Physikalisches Institut

Quantum Many-Body Physics


We are working on the experimental study of synthetic quantum many-body systems. These are based on neutral atoms, which we cool near absolute zero temperature using laser cooling.  Next we make the ultracold atoms interact with each other, either via Rydberg excitation, or via controlled contact interactions in ultracold fermi gases. Adding the control of the atomic motion by laser fields, we are building fully controlled designer quantum systems in our lab. We cannot only observe the individual atoms in those systems one-by-one, but also control them on the same level.


Rydberg Many-Body Physics

Model systems for quantum magnets can be experimentally realized by Rydberg induced interactions between individual atoms in optical microtraps or optical lattices. In our experiment we use potassium atoms to realize such a system, which is compatible with both microtraps and lattices.

Ultracold Fermions

In particular strongly correlated many-body systems pose severe challenges to theory. Those typically emerge at very low temperatures. In our lab we are working towards a new quantum simulator to realize such systems at temperatures far below the fermi-temperature.

Atomic Quantum Computing

Neutral Rydberg atoms in optical tweezers form a promising new platform for future quantum computers. We are working at a cryogenic version of such a system. This does not only enable scaling of the qubit number, but also eliminates collective decoherence processes.

Our experimental approach realizes a so called quantum simulator. A quantum simulator is one way towards quantum technologies. A series of articles (in German) in the publication "Physikkonkret" provides a short intro to quantum simulation, quantum sensors, quantum communication and quantum computing.

We are greatful for support by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach foundation through the "Alfried Krupp-Förderpreis für junge Hochschullehrer" 2019.


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