The Brechtbau Library - Modern Languages, Media Studies, Rhetoric

Special opening hours during examination period & "summer break"

See details here.

The library is closed on 3 October (public holiday)

Siempre imaginé que el Paraíso sería algún tipo de biblioteca. / I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.

Jorge Luis Borges

Maybe we can't offer paradise, but hopefully we can offer all users pleasant stays at our library and interesting information services - welcome to the BBB website!




New working areas / furniture

More flexible and varied workstations in 3 areas

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New ScanTent

Scan books, journals and more with your smartphone

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Differing opening hours 23 Dec - 7 Jan

Students can borrow books from 21 / 22 Dec 2023 to 7 Jan 2024 included

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