Physikalisches Institut

Quantum Many-Body Physics

Ultracold Fermions

Strongly correlated fermionic quantum systems are relevant in various areas of science, reaching from particle physics via solid state physics to quantum chemistry. The theoretical description of non-equilibrium problems, as well as the description of strongly correlated fermionic quantum matter at the very low temperatures are among the most challenging problems. These quantum many-body problems remain largely unresolved until today.

With ultracold atoms we can build perfectly controlled synthetic fermion matter in lab. The control and the observation capabilities nowadays even reach the level of individual atoms - the fundamental building block of the artificial matter. By precise measurements of the properties of these systems we obtain a deeper understanding for the physics of complex many-body systems and we can link to similar questions in other areas of physics.

One of the central experimental challenges is to prepare this quantum matter with minimal disorder and entropy. The entropy is linked to the temperature and in our experiment we specifically aim to push the limit of accessible temperatures significantly down. Our aim is to explore systems, which are dominated by collective behaviour.

This project is supported by

  • the German Ministry of Education and Research within the quantum technologies initiative. We are partner in the project "FermiQP", which aims at the realization of a hybride analog-digital quantum processor.

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