamics of Rotational Tunneling Systems), D.Braun, diploma thesis, Universität Stuttgart, (1992).
  2. Propriétés Spectrales des Conducteurs Mésoscopiques Désordonnés (English title: Spectral Properties of Disordered Mesoscopic Conductors), Ph.D.thesis, Université Paris Sud (Orsay), 1995.
  3. Dissipative Quantum Chaos and Decoherence (habilitation thesis, University Essen), 1999.

Unpublished work

  1. Functional testing of MRAM arrays, D.Braun, Infineon Technical Report, (2003).
  2. Yield analysis for MRAM arrays, D.Braun, Infineon Technical Report, R-521-0301-PT (2001).