Orient- und Islamwissenschaft

Dr. Blanca Villuendas

List of publications:


  • Geomancy in the Judaeo-Arabic Manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah (in Spanish), Oriens Academic – CNERU – CSIC, Córdoba, 2015. ISBN: 978-84-606-6056-9. 
  • Onirocrítica islámica, judía y cristiana en la Gueniza de El Cairo: edición y estudio de los manuales judeo-árabes de interpretación de sueños. CSIC, Madrid (expected February 2020).

Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters: 

  • “Reading Islamic Dream Books in the Cairo Genizah”, IHIW, volume 8, issue I. ISNN: 2212-9421.
  • “Dream Interpretation Reinterpreted in the Light of Judaeo-Arabic Fragments Attributed to Hai Gaon”, in Josefina Rodriguez Arribas eds. Divinatory practices among Jews, Brill (in review, expected 2019).
  • “Arabic Geomancy in Jewish hands: Specimens from the Cairo Genizah” in A. Palazzo, I. Zavattero (eds.), Geomancy and Other Forms of Divination, «Micrologus’ Library» 85, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2017. ISNN: 2465-3276

Encyclopedia entries:

  • “Dream interpretation”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, third edition, Brill, Leiden (in review).
  • “Ibn Sīrīn, Abū Bakr Muḥammad”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, third edition, Brill, Leiden (in review).
  • “Ibn Ghannām, Abū Ṭāhir”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, third edition, Brill, Leiden (in review).
  • 40 bio-bibliographical articles of Andalusi and North African authors, published as entries for the Encyclopaedia Biblioteca de al-Andalus, ed. J. Lirola Delgado & J. M. Puerta Vílchez (vol. 1-3), 7 volumes and Appendix. Fundación Ibn Tufayl de Estudios Árabes, 2004-2012, Almería. 

Other publications:

  • Written report of the international conference “The Power of connections: Interpersonal Networks and Agency in the Ottoman Empire and Ottoman Europe” (in collaboration with Ayşegül Argıt), published in ZITh Newsletter Ausgabe 2/2017.
  • Written report of the international conference “Theological Anthropology in Interreligious Perspective” (in collaboration with Serkan Ince), published in ZITh Newsletter Ausgabe 1/2018.
  • Contribution to Genizah Fragments newsletter: ‘What does the future hold?’, Volume 68, October 2014, p. 3, Genizah Research Unit, Cambridge University Library.
  • Analytical index of the Encyclopaedia Biblioteca de al-Andalus, Vol. 6: “De Ibn al-¤abbāb a Nub²at al-þA½r”. Ed. J. Lirola Delgado, 2009, Almería, 672 pages.

Paper Presentations

  • ‘Shīʿī Sources on Dream Interpretation’, Tübingen Hadith Studies Workshop 2019: “Intersecting Perspectives on Texts, Methods and Interpretation in Hadith Studies”. Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh), Universität Tübingen (13-14 December 2019).
  • ‘Nābulusī’s views on seeing the prophet Muḥammad in dreams’, Reading weekend: Old Texts, New Readings: Exegesis and Creativity in Early Modern Islamic Theology, Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh), Universität Tübingen (30-31 August 2019), in collaboration with the Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG) of the Goethe University of Frankfurt.
  • ‘ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī the Hanafi: establishing the limits of the dream experience’, Senior Research Seminar, Zentrum für Islamische Theologie (ZITh), Universität Tübingen (25 October 2018).
  •  ‘Dreams as a source of knowledge in ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī’, 5th Cambridge-Tübingen Workshop, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (September 20-21, 2018).
  • ‘The Pseudo-Hai Gaon’s Pitron Ḥalomot and Its Judeo-Arabic Version’, XIth Congress of the EAJS, Krakow, Poland (July, 15-19).
  • ‘Dream interpretation’, Senior Research Seminar, ZITh, Universität Tübingen (June 1, 2017).
  • ‘The Transcultural Language of Dreams: the Oneirocritic Production in the Cairo Geniza’, Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, 5th Biennal Conference «Emotions, imaginations and communities in the Medieval Mediterranean», Ghent, Belgium (July 10-12, 2017). 
  • ‘Judaeo Arabic dream books from the Cairo Genizah’, Conference: “The Arabic Literary genizot beyond denominational borders”, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ (April 20-21, 2017).
  •  ‘The Dilemmas of an Editorial Project: Ibn al-Maḥfūf’s Book on the Triplets in Geomancy’, International Conference: Islamic Occultism in Theory and Practice, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford (January 6–8, 2017).
  • ‘Gems of Arabic Dream Interpretation in the Cairo Genizah’, Research Methods and Presentation seminar at the Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Studies, University of London (May 23, 2016).
  • ‘Arabic Geomancy in Jewish Hands: Mediaeval Manuscripts from the Cairo Genizah’, Conference Geomancy and Other Forms of Divination: Foreseeing Events and Dominating Nature: Models of Operative Rationality and the Circulation of Knowledge in the Arab, Hebrew and Latin Middle Ages. Università Degli Studi di Trento (June 11-12, 2015).
  • ‘Ibn Sīrīn in the Judaeo-Arabic Dream Manuals from the Cairo Genizah’, Workshop in Jewsih Divination. Convenor: Dr. Josefina Rodríguez Arribas, IKGF (Friedrich-Alexander Universität), Erlangen (March 17-18, 2015).
  • ‘Geomancy in the Cairo Genizah: The beginnings of an enduring tradition’, Xth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Paris (July 20-24, 2014).
  • ‘Manuales judeo-árabes de interpretación de sueños en época medieval’, I Jornadas de investigación en ciencias de las religiones, Complutense University of Madrid (May 20-21, 2014).
  • ‘Les ciències endevinatòries en l’estudi de la transmissió cultural a l’Edat Mitjana: la recepción jueva de la geomància àrab’, Seminari d’Estudis Doctorals, Institució Milà I Fontanals, Barcelona (April 22, 2014).
  • ‘The Judeo-Arabic Works in Geomancy during the Middle Ages’ 7th International Conference on Popular Culture in the Middle East and North Africa, Al-Akhawayn University, Ifrane (April 11-13, 2014).
  • ‘La geomancía judía medieval en tradición judeo-árabe’, XI Symposium of the AEEHJ (Spanish Association of Hebrew and Jewish Studies), Madrid (June 6-7, 2013).
  • ‘Geomancy from the Cairo Genizah’, Seminar series coordinated by Prof. Gideon Bohak at Tel Aviv University (January 16, 2013).
  • ‘El judeo-árabe andalusí: estudio dialectológico a través de la producción científica, documental y literaria de los judíos de al-Andalus’, International Conference “XVème Rencontres Diwân”, CCHS, CSIC, Madrid (June 4-6, 2012).

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